Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Random season 27 blog post

I accidently spilt the twelfth episode into two different blog posts so I deleted the repeat information and decided to make this just a random blog post for this season regarding various information about this episode. I think that I will talk about Ciera related what ifs. Sorry that I can't find a good way to reorder the names in the upcoming blog post. I guess that Gervase gets to me mentioned first twice. So relating to Ciera: when she flipped from an alliance of four to an alliance of three and caused a tie and another tie, she might not have made the best move. I can't think of anyone who flipped on an alliance and went on to win the game (in the season they flipped, at least). So what might have been a better move for her? She could wait until Hayden and Katie are voted off, convince Monica to vote with her and whoever won Redemption Island, and then she's in the final three with Monica and the winner of Redemption Island. She could hope to win immunity at some point and throw a wrench in the plans of whoever wanted to vote her out while possibly making a big move. If Katie won the next immunity challenge, Ciera would join her and whoever else they could get to avoid Ciera being voted out next. Ciera's flipping ultimately got her fifth place when she could have been fourth. She will probably return as a villain if they ever redo heroes versus villains (or do the all villains season that Jeff Probst supposedly wants). But regardless of if we see her again or not, I hope that contestants make better choices in the future. Hayden had a chance to take out Tyson, but went with Ciera instead and ended up on the minority alliance with other people. When Ciera flipped, they voted against her. I don't understand why you would vote against a swing vote. That should be a rule. I know that voting against the swing vote doesn't always turn out bad. In Panama, when Shane threw his shot at being saved, nobody wanted him anymore and they weren't in a possible minority at the time. I'd have to say that should be one of the rules nonetheless. Never vote against the swing vote (if you don't have the numbers, at least). Sorry for the weird post. I'll be back next year with various random posts before I start posting about the next season. I'm hoping that I can turn the no delay, six minute delay, and twenty-five minute delay all at the same time into an episode of a TV show, but I'm not entirely sure how that would work exactly. I'll be back sometime next year, hopefully. That's all for now. This is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Survivor Blood Versus Water Finale

There are always alternate players that would come back to the game for certain Survivor season that have returning players. There are different reasons why these players did not ultimately return to play the game again. But what I'm wondering is this. This season had alternate returning players, but since they were paired with new players related to them, that means that there are potential new players relating to former players that could appear in future seasons. Even the 28th season which has already been made might have new players of the sort that I've mentioned. I should include a link as to where I got the information relating to the alternates for this current season. http://survivor.wikia.com/wiki/Alternate_Returning_Players Hopefully that link works okay. Check out the rest of the site for other great related Survivor information with pages related to seasons, contestants, challenges, alliances, episodes, and various other stuff to that relates to Survivor. There's even other wikia related sites for various other things. This is the most recently updated page that I saw three days before the finale so there may be more people than have actually been listed. There is also the chance that some of the information here listed isn't right at all due to questionable links that the site accepts or contestants who aren't really saying what is right. All the contestants had a potential partner and back-up partner. Without listening to most of these sources, I am going to mention who the returning players would have been and who the new potential players relating to them might be as well.

There are twenty-two alternate players known for this season. The first was Greg from Borneo. It's unknown why he declined and this source isn't as reliable as others. This is his first time he's a known alternate. His potential partner was his sister. Amber from Australia and All-Stars was considered, but she declined as she considered her Survivor experience to be over. It's unknown if she would have had a new partner or not. If she wouldn't have, then it is probably best that they don't mess up the new/old ratio. That reason alone is why I figured that no Hantz was playing this season. They aren't alternates and I'd be surprised and upset if either of them return. Jerri from Australia, All-Stars, and Heroes versus Villains wanted to play this season, but couldn't get a partner so she didn't end up playing. Her sister and father were both considered as partners, but her sister was pregnant and father couldn't play either, I think due to work commitments. Tom Buchanan, from Africa and All-Stars, declined being on the season because he was working on a different reality show (Family Beef). Lex from Africa and All-Stars declined for the same reason. Boston Rob from Marquesas, All-Stars, Heroes versus Villains, and Redemption Island declined being on this season for the same reason as his wife did. Why would they leave their kids just to play a game anyways? Besides, they should let other players be given the spotlight for a change, even though Amber isn't as much in the spotlight anymore. There are no alternates known who were originally from Thailand or Amazon. Sandra from Pearl Islands and Heroes versus Villains was considered playing with her daughter. I'm not certain why she didn't appear again.

Eliza from Vanuatu and Micronesia was considered for this season but ultimately not chosen. She would have played with her mother. She revealed who the cast was (when it was originally RC instead of Candice) and mentioned considered players of which no alternate information has been revealed yet, if it was true in the first place. I'd mention those players if I knew who they were (which I do, but I haven't bother to look up any information regarding it that I could easily find). Besides, if I knew that they were really considered, they'd be on this real list. Bobby Jon from Palau and Guatemala was very close to being on this season with his female cousin, but he was cut for reasons I'm not sure of. Tom Westman from Palau declined being on the season due to work commitments, although he said that he'd probably be back at some point. There was an alternate originally from Guatemala. Jamie, who has an identical twin brother who would have been his partner, couldn't play because of his brother's work. I'm not certain that this source is legitimate. Cirie from Panama, Micronesia, and Heroes versus Villains was going to be on this season, but she couldn't find partners and couldn't play. Jonathan, from Cook Islands, Micronesia, and Philippines, was going to be on this season with his son, but his son was too young to play so he didn't end up coming back. Yau-Man from Fiji and Micronesia was considered to play again, but didn't come back.

An interesting thing about Yau-Man is that of all the players from Fiji, he's the only one that we have knowledge of being asked back for another season. That doesn't mean that they've never asked any other players from that season back. That means that if they have, we, the general public, don't know about it. So if you know of anyone from Fiji who was offered to play again and have a legitimate source to back it up, let me know. I don't want this blog to only have one comment from someone other than me for the duration of the time I do this blog. But I should at least be glad that there are no haters on this blog spamming the comments. And no comments doesn't mean that no one reads this blog. If there are no people reading this, then I post this for no good reason. At least I'll never know if people don't read this. There were no alternates from China. Micronesia had no fans that they wanted back. Gabon had no alternates and the players from Tocantins and Samoa that they wanted back did come back.

Holly, from Nicaragua, wanted to play again with her daughter, but they weren't chosen. Jane from the same season also wanted to play again with her daughter but they were also not chosen again either. Marty was also considered to play again but didn't return. He was from Nicaragua and would have played with either his son or his wife. Ashley, from Redemption Island, was going to be on this season, but neither partner of hers could play again. Edna, from South Pacific, was considered to play again with her sister, but wasn't chosen for whatever reason. Edna is the highest ranking player from South Pacific who I'd want to play again from that very lame season. It's not the worst, but it's the only season after Heroes versus Villains that I feel deserves to be hated like it is. Troyzan from One World was the male/male alternate for this season with his brother as his partner. That means that he would have appeared instead of Colton/Caleb or Aras/Vytas. RC and her father were memorably cut from this season when her father had high blood pressure. But she's not the only player originally from Philippines that they wanted to be on this season. They also wanted Malcolm, from Philippines and Caramoan, to play an unprecedented three seasons in a row. He declined. But I still wonder if we'll see the brother he was supposed to play with in a future season. No fans from Caramoan have been asked back yet. Those are the only alternates for this season that I know of. Look out for future seasons for those potential great players, the partners of the returning players.

