Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Episode 25.6

So hopefully I'm able to continue posting the blog updates to the three known people who read this blog of mine. Or, at least I think that many people read this blog. I just hope that the two tribes are doing good. One wonders if the dissolve would have happened given other circumstances that could have happened in the game. I'm hoping the best for Malcolm and Denise considering how they outlasted the rest of the Matsing tribe. I suspect that a merge will happen when it normally does and the two tribes might have to live in the old Matsing tribe camp. I am still hoping that Michael wins the game, even if he isn't that great a player this time around. Abby does seem to be very weak in the game and I don't think that she will do that well. Jeff Probst says that something unprecedented will happen in the game. I don't think that any Survivor firsts have yet happened in the game, but they might. There always seems to be a first every season in the game of Survivor. If someone knows a Survivor first that has already happened that I haven't realized has happened, don't be afraid to tell me. At least that way I'd know someone cares about this blog. I am rooting for either Malcolm or Denise if they can win. They are probably already fan favorites. Poor Matsing probably didn't mean to suck that much and I don't know if there is a new bad tribe in the game now. We have yet to see the yellow tribe, for instance, go to tribal council and they probably will. But I don't know just how soon it will be. In the meantime, I wonder if any former contestant or current contestant or even future contestant is reading this blog. I don't think that I'd want to play the game. I'm taking prescription medication so they probably wouldn't let me. And as much as I like the idea of being on TV, I'd probably quit on the first day. If I didn't, I'd probably be voted out first or the first time my tribe goes to tribal council. And even if I did make it further than that, I'd probably get medically evacuated for some reason. But I'd probably be a great player if I have no faith in myself. Or, at least I wouldn't be an asshole like many of the more recognizable contestants from seasons past. I am a big enough fan to know that the 26 season of Survivor has already been filmed and is going through an extensive editing process as I'm typing this. I'm also a big enough fan to realize that the cameramen on the show never got footage of Michael actually falling into the fire or they probably would have shown it during Survivor: Australia. But that's just my opinion. We could all tell that it happened the first time even without the footage that may or may not have existed. Also, if you follow me on (my account is @IamAdamDecker), you may have noticed a strange hashtag like #cbscurse. What I'm referring to is covered in another blog of mine. The point is that CBS is too popular for its own good. And if you were a fan of Made in Jersey, you may realize that it would have succeeded if it were on virtually any other network, whether it is network television or not. If you have not seen my TV blog, I would post the link here if I had it. But I'm sure you can find it by google or some other way. But enough of my ramblings, I need to talk about Survivor.

Before the recap finishes airing, I should warn you that any account on twitter from a former contestant could be fake. People thought that Michael Skupin was posting twitter updates while he was busy filming this season. So unless his account was hacked, it was a different Michael Skupin, or someone who he lets use his account was on the site, then the account isn't real. But it might be. There was a bit of small talk going on between the two members of the tribe that just returned from tribal council. When it came back from the break, the yellow tribe talks about how Michael is a useless player as a returnee. And he does have the least experience of any returning Survivor contestant with the sole exception of Russell Swan who was already voted out. Remember that when I post updates on twitter, they are not live updates like this blog, sort of is. The reward challenge seemed to be a big physical challenge. I missed what the reward is so I don't know. There may be sexual harassment claims after this episode. But I don't think that a repeat of the All Stars incident will happen where a contestant suddenly quit the game after it might have happened. There is a secret deal going on at the challenge. This deal between two returning players will cause big tension between the tribe mates. But I don't know how big this will be. The challenge isn't going as scheduled. There is a complete standstill and nothing is happening. Once again I appreciate the editing that goes into this show. Kalbow, the red tribe agreed to give up their rice in order to win the challenge by default instead of continuing the challenge as planned. This must be the unprecedented event that was referenced in the promo. I'm glad that they didn't spoil the surprise in the promo. Survivor never really doesn't need that kind of publicity. The next segment of the show had the reward given to the Kalbow tribe and they got letters from home. Since I've never been on Survivor, I've never understood why people find this segment so sentimental. The Tandang tribe is now the stupider and weaker tribe in the game and whether they win the immunity challenge or not may have to do with the deal they made. This is probably a Survivor first. There has never been a tribe forfeiting a challenge before. But if there is no Survivor rule against it, than the contestants can do whatever they want. Remember last season when a tribe gave up the immunity idol to the other tribe? This kind of event proves just how stupid people are. I might have forfeited the challenge as well. I am supposed to be eating supper, but I can't bring my laptop to the kitchen while I'm cooking my food. So if this blog becomes scattered, then it isn't my fault. I have to eat at some point. But I didn't attend class today like I was supposed to because I haven't been able to sleep like I should. Maybe I have undiagnosed GAD.