So as we near the end of this season, I'm pretty sure that we know this will be a good one to many fans. I hope that they use this twist again, provided that they do this many seasons still and people don't hate the idea of returning players. Even if they do, they will probably do that again at some point. I'd have to list this as the eighth best season out of the twenty-seven seasons they've done so far. I don't think that new players versus their family members would have worked out as well in the end. They could still do it, but we don't know who any of the players are or why we should care about them. Meanwhile, I will talk about the spoilers I heard relating to this season. Tina is the winner with Gervase and Tyson as the runner-ups. I have no idea how that could happen. But it will be interesting to see if it does. I have the feeling that the spoilers might be wrong. Now, hopefully, I don't hear any spoilers relating to the 28th season, because we'll find out more information about it tonight. I hope that the all new players rumor is true, although I also heard that it is all returning players, and a mix of new and returning players. Since that's the only three options there are, then anything can happen. But like I said, we'll find out more about what happens with it tonight.

I added a new section for this episode with the confessional counts. It involves how a contestant appears at the reunion show. The more points they get means the more appearance they had at the reunion show. I think that points will mostly only happen when that person is talking. Meanwhile, I'll be missing a lot of the great Sunday shows that air tonight. I won't miss the usual CBS shows that I watch on Sunday like The Mentalist and The Good Wife (yes, I watch the Good Wife) because they won't be airing due to the Survivor finale. And 60 Minutes airs before it so I won't miss the show I don't always watch in the first place anyways. I will miss Once Upon a Time. Hopefully that won't cause too many problems, although I'd love for people to post here what spoilers have happened on that show currently this season since I've missed a lot due to bad reception of the channel (it won't come in, not too many people hating it, although ABC does get a lot of bad press, I still watch it a lot of the time). I'll also miss The Simpsons, Bob's Burgers, and Family Guy. Since The Simpsons jumped the shark a long time ago and the fans generally don't care, I don't think that it matters that I miss an episode that I'll probably easily see in reruns anyways. The same can be said for Family Guy, although I'm not sure if it has jumped the shark. Has Survivor jumped the shark? I can't think of any other show that's had this many different seasons in primetime at least. And, here's good news you might not know about, Survivor has been renewed for seasons 29 and 30! That means that there will still be a lot of Survivor after the 28th season which starts sometime in the fall, probably February. But enough of my ramblings.

The episode begins in some regions but other regions are airing on delays from as big as 25 minutes to as short as 6 minutes. And this is already on top of the 3 hour delay that I'm pretty sure that the west coast has (could be more and could be less), and that's not accounting for whatever place they do the reunion show at. The different airing times on the east coast/central time zone is a horrible problem. I've seen this problem already since I get two different CBS affiliates in my area and they don't always air it at the time. I'm surprised that there isn't much backlash about it. So just be warned that I will post this the moment the reunion show is over in my region. Neither CBS affiliate of mine is airing on a delay. Jeff said that Ciera made the most emotional move in the show's history, but that might not be true since he says things like that a lot. Ciera is ironically number 4 despite making moves to not be number 4. At least she isn't number 6, which she could have been if she drew a rock. The six minutes take up the entire recap and then some. I'm hoping that Hayden wins Redemption Island, although I really don't care. I just want them to not be voted out immediately once they get back in the game. Also, it could be Monica is the final three instead of Tina. No idea who wins yet. Drama happens when they get back from tribal council as usual. Then the intro happens.

In the next segment of the show, Hayden arrived at Redemption Island. I wonder if the Redemption Island confessionals at the reentry point will somehow reveal who gets back into the game. They used the same challenge as a reentry point the first time they did Redemption Island, I'm pretty sure. Laura is pretty wobbly at the duel, but Hayden is the first one out. Laura loses the duel next. Tina then rejoins the game, but will she last that long back in it? Samoa is the next season to be eliminated from this season. So two people are eliminated from Redemption Island, Tina is back in the game, and the Survivor finale just started airing in some regions. Weird, huh?

In the next segment of the show, Tina has a clue to the idol, but there is still no fake one, Tyson has it, and probably not another one that we know of. Monica is unsure of what side to join. If she plays her cards rights, she could beat Michael Skupin's record of most improved finished in Survivor history. But I'll have to look up information about that after it ends up happening. The immunity challenge is a complicated one that involves keeping a lot of blocks on a board that wobbles a lot. Pretty strange challenge, but it's always nice to see something new. Jeff continues his annoying commentary that he's become quite infamous for. No idea who will win yet, so I might tune this out for a while. Meanwhile, I still haven't been able to eat supper yet, and I know that will make this more complicated. Tyson wins the challenge.

In the next segment of the show, people decide between Tina and Ciera as to who they should vote out. Gervase forgets that Sandra won the game twice when he said something along the lines of that they would not let a millionaire be a millionaire twice. Much drama happens before tribal council, and I'm guessing that a lot of drama will also happen at tribal council. And now I have to worry about eating supper as usual. Before the votes are read and possible idols are played, the show goes to commercial and we have to wait to see what happens. Tyson would be dumb if he didn't play his idol, but that wouldn't be the first dumb thing he ever did regarding hidden immunity idols.

In the next segment of the show, Tyson gives his hidden immunity idol to Gervase who plays it and cancels votes. We don't know if he would have gotten voted out or not (do we?) if he hadn't played the idol. Ciera is voted out and Blood versus Water is the next season to be eliminated leaving all the returning players in the final four. Tina is glad that she made day 38, although she is only one of two players to make day 42 in a single season. The immunity challenge happened and Tyson won it. He is now one of three players to be a finalist, jury member, and pre-merge boot in three different seasons. (Stephennie LaGrossa and Colby Donaldson are the other two and Tina could become one of them as well if she is the last one voted out. If she's the last one voted out, then Ozzy is no longer the only finalist to also be the last one voted out and Johnny Fairplay will no longer be the only player to be both first and last voted out. She also has the possibility of being the next two-time finalist since Boston Rob, the first two time winner since Sandra Diaz-Twine, and the only three time player besides Russell Hantz to never be on the jury.) No matter who gets voted out, one season will get eliminated from the game (two if it is Tina). I have the feeling that Tyson and Gervase could turn on Monica and that could lead to the rumored final three I've heard. Of course, the last words spoken at tribal council are always some interesting shit that could spill disaster. "Big moves could happen and they can happen at any time." Also, for the record, I realize that Tyson had won immunity earlier and shouldn't have play an idol on himself anyways. I'm too lazy to go back and fix it. So I have no idea who wins, but based on confessionals alone, Tyson has the highest. But I don't know if that means that he'll win.

In the next segment of the show, I realized that there is no rites of passage this season (unless it went unaired) just like there haven't been for other seasons with Redemption Island. And yet, the season with the outcasts did have a rites of passage and was the only one with a quitter to not have the quitter mentioned there. Tina is a winner who gets to be on a jury. Australia and All-Stars are the last seasons to be eliminated from the game. Tocantins, One World, Borneo, and Heroes versus Villains are the seasons that aren't eliminated from this season. I know that I probably shouldn't have eliminated Blood versus Water since all twenty contestants are from this season, but since all new players are out, in would be just like when Micronesia was eliminated from that season when Natalie was voted out. In my mind, the way I see it right now, this is Tyson's game to lose. He could lose it, but I don't know if he will. I couldn't gather much information from Vytas's speech expect that he probably won't vote for Tyson. Katie wondered about pulling rocks. In the fourth season, the jury member who drew a rock voted for the finalist who drew a rock. Caleb wondered what Gervase did in the game and Monica cries for some odd reason. Ciera wanted to know if Tyson was a hero or a villain (VILLIAN!). She also wondered if Gervase would have gotten rid of Tyson. Laura grilled Monica at the story who might have broken Michael's record of most improved finished. Tina asked for a one word answer from everyone for how they played the game. Gervase failed horribly. Hayden wanted to know if Tyson had the idol when they drew for rocks. Aras asked Gervase, Monica, and Tyson who they would vote for if they had to vote for someone in the final three that wasn't themselves. I'm guess that Gervase didn't get any jury votes since we didn't anyone do that in the promos. I think that Tyson just won the game and with seven of the eight jury votes. He seems to be crying over the win that he did.

The reunion started in some regions while other people just found out who won in the six minute delayed version. Tyson is the first winner who had to draw a rock in Survivor history. If you remember, Vecepia did not have to draw a rock in Marquesas, although nobody really should have drawn a rock in that scenario. He's also the first three time player to win the game. I'm hoping that a five time player will win the game when Rupert inevitably returns. Of course, not everyone loves him that much. I'm glad that the premerge boots are not in the audience again. I hope that they never do what they did in Caramoan ever again. By the way, Brandon wasn't banned. He chose not to go, although it is true that they didn't want him there. It was more of a mutual decision. Colton gets focus at the reunion show for some odd reason while some people just found out who won. Now I'm done keeping track of the one time zone that should be airing all at the same time. People must hate spoilers this time, but for reasons unknown as to why they are airing different football games in the first place. Rupert does not regret giving up his spot in the game. BBB and random pictures is the clue for season 28. If I didn't want to wait 25 minutes, then I'd google what it is. Hopefully, they explain before the end of it with at least a title of some sort. I'd probably already know what it was if I were up to date on the podcasts I listen to. John Cochran is writing for The Millers, but the majority of us already knew that so I'm not sure why they are focusing on this as if it is some big news that just happened. I'm still not sure if that's something that you'd like to watch, considering how it used to air in Survivor's old time slot (half of it at least). I love how the Survivor players are sitting next to the partner's they had in the game instead of the order they were eliminated like they usually were. The Weesons get airtime and they talk about their dead family member. It's a very sad event. I've lost three members of my family, although one of them was before I was born and I'm including extended families such as grandfathers.

So, what are they doing next season? They are doing brawn versus brain versus beauty and decided to do the twist with all new players, I've heard, but am not sure. I'm not certain that they'd use any returning players in a season like this, but that could always be a future twist. Does this mean that the tribes are evenly split by gender or that some tribes get only one member? What man would be on the beauty tribe? I'm guessing that this is not a normal season but I'm hoping that (knock on wood) they do that for the 29th season. Casting is probably underway, unless they are already planning on doing all returning players for both seasons. Not sure what else to mention regarding the next season.

Confessional counts of players on Redemption Island: Laura- 14, Tina- 18, Hayden- 23. Confessional counts of players in the game: Gervase- 18, Tyson- 36, Monica- 25, Ciera- 27. New confessionals this episode: Gervase- 3, Tyson- 5, Monica- 6, Ciera- 3; Laura- 1, Tina- 6, Hayden- 1. Appearance at reunion show: Rupert- 1, Colton- 1, Rachel- 1, Marissa- 0, Candice- 1, Brad- 1, Kat- 1, John- 1, Laura Boneham- 1; Aras- 1, Vytas- 1, Caleb- 1, Katie- 1, Hayden- 2, Laura Morett- 1, Ciera- 2, Tina- 1, Gervase- 1, Monica- 1, Tyson- 1.

So it looks like Marissa is the only player that didn't get any airtime at the reunion show. I suck at the game that I just invented regarding who gets what type of airtime at the reunion show. I missed a lot of people and there should be more than one mark for a lot of these people. Meanwhile, while tweeting on twitter was fun during the finale, I'm not entirely sure it was that fun an idea. I'm thinking of waiting a while before I post this blog. Expect random blog posts during the hiatus between this season and Survivor: Cayagan, as I think that it's going to be called. I'll get the spelling right when it airs later. Meanwhile, I have to get to the awards that the contestants earn this season.

I will not be giving a most memorable part of the season award because I have no idea what to choose from. I'm guessing that I'd give it to drawing rocks again if I gave it to anything at all. Drawing rocks is also the third dumbest move from this season, considering how those who were trying to use it to their advantage were the same people who had a two to one chance of drawing the rock (if I understand that term correctly). The second dumbest move is when Laura Boneham got herself voted out of the game by telling someone else that they were next and flipping the target to her. And what else would win the dumbest move of the season except for Colton quitting the game for no good reason. Thanks a lot Colton for doing something stupid like that. You made the win of dumbest move easy for me to decide. As for the breakout character of the season, I'd have to give that award to Brad. He may not have played the best game, but he was an entertaining player.

The different airing of the finale this season makes me wonder if this has ever happened at another finale I wasn't aware of. I don't think that my station was even airing sports. I don't give a damn about sports and frequently boycott the Super Bowl (although I boycott a lot of things of various reasons, a lot of them petty and the majority of which nobody would ever notice). But you can expect me to blog randomly about Survivor until the next season airs. Not sure when I'll be able to watch the first season of Survivor, but hopefully there won't be another season on at the same time. I'm glad that Tyson won. Does the most confessionals at the finale always make you the winner? I don't know. I'm fairly certain that no one had him beat for this season at least. I'm pretty sure that Tyson is the reason that Monica got Vytas's jury vote when he answered a different person's question. Hopefully this blog post doesn't make people on the west coast mad. I'm not sure I want to wait a long time until they air this there at hopefully no delay. I could post this tomorrow, but I won't. I find that it's funny that this show was airing at different times on the east coast, depending on where you lived. Hopefully, you didn't run into any problems with it if you were watching it. That's all I have to say at this moment. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Episode 27.13

So, there's probably a huge list of players from various seasons of Survivor who will never play the game again. There are many reasons why they wouldn't do that. I forgot what all I said that I would want to post in this blog that I haven't yet. I do know that some of what I want to post will be in separate blog posts that would be posted on the hiatus between this season and season 28. I'm still looking forward to whatever great events will happen in the 28th season (even though they already have happened). I already mentioned how I'm fairly certain that the 28th season has new players. Is it all new players? I hope so. I want there to be a normal season before the potential landmark 30th season. So if it is not the 28th, it could be the 29th. Something I'm wondering about regarding the rocks is the chances of getting one. Hayden's alliance had a two in three chance of drawing a rock, which is probably why Tyson felt good drawing one. But what I wondering is this: does the order in which the rocks are drawn affect the odds? Does going last give you an advantage, disadvantage, or not make a difference? Can the same be said about going first? Maybe someone can contact the Parade magazine writer who would know how to answer a question like that. If you are math wizard, feel free to comment if you think you know the answer. I have a friend to contact about that to see if he knows. Maybe it is always a one to three odds of you grabbing the wrong rock. I, for one, would not risk picking a rock unless I was immune from picking it or Redemption Island was in the game. Cochran could have fought his way back into the game in South Pacific if he drew a rock and, if I understand the odds correctly, only two people out of the six on his tribe would have had to draw rocks. Unfortunately for his tribe, Cochran was one of the people who would have had to draw one.