In the next segment of the show, the Kalbow tribe was bummed out about the fact that they gave up all their rice. Also, I am a pretty asocial person so consider yourself lucky if you are reading this blog. You are getting more out of me than I am. Also, if you found this blog through a google search, my evil plan worked. Blogger is a google service and that is why I set up my account that way. I use my real name a lot on the web so I become google worthy. That way, I have more recognition on the web. Soon I will have name recognition and won't be confused with the attorney at law or the person from who is not me. The immunity challenge was much better than the reward which was more of a nonchallenge (if such a term exists). I don't know who will win the challenge. Malcolm helps Tanding win immunity. He is a good player now that he has a new tribe. Poor Kalabaw has become the next Matsing. Hopefully, they will last longer in future episodes. The red tribe is very weak now.

In the next segment of the show, Kalabow was probably bummed out about leaving the reward challenge and giving up their food. Since Jonathan was responsible for the idea, he is probably going to leave the game. (But he has a hidden immunity idol and would use it if he got wind of this plan.) I for one am hoping that he doesn't get wind of the plan and use the idol. There could always be a classic splitting of the vote that tends to happen in these situations. But I for one do not know what will happen. The tribal council session will reveal more of the problems in the tribe if people are stupid enough to say them and it is important enough to get aired. Jonathan talked about blindslides and how it may or may not be him. He may wind up a man without a tribe if he survives the tribal council. I'd hate to see what happens if he stays in the game past this tribal council. But it would make great television. I am glad that Penner didn't play the idol. He must have had no clue that he would still need it in the future. He was not voted out. Katie was instead. That makes absolutely no sense to the casual viewer. It really doesn't. Why did they vote out Katie? This will cause a lot of tension, if the promo predicts it.

Well, my mother has returned home and will be mad at me for not eating supper. But she is absolutely right. I should have eaten it by now. Lisa is finally identified as a star (I think) and there is some sort of twist that changes the game. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Episode 25.5

What will happen in this episode? I seriously hope that nobody gets medically evacuated again and it would be especially ironic if Jonathan is that person. I hope that I remember to publish this post because the one before isn't on yet. I predict, however, that if someone is leaving the game, it would be Jeff Kent who had injured his knee previously and has conveniently not been mentioned as much in the episodes lately. I hope that there is some twist involving the blue tribe where the two remaining members pull out a buff and join a new tribe. They would have to separate, but who cares? That's probably the best way to do it at this point in time. My sister has pointed out that it would be fairer if all the tribes were reshuffled entirely, but I don't think that will happen. She also pointed out that Russell forgot to give anyone the hidden immunity idol clue to help the two surviving member find hidden immunity idol on their camp. But they probably will soon. I also hope that I have the capability to continue posting these blog posts and remember too as well. And if you know me in real life, don't be afraid to talk to me about this sometimes. I seriously hope that someone I know is reading this or even people I don't know. I don't want this to be posted for no good reason. Also, I should be doing other and better things with my life anyways. If someone besides me were reading this, than at least I'd know that this isn't all for naught. Besides, there have to be Survivor producers who are interested in the blogs of the fans. I'd be a producer too, but I think, that if I ever accepted a role on Survivor that wasn't a contestant, then I wouldn't be allowed to become a contestant on a future season. But I wouldn't mind being a creative consultant. I could come up with a lot of good ways of doing the show. But, of course, I wouldn't know how to do it. And I'd probably mess up and cause troubles and lead people to think that Survivor is really scripted, which it cannot legally be. Now as I was saying, Matsing is the first tribe of two since Ullong and any and every season featuring a final two. Also, hopefully I'll be able to publish this blog post sometime in the near future or my ramblings can't be shared with anyone and are all for naught. I hope that I don't double post or forget to post an update to this blog of mine. But enough of my ramblings. I wonder if the two remaining Matsing members will become fan favorites and return for a future season by starting the game competing on separate tribes, like in Survivor: Guatemala with Stephanie and Bobby Jon. That might be unlikely, but who knows?

Today is October 17, 2012 and the recap just finished airing. Back at Matsing, Malcolm and Denise returned to their tribe and were very bummed out about what might be happening in the future.

In the next segment, the Matsing tribe probably wanted to find the idol, but they were bummed out about the rain. Finally, a reward challenge was being held. They finally found the idol with no clue as to where it would be held. But who would keep it? Matsing is decimated and the two of them are split up. Denise went to the red of Kalbow tribe and Malcomn went to the yellow or Tandang tribe. The first reward challenge that wasn't a combined immunity challenge happened in the game. The reward challenge had the tribes fighting idols out of each other's hands. Tandang won the reward of food for the challenge. Hopefully neither of the remaining Matsing members get voted off today, but even Stephenie was able to outlast two members of Koror once she was absorbed into it. There will probably not be any special immunity offered, so hopefully they will continue to do well in the game.