I can't think of how else to ramble at the beginning of this blog post, so I will mention various players from various Survivor seasons who will probably never play the game again and I'll list the reason why as well. B.B. because the second contestant to die a long time after he played the very first season. He can't return. Sue quit the second time and she probably wouldn't want to play the game again. Stacy sued the show after she competed so it's highly unlikely that they would have her back. Kelly originally stated that she has no interest in playing the game again. Rudy is probably too old to return to the game. Colleen stated that she doesn't want to play again, although the producers have wanted her back. Greg has showed little interest in the game after he played so I'm not sure that we'll see him again. Debb, from the second season, stated at the reunion show that she would never do this again. It is widely believed that Elisabeth will never return, even though they really want her to. Amber is probably done with this part of her life so she won't be back either. Colby is also uncertain to return again. I'm not sure if there is anyone from the third season who will not play again, but there probably are and I'm just not thinking too hard into it. If there were any, Silas or Ethan might be them. From the fourth season, Hunter was a player who worked for the dream team in some way so they might not let him play again if he knows too well how challenges work. Boston Rob is probably more than likely done with playing Survivor. In the fifth season, Brian has been considered to come back, but ultimately, nobody who can bring him back want him to play again so it might be unlikely that we'll see him again, although you never really know. The sixth season might have one in Jenna, who has still been considered to return despite quitting the second time. It's also unknown if Rob from that season would play again considering how he's busy with a podcast. And Shawna didn't really have fun with the game so she might not play again either. From the seventh season, Osten isn't coming back and Johnny Fairplay is probably not coming back either.

From the ninth season, there was a contestant who dated the host and thus knows more production secrets than any other contestant. So that contestant named Julie probably isn't going to play again. There are a lot of people from the tenth season who will probably never play again. For one, we know that Jenn, who is dead, will never play again. Jonathan doesn't really want to play again since the opening twist eliminated him for no good reason. Ian probably would play again, but since some consider him a quitter, that's why he might not. Jeff is more of a sort of quitter so he's more likely to never return. Both Kim and Ashlee both had enough of the game. And Janu really did quit so she probably won't play again, even if it is rumored that she was an alternate for Micronesia. Gary from the eleventh season might not play again, although I can't think of anyone from that season who would never play again, even though none of them have yet. I'm also not sure if there's anyone from the twelfth season who wouldn't return. Terry hasn't for whatever reason so I don't know if that means that he never will. Both Ozzy and Parvati from the thirteenth season have stated that they never want to play again. The fourteenth season brought us the most infamous quitter who couldn't even make it to the game. Melissa quit before it even started and singlehandedly ruined the season for everyone involved. And Gary asked to be medically evacuated so he might not come back. While nobody considers him to be a quitter, they consider Dana to be a quitter and she left the exact same way. Besides, Yau-Man is the only person from this season that they've wanted back anyways (that we currently know of, at least). James from the fifteenth season is probably not going to play again since he hasn't done that well playing the game for reasons that are mostly not his fault. Denise caused controversy at the reunion show when she mislead people in some way. I'm not sure that she'll return either. And Todd is having current problems with alcohol that will prevent him from returning in the foreseeable future.

I've already mentioned the favorites from the sixteenth season who will probably not return (Johnny Fairplay, Ozzy, Parvati, and James). The fans that probably won't return are Chet, who asked to be voted out, Kathy, who officially quit, and Erik, who was pretty fed up with the game the last time he played and is convinced that he probably wouldn't return anyways. I doubt that Erik will never return a third time, but you'll never know what will happen for sure. In the seventeenth season, Sugar has already stated that she's not interested in playing again. And GC wasn't a real quitter, but he sure seemed like it when he asked to be voted out simply because he didn't want to play anymore. In the eighteenth season, Taj has openly stated that she doesn't want to play a second time. Sierra might have said the same thing, but I'm not so sure about that. From the nineteenth season, both Russells have said how they don't want to play the game again, each for different reasons that are kind of similar in the end. Shambo also doesn't want to play again either.

Who from the twenty-first season won't play again? Well, I would be shocked if they let either Kelly Shinn or NaOnka play again after they infamously quit so late into the game. I also heard that someone asked to be voted out that season (and they obviously wouldn't air that with the two quitters) and I think that person was Marty (although I could be wrong). The David and Jeff Survivor podcast episode with Holly mentions who she said did that. Sash caused an unaired controversy that could have gotten him expelled from the game. From the twenty-second season, Matt has stated that he doesn't want to play the game again. Steve might have thrown a Redemption Island duel so we might not be seeing him again. Francesca is probably done playing the game and I'm thinking that Grant is probably not playing again either. The twenty-third season brought us Brandon who is more than likely not allowed to return to the game. John has also stated that he doesn't want to play the game again. Bill from the twenty-fourth season may not play again due to an unaired incident where he threw Colton's hidden immunity idol into the sea. We don't know why this might have happened, but we do know that this is the real cause of their fights throughout the season. Colton ain't playing again either. And one also wonders if Kourtney will be able to play again for a while since she has cancer (at the time of the airing of One World, at least. She might be better now). Season twenty-five brought us the entertaining and confusing Zane who might not be back because he's considered to have quit. Dana might not be back either for the same reason. And I'm not certain that Sarah will come back if Jeff Probst is still the host of Survivor. Allie, Shamar, and Sherri are all players from the twenty-sixth season who will probably not play again because they didn't like what all happened to them or how production portrayed them and none of them loved the reunion show. I'd also say that it is probably too soon to guess who from this season won't play again (new players at least). But enough of my ramblings.

So, once again, watching this episode will get complicated. I hope that my cats won't mess it up. I have a bowl of cereal to eat for breakfast as I watch a tape of the show. I don't want to get the milk near my laptop. So I have to worry about eating breakfast and keeping my food away from the cats while I watch the old episode. Don't worry. I'll be here live for the finale. Here's what happened at the beginning of the episode: Katie arrived with the women on Redemption Island. Tina talks about letting Katie win the duel. Would she actually follow through with it? Hayden talks about what he can do to further advance his game. Tyson revealed his hidden immunity idol to his alliance. Monica might be playing too hard, but she doesn't like how Tyson hid the idol from them. Now if I don't fast forward through the commercials, I can still eat breakfast in enough time.

In the next segment of the show, Ciera thinks that she made a good move. But I can think of other ways she could have advanced her game without flipping. But I think that I'll mention that in a different blog post. Ciera's talk makes it seem like she could be the next one eliminated. That's when the Redemption Island duel happened. They are using jail break, which is a Survivor classic. Tina helps her daughter verbally and this makes me wonder if Laura will lose the duel. Maybe Tina will win or Katie will win. This is the only challenge to be used so far in every season with Redemption Island in it. I'd actually prefer it better if it was the last duel of the season. Laura wins the duel. Now it becomes a race between Tina and Katie. I think that Katie will lose the duel. Katie probably lost the duel when she dropped a key on the ground. Tina wants to make sure that Katie is okay with her mother eliminating her from the game. So, once again, the trick promo happens and Tina was never going to through the duel. And because of first a rock and then a key fall, Katie is out of the game. I might have to put her on an updated list for Survivor: Second Chances. She can replace Natalie, just like Vytas can replace Mike. Katie then joins the jury. Now I have to remember to watch the Survivor After Show with her and see her join Ponderosa.

In the next segment of the show, Hayden and Ciera are looking for the hidden immunity idol that Tyson already found. He didn't even plant a fake idol. Why does nobody do that anymore? Monica, Gervase, and Tyson are in the majority alliance, but we don't know if they can stay together or not. Hayden wants the good guys to win and he considers himself to be one of the good guys. That was a pretty short segment. So the immunity challenge happened next. And I'm fairly certain that there is no loved ones challenge this season, which makes sense since there is loved ones in the game for a change. This is the classic bring a buoy through a course and solve a puzzle at the end. We haven't even seen the Ciera tries to flip Monica moment yet. The challenge pretty much seems to be neck in neck, except for Ciera who is totally losing it. They are filling out a classic eight word Survivor phrase. I am currently wondering what the phrase is, although I will probably smack myself in the head when they figure it out. Ciera wins the immunity challenge, despite being behind in such a long part of it. Ciera chooses Hayden to join her with the meal she won as a reward.

In the next segment of the show, Ciera is glad that she won the challenge. Without her mother competing against her, she can actually do puzzle challenges. And she probably won't have to compete against her in a Redemption Island duel. Ciera is quite good at stirring the pot and she is definitely a villain this season. She tells total lies about Tyson and Monica appears to be eating it all up. Tribal council happens and we have yet to see how things will unfold and what crazy tribal council will happen this season. Hopefully Hayden doesn't get voted out, although he at least got a reward out of it. I just realized that Hayden and Gervase have a rivalry this season. So the vote happened after the crazy exchange of words happened. When asked if an idol should be played, nobody played one, but I'm not certain that Tyson was the target anyways. The person voted out was Hayden. It's a shame that nobody flipped which would have made things more interesting. There are three potential players to come back from Redemption Island. Will Tina, Laura, or Hayden return? I think that I know who might, but I'm not certain yet.

What will happen on the next Survivor? The promo is very vague as usual. The final three spoilers and winner spoiler that I heard have still not been proven false yet, but I'm still interested in how it might happen, if it happens at all.

Confessional counts of players on Redemption Island: Laura- 13, Tina- 12, Katie- 16. Confessional counts of players in the game: Monica- 19, Ciera- 24, Hayden- 22, Gervase- 15, Tyson- 31. New confessionals this episode: Hayden- 4, Gervase- 1, Tyson- 1, Monica- 3, Ciera- 3; Laura- 0, Tina- 1, Katie- 1.

I'm not sure what to make of the confessional count this season. Tyson has the most confessionals, but that probably doesn't mean that he wins based on that alone. I'm wondering if the final three spoilers I heard are correct but the winner is not. Many people thought that Michael Skupin was going to win the twenty-fifth season, but we know that's not true. I've long forgotten who my favorite to win is now. I still have to decide who is the breakout character of this season, keeping in mind that it must be a new player who wins this award, what are the three dumbest moves from this season (one might still happen in the last episode), the most memorable moment of the season, and who had different rivalries this season. There are different bets when can start making about the finale. How much will it be delayed on the east coast because of sports and other possible delays? How long will the recap be before the episode starts? How good or bad will the reunion show be? Who will return from Redemption Island? Who will win the game? Who are the other two finalists? What's in store for the 28th season? This has been a pretty good and interesting season so far. It's especially interesting how there has not been all three returning player or all three new players on Redemption Island at the same time. There has always been a mix of new and returning players on Redemption Island, or at least when there's a duel about to happen. Not sure what else to say until the next blog post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Episode 27.12

I should rank the tribe swaps at some point. I don't know if that should be its own blog post or not. But I have nothing else to talk about so I think that I will do it now. Future seasons are obviously excluded from the list, although they could be added for future lists. Sorry that I forgot to include the real confessional counts for this latest episode. Don't know what happened. I also don't know if there are a lot of episodes left this season or not. Apparently, an infamous tie-breaker is going to be used again, even though it could actually be a new tie-breaker instead. I ranked the purple rock the third worst twist in Survivor history. We don't even know if that for certain will happen considering how only two (if the promos aren't misleading, that is) people are drawing for rocks and it could be the two people affected by the tie who are the only ones that draw for rocks. Redemption Island aside, someone is probably going to get pissed at what happens. They have given a lot away in the promos and it's possible that Monica wins immunity and Caleb joins the jury but we are unsure if those events will happen yet or not. Hopefully, you can find a way to read that in this blog after I post it, but I don't know if you will be able to or not. Besides, I'll post it if it turns out to be true. Maybe I'll see the whited out font because it looks way different on the blog then it does on my computer. So you might not even know that something was attempted to be hidden or not. I hope that you can see it, because I can't figure it out.

So, ranking the tribe swaps, I will start with the worst one and go all the way to the best one. I've already told you what season had the worst tribe swap. The tribe swap in China is just a joke. It wasn't any good. The people who switched tribes were unsurprisingly voted out of the game because they had only one ally and the rest of the tribe was against them. It just didn't work. Another tribe swap that I'd rank as bad, but slightly better than China's was the tribe swap in Caramoan. It was totally unfair to the fans tribe and caused an obvious worse tribe. What's the third worst? Vanuatu. It could have worked better in different circumstances, but it lead to the gender wars continuing until way past the merge and even up until the final two. The next season I will mention had way too many twists in the first place and it's switch didn't work out that well because it occurred too late in the premerge part of the game and didn't last as long as it otherwise could have. All-Stars had a pretty bad twist that ultimately lead to Amber winning when her tribe had the perfect chance to get rid of her. I'm fairly certain that if another bad switch happened, it would be hard to classify. The next best twist was from this season. It was interesting, but did not entirely work. It wasn't bad, per say, but it wasn't the best one either.

The next one technically had two tribal swaps, even though none of them were real swaps in official terminology. Cook Islands needlessly got rid of the controversial twist where tribes were divided by race (that many contestants say was a great twist and nobody seems to think was a bad twist, to my knowledge) and went down to two tribes in a fun fashion. The mutiny was weird, in a way, although this was the only time this actually worked, in a way. They should just do the mutiny a better way that isn't so obvious to everyone else in the split second you had to do it. The reason that it worked it that the tribe that should have been negatively affected by it went on to win tons of challenges after they did. So regardless of whether or not it really had a tribe swap of any kind, it was pretty interesting. One World was a pretty good tribe swap, even though there were a few parts to it that made it seem pretty strange. The one in Fiji was the next best swap since it helped even the playing field with a poorly planned and designed twist. Gabon had two tribes swaps and were pretty interesting, even though the second one seemed a little unnecessary.