In the next segment, Malcolm felt good in his new tribe. He has the idol so he might have to use it. RC is bummed out about the new member of her tribe. Malcolm formed an alliance with Pete. They both have idols. Meanwhile, when the Kalbow tribe came back, Denise wanted to and hoped that she would fit in. Talks of an all female alliance were happening with at least one of the members. Dana was sick and might be the member who gets medically evacuated if someone does. Eventually the medical team had to be called into help with the situation. Hopefully Dana will last in the game, but she might not. She can continue into the game if she wants it to. Of course, the show cuts to commercial before we find out if she can continue or not.

In the next segment of the show, Dana decided to be taken out of the game. This makes her the second woman and eleventh player to be medically evacuated from the game of the Survivor. So a season featuring returning contestants that were medically evacuated from the game would have a player leave the game this way. It is sad and sort of ironic. Also, off topic, why are Christmas commercials airing? Guess I'll have to start counting the commercials that happen before Christmas like I do every year. Also, my sister and I are now engaging in a blogging war. Dana never got a torch in the game. The now two tribes were now competing in an immunity challenge. The losing streak of Tanding would cause for the first time one of the two overconfident tribes to attend their first tribal council. With Tandang at a member advantage due to the member removed. Tanding won a very close immunity challenge so Malcolm is safe on his new tribe. Tanding has never lost a challenge (although they have come in second). The poor Kalbow tribe would lose two members in this episode. Hopefully it isn't Denise, the odd one out. That would be the obvious choice, but I don't expect any obvious events to happen in this season. I mean, they haven't really yet.

In the next segment of the show, the red tribe returned from the challenge preparing for tribal council. Katie might be the person voted out for her poor performance in the challenge. Will Denise cheat death? Denise made a split second decision to join an alliance of three that needed her. It would be very funny if Denise turns out to be the swing vote. Who will fall victim to their first tribal council? Denise might not actually be the person voted out of the game. The only person with an idol on this tribe is Jonathan, so he is the only safe person. Dawson is a very strange individual who just might get voted out because strange players never seem to make it that long in the game. It is between Katie and Dawson. Who will be voted out? The tribal council didn't have much information revealed in the game. Poor Dawson is too dumb and pretty much buried her own grave in the game. I'm sorry Dawson if you are reading this. But she was voted out in a blindside. Hopefully the two women of Kalbow are doing better in the game in the future.

What will happen next time? They did a bad promo so we'll find out what happens then. All I know is that it will be interesting. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Episode 25.4

I predict that this will be the last episode with three tribes and the next episode will see them dissolved into two tribes. This is around the point the tribal dissolve happened in Survivor All Stars so it might happen now this season. How could it last longer in the game anyways? Also, in case you are wondering why it takes so long to update my blog, I don't always have that much free time to publish these blog posts. My online life must be very confusing. I have five different email addresses. So I hope that this will be a good blog post in the end and hopefully you will see it very soon. Also, Jeff Probst, if you are reading this, I'm glad that you responded to a tweet of mine. I watch your talk show whenever I can and normally don't get tweets from famous people like you. Do you read my blog as well? Can you follow me on twitter? I know this is highly unlikely as I'm merely a Survivor fan and wanna be contestant blogging about other people who actually have the guts to play the game. I'm not even sure that I could pass the physical that I'm sure all contestants go through before being on the show. But it doesn't matter if I'm never a contestant. In fact, I'd probably never want to play a game that seems less dangerous to the viewers than it actually is to the contestants. I do not believe that Survivor is scripted in any way shape or form (that would be illegal). I do, however, guess that the producers are required to input whatever decisions they need to make when the game goes wrong. But I don't believe that they butt in frequently. Also, to the KPLR-11 fans in St. Louis: were you annoyed by the obvious edit in the Jeff Probst show that I noticed? (They were talking about circumcision in the show and if women can feel a difference during sex between those men who have been circumcised and those who haven't.) I should follow them (KPLR) on twitter, if they have an account. But enough of my ramblings. I need to talk about the show Survivor.

In the first segment of the show, Matsing is having trouble with their fire. Everything is wet and the tribe of three is doing horribly. I still wonder what Denise knows about sex that I am absolutely clueless about. What is a sex therapist anyways? Do I even want to know? But back to the game. Russell is still very bummed out that he isn't put on the majority tribe like he was last time in Samoa and his quote, "I almost died for the game the first time," is becoming a favorite by him.

In the second segment of the show, the yellow tribe had a bit of turmoil created by the people on the tribe. Two people knew about the clue to the idol. One of them found it and shared it with someone else. The man Abby shared it with just happened to place a clue in the tribe thing and Abby was surprised when her tribemate, who already knew about the clue, read it again as if she didn't know about it already. The red tribe is slowly crumbling and a war of the genders might happen soon.