Most people probably knew that one could happen in Micronesia and it helped make the season even better than it ended up being. The one in Amazon was a pretty good swap from the way it was done to the way it worked. Marquesas is considered to be the first tribe shuffle, where a tribe swap isn't an even swap between the two tribes. It was pretty interesting and helped three players become the first players to be on a tribe with everyone in their season. Survivor Panama also didn't have what some would consider a real tribe swap, but it probably was. In the second episode of that season, people chose their new tribes and someone got to be immune for three days by not being picked for either tribe. The third best tribe swap is one that went down in Survivor history for reasons largely known throughout the Survivor world. I'm surprised they never tried it the same way again. I'm talking about the original tribe swap, from Survivor: Africa. It was a great twist when they first introduced it and it worked well in its debut season. I loved the way they did the swap in Guatemala. It had the second best swap in the show's history. The way they causally handled it at a twist challenge was pretty good. I don't like the question that prompted the four players (two from each tribe) to leave, but it was a pretty interesting swap. The best swap, by process of elimination, has to be Nicaragua. It helped make the season good. It got rid of two bad twists (old versus young and the Medallion of Power) very quickly and improved on the overall quality of the season (because I loved the season, unlike some people).

So a quick update about those contestants that happened to be in the spot that winners ended up. Ciera is the most recent person to be a winner. She's there along with Gervase, Tyson, Tina, and Caleb. I will also be watching the episode after it airs for a while. It won't be until the season finale until I can watch a show live again. Sorry for the delays. I will post information about the episodes, just a little later than usual. I will miss a lot of different shows during this time, but hopefully I will remember to record these shows and the recording will work without any major problems. The recording on my laptop worked out well. I hope that the VHS recording turned out well too. Hopefully, nothing important was missed even though the clock on the VCR is a bit off. Sorry that my blog posts will be delayed until the finale. But I will post a blog as I watch the episode now. I also have the real confessional count that I forgot to post last week. But enough of my ramblings.

Apparently Gervase went crazy about Tyson and Tyson is unsure if he wants that type of target on his back. I missed some part of it on the tape, but that doesn't matter. Is Tyson the probable winner this season? They gathered for the duel and that's when the commercial happened. The duel turned out to be house of cards, which has happened a lot in other seasons. The challenge is neck and neck like it always is. Of course, this has the problem of falling over and losing all your progress, like many other duels have. Laura wins the duel. Because Caleb's stack was crooked and fell all the way over, he ended up losing the duel and joining the jury, which is true to what the promos said. Laura give the hidden immunity idol clue to Ciera and Ciera kept the clue instead of burning it, which is common lately. The hidden immunity idol is in a tree as usual. Apparently Tyson was close to finding the idol again and he ended up finding it again. "I got to put it in my crouch where nobody will suspect a bulge," said Tyson about the idol. That's his next best line this season and I don't know why he's the only player who seems to be saying all these great lines. Maybe he is getting the winner's edit, even if the rumored winner might be someone else (I said might. Winner spoilers could be wrong. Remember when Michael Skupin won the game?)

In the next segment of the show, the immunity challenge happened. I'm pretty sure that it is a new challenge, but I'm pretty sure that a new challenge always appears in every new season. The race for the win was mostly between Monica and Gervase. Gervase seems to dominate very quickly at the tossing sandbags part of the game. Gervase won immunity. The potential spoiler, trick edit, or reusing old footage in promos, proves that Monica does not win immunity like some people though. But Gervase brought Monica and Tyson with him on the reward that he won. This is not Gervase's first time winning individual reward or individual immunity. Meanwhile, I am having trouble successfully eating breakfast as I watch this episode. The show comes back on and we see what happen with the reward that they bring to the camp. Hayden tries to make a huge move that was revealed in the promos, but whether or not it will work will remain to be seen. Hayden even tells Tyson about the failure of the plan to vote out Tyson. That seems weird and strange to me. Gervase made an offhand comment about a player that he wonders why she's still in the game. But he didn't realize that's what would end up happening. That's why comments like this are put in the final edit to show the viewers why that would happen. Someone talks about how they are dominating the game and they get voted out that night. Lots of different things like that happen, but I'm still not sure if I've seen enough of these edits before. An interesting tribal council happened and somebody will probably win a stupid award for what happens tonight. So much conversation happens in the tribal council and we are left very confused as to what will happen. Jeff made an interesting comment about it. Gervase had a great voting confessional, but it would have been better if he had just simply said, "I vote to evict Hayden." Hayden may or may not have mentioned Russell Hantz in the tribal council. Ciera continues to flop on one alliance to another alliance. I'm fairly certain that there is no way that Ciera wins. Another tie happens at tribal council after the first one which leads to something that hasn't happened since Marquesas and hasn't happened correctly before. The three people, Ciera, Tyson, and Katie, decide to draw rocks in a risky move. Katie draws the rock with very little build up to it. I'm not sure why they changed the colors of the rock. Is purple too infamous a color? Why'd they draw rocks? I guess the color change was to trick the viewers yet again in a promo, just like the two hands instead of the three hands.

What will happen in the next Survivor? Tina considers letting Katie win the duel. Will Tina really throw a duel? Wouldn't Katie throw it first? Is throwing a duel quitting? I liked how Katie said that she was rocked out. That makes the most sense as to how you would classify and call an elimination like that.

Confessional counts of players on Redemption Island: Laura- 13, Tina- 11, Caleb- 13. Confessional counts of players in the game: Katie- 15, Monica- 16, Ciera- 21, Hayden- 18, Gervase- 14, Tyson- 30. New confessionals this episode: Gervase- 3, Tyson- 2, Katie- 1, Monica- 0, Ciera- 2, Hayden- 3; Laura- 0, Tina- 0, Caleb- 0

I realized that I forget to post last week's correctly so I will mention that here as well, I think. Here are last week's true numbers: Confessional counts of players on Redemption Island: Laura- 13, Tina- 11, Vytas- 20. Confessional counts of players in the game: Monica- 16, Ciera- 19, Hayden- 15, Gervase- 11, Tyson- 28, Caleb- 13, Katie- 14. New confessionals last episode were mentioned the right way as they were originally seen.

So I'm not sure what to make of the confessional count and I'm not certain that I can go to work because of all the snow in my area. I'm sure that they'd understand if I wasn't able to go. It doesn't look like they'll be many episodes left this season. Hopefully, it will continue to be a good one. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Episode 27.11

So I don't know if this will be a recap episode or a new episode. Either way, I will probably blog about it. I will hopefully be able to record it, provided that it needs recording at all. Of all the things that I want to talk about and haven't yet, I will probably talk about a history of the hidden immunity idol. When it first appeared in Guatemala, Gary found it without a clue. The idol had to be played before the votes are cast. I actually liked this better than after the votes are cast and before they are read (originally at least because second thought makes me think that it would not help an alliance if those were still the rules) and they saved Gary and eliminated Bobby Jon, although most people don't count that due to the rules at the time. In Panama, after the votes were cast and read, you would play a hidden immunity idol if you had it and were voted out. This made it no good at eliminating someone with an idol. You'd think that someone would give the idol to an ally that was voted out, but no, that didn't happen either. So the idol was more or less worthless this season and the next season. At least Cook Islands had a player think about splitting the votes for different targets, even though it wouldn't actually happen until the next season. In Fiji, the votes were cast and the idol was played before the votes were read. This lead to some players wasting an idol, but it did lead to successful split votes. Yau-Man officially saved himself with his idol once and introduced the world to fake hidden immunity idols, though his was never found. China brought the first player who had an idol (or, in this case, two), didn't play it, and got voted out with it in his possession. Neither was rehidden and people wouldn't play idols when they should have in future seasons. Someone tried to play a fake idol this season as well. In Micronesia, it became a huge power source again when two people got voted out after not playing it and another person got someone else voted out when she did play it. This is also the first season with a failed spilt vote. Gabon had a sort of wasted idol with someone who did get votes against them. That would happen a lot. A spilt vote was also tried but didn't really fail despite not happening as planned. There would also be players who would have lost to a tie vote revote if they hadn't played their idol when they did. In Tocantins, someone failed to play an idol and got voted out with it in his possession. In Samoa, someone would play it and get rid of a record number of votes against him due to playing the idol. Someone else found it and didn't play it. In Heroes versus Villains, Tom would use it to save himself and so would Parvati and Jerri, when someone else gave them an idol to use. This season also marked the first time that two idols would be played at the same tribal council. Nicaragua had mostly unused idols for most of the season. I think this resulted in the first time were a split vote was used, the person had an idol but didn't play it, and he still wasn't voted out after the revote. I'm not sure why that happened, but the player in question still had to give the idol to a different player. Nobody who gave up the hidden immunity idol to someone else has ever won the game, but only one person (JT) and no one else had an elimination caused by giving up the idol. Giving up the idol started in Gabon and allies sharing an idol that only one could claim started in Nicaragua (I think). The twenty-first season also marked the only time when two people play different idols when they were not possessed by the same person either time. What's also interesting is how neither of them originally had the idol. In Redemption Island, one would be found earlier than any other season. It helped cause the best first tribal council in Survivor history (in my opinion). Nothing new and interesting happened in South Pacific regarding the idol. One World had an idol that had to be given to the other tribe if you found it for that tribe and not yours. I'm not sure how they'd enforce that rule if people didn't do it. What would they do? I don't know. I'm not sure if anything interesting happened with hidden immunity idols in other seasons since, although Blood versus Water is the first time it was first found after the merge unless you count Guatemala, which you shouldn't. That's all the information I have right now, although wikia has a great page about it. Meanwhile, I have made a paragraph that is way too long and will look much longer on the blog when it is posted and I have no idea how to break this up into multiple paragraphs.

So there might be a new alliance this episode and either Tyson or Ciera is the threat that might be voted out. Not sure if either of them will get voted out or not. I think that I want Laura to win Redemption Island (again). Not sure who I want to lose. Hayden is my favorite to win this season, although my favorite has changed so many times, I don't really care that much anymore about who wins and who doesn't. Panama is the next season to be eliminated. What will happen in the next episode? We'll find out soon. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, people talked about Ciera voting out her mother. Then the opening credits happened. The people came in for the duel. Laura is proud of her daughter for turning against her. I also hear that Christmas starts in September. Still no flying pigs or anything, but that has already happened in a Survivor challenge. It looks like the duel is the one that Edna almost won in South Pacific. Whoever wins is giving an advantage to the second place person since they have an already solved puzzle to refer to. It's unknown if the puzzles all solve the same way or not. Jeff does continue his constantly annoying commentary and the challenge is close. I don't think that this is a fair challenge with more than one player in it. Laura totally helped someone win too! Oh well. We'll see if this affects the future game or not. Tyson wants to get Katie out of the game, so there are three possible people who could get voted out. Anyways, a lot of drama happens again on the show. The alliance that may or may not be newly formed this episode. They might vote out Tyson or fail miserably during the tribal council. I forgot to mention that Vytas lost the duel by one freaking second. That doesn't seem fair to me. Candice earlier this season lost what could be considered an unfair duel as well. This can seriously affect the game getting messed up, although I have yet to hear a backlash from people saying that they think certain duels are unfairly decided and the wrong winner is declared.

In the next segment of the show, the immunity challenge is going to happen this episode. That means that a lot of shit is going to happen at both camp and at tribal. The challenge looks like the one that both Denise and Carter won in the 25th season. I'd have to say that's an interesting challenge to repeat since it marked the only time Denise was immune in the game. Gervase, Tyson, and Ciera all decided to eat instead of competing in the challenge. That could backfire for any of them, but we don't know if it will happen or not. The ten minutes that seemed like an hour was edited to less than one minute. Monica is turning into a strong competitor this season. Katie is the first out of the challenge, of those who participated at least. Caleb is next out of the challenge. It comes down to Hayden and Monica. Monica won the immunity challenge again. What will happen next?

Hayden didn't like the people who sat out of the challenge. My phone reminds me that an SNL Thanksgiving special is airing soon. Tyson thinks that Ciera is playing both sides and should get voted out tonight. Is that what will happen? Does anyone remember when Shane threw his chance to be saved as the swing vote when Aras first played? We'll see what happens. Jeff says Aras's name wrong, but I didn't realize that I was saying it was wrong anyways. Caleb thinks that Ciera sitting out of the challenge was predictable. I wonder if only one person decided to do an immunity challenge where you could sit out for food, what would happen next? The food rules wouldn't be the same and the one person who's playing would win by default. They'd probably redo it and make more people do the challenge (although I'm not certain that they can do that anyways. Ciera thinks that she has been too honest and that might be her famous last words like Kat's "blindsides are fun!" Not sure why people are voting against Caleb. Will Tyson play his idol? He did! I guess he'd rather risk wasting an idol than get voted out with it in his pocket. It was funny how he had it hidden in his bags so far that he didn't know where it was. I have the feeling that he did waste it. He did because Caleb was voted out. When was the last viewer blindside? I know that one happened tonight.

Next time on Survivor, Hayden is finally focused on some more. Will his floater strategy that he might have used during Big Brother play off again? Can he avoid being an eviction night nominee? Will Julie never tell him that he's been evicted from the Survivor game? Actually, I think that I'm confusing two different games here.

Confessional counts of players on Redemption Island: Laura- 12, Tina- 10, Vytas- 20. Confessional counts of players in the game: Monica- 15, Ciera- 16, Hayden- 12, Gervase- 9, Tyson- 24, Caleb- 11, Katie- 12. New confessionals this episode: Ciera- 3, Hayden- 3, Gervase- 2, Tyson- 4, Caleb- 2, Katie- 2, Monica- 1; Laura- 1, Tina- 1, Vytas- 0.

So I'm not certain why Caleb is surprised that Ciera flipped since they were all voting against her. I guess he was referring to earlier in the episode. Hopefully Tyson's wasted idol doesn't come back to haunt him like it has for Ozzy in South Pacific. He could always find it again, although I actually hope that someone else does. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Episode 27.10

As promised, here are challenges from Palau that I think would make a good Redemption Island duel. The information about the challenges comes from wikia. I have only included challenges that I think would work and ignored all others. I might do challenges from Borneo sometime, but that might be hard to list due to the reward challenge they didn't air in the second episode. Has footage of it been released? How could a reward challenge have such little affect on the rest of the game? Was there another season where it was edited out? Besides, I'd probably only list the first three challenges anyways, none of which would work well in the way it first appeared. I could mention them all after I watch the season. Was there even a dream team for the first season? I read that there wasn't one. It wasn't introduced until a challenge in the second season didn't work as planned. Does that mean that the rest of the second season had it or the third season started the dream team's tenure on the show? I don't know. I just know that Hunter from the fourth season joined the dream team which might mean we'll never see him play the show again. Why would they have a player back who knows a lot about how challenges work? Regardless of this, I will post information about Survivor: Palau challenges and which ones could reappear on Redemption Island.