In the third segment of the show, Malcolm talked about how he didn't like Russell. What he said was very accurate. Russell isn't self-aware of anything in the game. Russell even pointed out a funny moment. It makes me convinced that this show has the best editing of any and all TV show on television right now. Meanwhile, his tribemates are getting suspicious of Russell and the fact that he may or may not have an idol, which we now that he doesn't yet. I don't know if anyone on this tribe is smart enough to get it. On Tandang, Pete was talking about the trouble he has caused on the show with the idol clue and driving a wedge between RC and Abby. RC doesn't know what happened regarding the clue. My family thinks that Lisa would have gotten out first if the Tandang tribe had gone to tribal council first.

In the fourth segment of the show, the immunity challenge was played and sexism was shown when the tribes that could sit out the women made them all sit out. The only woman in the challenge is from Matsing. They are actually in the lead and if they don't win, it will be a problem for anyone in the show. Denise is a better man than the men on Matsing are. It looks like the red tribe will lose, but it is impossible to tell with their incredibly good editing. The yellow tribe won the challenge. The red tribe came in second. The poor Matsing tribe will go to tribal council again. Russell had an outburst after the challenge. I'd be surprised if Russell made it through the tribal council. I wonder what tweets he has about this moment. Hopefully, nobody will become the first Survivor contestant to be expelled from the game. That's never happened and I hope that it never will.

In the fifth segment of the show, there was a sentimental moment shown with Russell who was bullied as a child. I predict that the two surviving members of the tribe will have to join the other two tribes by some means or form that the producers have probably already decided in advance. This season could come up with problems like in the tenth season I have already blogged about. There could be a three way tie and if no idol makes its way into the game on this tribe at this meeting. I don't know if the new members would be given automatic immunity on their new tribes (should that happen) or if that wouldn't be deemed fair to the contestants on that tribe. I've watched this game enough to know that there is always something that happens each season that has never happened before in Survivor history. A shutout like this hasn't happened since the tenth season and the tenth season started with two tribes and not three. This is the first tribe of three since Survivor: Panama, excluding the official final threes in the games history. The person voted out of the game was Russell, who was never voted out before. If there is some kind of twist.

In the preview of the next episode: someone might be medically evacuated and the tribe of two struggles. The red tribe might be the one losing a member that way. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Episode 25.3

So what happens on the next episode? Today is October 3, 2012 and we will soon find out. Also, if you read my blog, don't be afraid to get a google apps account so you can comment on my ramblings. Otherwise, I have no idea why I'm writing this, except for personal gratification as well as quirky obsessions with the Survivor reality show. Also, I need to make sure that I know how to spell Philippines correctly. After the recap involving what has already happened, we see the Matsing tribe come back from tribal council. The showmance (and yes, that is a real word according to any and all fans of reality shows) made Russell wary of the future since Angie and Malcolm are together.

In the next segment, the two women named RC and Abby on the yellow tribe were having disagreements trying to find the hidden immunity idol. The Tandang (yellow) tribe was having the alliance problems that typically occur around this time in the game. The tribe wants to get rid of Michael for some odd reason. The Kalabaw or red tribe suddenly noticed that a part of the rice box is missing and that the immunity idol is probably what it was.

In the next segment of the show, Matsing realizes that their raft has disappeared. And they also talked about getting rid of Russell, the veteran player. The immunity challenge seemed to happen early into the episode. Once again, the blue tribe (Matsing) is doing bad in the challenge. The Tandang tribe lost its mask when it shattered in Michael's face, causing bleeding. Matsing is still doing bad in the challenge. Poor Matsing will probably lose as they all suck at playing the game. Kalabaw is the first to finish and Tandang came in second causing Matsing to come in last. So they will be going to tribal council for the third time in a row.

In the next segment of the show, the Kalabaw tribe had a confrontation when Jeff talked to Jonathan about the hidden immunity idol. Jonathan admitted to having it and they decided to be aligned in a way. At Tandang, Abby found the immunity idol and told Pete about it. A player was also disappointed that they came in second instead of first. Russell was bummed out at Matsing about the fact that he would probably be voted out. Of course, if you wanted to find spoilers about the vote out order this season, you may find it online. I don't know why you would go looking for it or if it would be accurate or not. I would recommend against it.

In the next segment of the show, Matsing prepared for tribal council. They wanted to get out Russell so bad that they would consider getting rid of him. Malcolm thought that the situation was heartbreaking and not just frustrating. In the end, the tribe decided to vote out Angie. She must have been considered too weak to play the game. This makes me feel better about the inaccuracies of spoilers that are posted on the net, or just random guesses as to who is leaving the game.

What will happen on the next Survivor? Jeff and Jonathan get aligned better and Matsing may or may not be doing better. For Survivor fans, this is Adam Decker, signing off.