Here are the challenges from Survivor: Palau that I think would work as Redemption Island duels. Keep in mind that a lot of them might need to be retooled first- Sea Salvage: contestants are brought out to sea and go underwater for a bottle to bring back to score a point. This might have to be a two way duel. Shooting Gallery: one player at a time uses a replica gun to shoot color coded tiles. There are eight for each tribe and (I'm fairly certain at least) that a point from another tribe on your target counts as a point to your tribe. This would probably only work as a two way duel and with better design so you don't knock yourself out of the game. Build It Up, Break it Down: the challenge varies by season but this time, it was one tribe building a barricade around a crate with a flag in it and the other tribe having to get it out after a certain amount of time had passed. This would have to be a two way duel. Sea Stars: this is a giant sliding puzzle out at sea that needs to be solved in order to win. Cool Hand Balut (more commonly called the gross food challenge or Survivor Smorgasbord, this time featuring only balut): The tribe members have to eat balut in order to win. The numbers of the food increases each round and a tie-breaker round features the fastest eater winning. They get a point for every one successfully eaten. This would probably also have to be a two way duel. Under Current (also known as Survivor Scramble): in this variation of the challenge, you see contestants swim to pontoons, get puzzle pieces, and swim back to the challenge board. After using the pieces to solve a puzzle, they must then solve a word search to identify letters used in more than one word to unscramble and put in a phrase to win immunity. The break separates the tribal challenges from the individual challenges.

Perch: contestants must stand on a perch over the water for a long amount of time and are tempted by items to step off of the perch. Take out the temptations or use a different season's version and use it as a reentry point where the winner gets back into the game. Survivor quiz: this recurring challenge is like Touchy Subjects, but isn't. Contestants are given a quiz over the place where they are filming this season. This might have to be a two way duel. Raft rally: Contestants must paddle a raft similar to what natives from Palau use to untie and color coded bag and bring it back to the dock. They must get five bags that have cities and distances from Palau and five major world cities. R.A.M.: contestants go through a course and have to memorize items on a grid. Each contestant has a different grid. Tower of Domination: in this challenge that is split into two parts, the first part has contestants go through a course while attached to a rope. They unhook themselves and wind up at the top of the tower use grappling hooks to get keys that unlock a flag that they must raise. In the second part of the challenge, they would take a zip-line like devise and retrieve a combination box containing a flag that would have to be raised in order to win. They could do the two parts separately as different duels. Bob-Bob buoy: This challenge had people simply standing on a buoy for as long as possible and the last person left would win the challenge. It was the longest challenge on record, so I'm not sure if they'd do it again, but if they did, it could be the other reentry point back into the game. If I can't choose this, then I don't know which challenge would work as the other reentry point, if I'm only choosing this one season's challenges to do the challenges in a Redemption Island season. I listed twelve challenges total and the other challenges done this season aren't included because I either didn't like them or they wouldn't otherwise work as a duel between two or more people.

Hopefully, I don't forget to post what all I promise to post and haven't posted yet. I'm sure that there are stuff that I might not remember to post and others that I'll do randomly in the hiatus between this season and season 28. Not much is known about the 28th season for those that don't want to know about it. I remember a year ago when a promo aired looking for new contestants to apply for the show. Since all the new contestants from this season were recruited due to a loved one formerly playing the show, that probably means that if the commercial wasn't misleading people a year in advance, there are probably new players in the 28th season. Is it all new players or a mixture of both? I will not research information because I don't want to be spoiled to anything. And the order that contestants just happen to be in this season lists many potential winners this season. So far, the current number of winners listed is six and they are Aras, Tina, Vytas, Caleb, Tyson and Gervase. Three of those people are on Redemption Island and cannot possibly all win. It would be interesting if the winner of this season ever gets voted out and sent to Redemption Island. We have the rest of the season to see if that will happen. I've heard the rumored winner, who is actually one of the six that I mentioned. But I'll try not to reveal anything early this season, even though I just said five people were rumored not to win this season. I just hope that I don't tell you who a runner-up is like I did with Dawn last season.

So, random things that I want to post would be the ten dumbest moves in Survivor history, the ten most shocking moments in Survivor history, the ten stupidest tribes in Survivor history, memorable Survivor rivalries, and various other things I'm sure I'll come up with at some point. I wish that I knew who to say Brad butted heads with this season, because I'm sure that he did that with someone (probably John). I had a Survivor dream relating to when Erik was voted out of Micronesia that largely focused on Natalie. I think the dream was one of those dreams where it more or less happened the exact way it happened in reality. I'm starting to think that I should just start a blog about my dreams, but I know that there are certain dreams that I wouldn't post online or tell anyone about. On second thought, even though most of my dreams can be shared with people, I wouldn't want to share them since I can turn them into TV show episodes and anyone could steal them online (even though google says that what's in my blogs is my property, it is hard to trust any online site with anything). For now, I will keep reporting on Survivor dreams randomly in this blog and other random things that are hopefully Survivor related. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Kasama comes back from tribal council. Katie talks about her mother getting voted out of the same. Ciera also talks about being the only loved one left in the game with her mother. I sense drama that isn't good for them, but is good for the viewers. Hopefully all is well by now. Meanwhile, I am getting annoyed by all the freaking Christmas commercials. If we need a plethora of those, it should be when it is actually December. We are at 331 and counting. Look at my TV blog for the total number sometime later.

In the next segment of the show, the Redemption Island duel happened. Who will lose between Aras, Vytas, and Tina? I'm hoping that Aras loses. The challenge is a maze that needs to be solved after getting puzzles solved with grappling hooks. Tina takes an early lead and Aras seems to be coming in second. The maze part seems very complicated and hard to do. Tina made a lot of progress and lost it closely. I don't like the challenge this much. Vytas won the duel. Tina is close to win and manages to do it. Aras will not win twice, but he is the first winner to be on the jury after he won since JT was voted out of Heroes versus Villains. But some winners were on the jury the first time they played, before they won. But I won't talk about John Cochran, Parvati, or Amber right now (I think those were the only three). Aras said a tearful goodbye and it marks the first time he was voted out. Vytas gives it to Katie and finally someone doesn't burn the idol clue. Too bad it has already been found.

In the next segment of the show, interesting things happen at camp while I'm too busy eating supper with my hands and can't do it. Tyson said, "I don't know why I'm wearing a shirt." That took a long time for that to happen. But I'm sure that many people were happy with that comment, even if they are straight men like me. That's his best quote this season since, "stupid will be stupid." Ciera and Laura are wondering if they can still play the game together or if they have to turn on each other. In a strange twist, Laura actually likes the fact that Ciera has turned into a great person and be told that without having to be a real blindside. So I'm not really sure what to make of this situation and it could be a lead-up to nowhere, as usual.

In the next segment of the show, Katie looks for an idol that isn't there and Tyson didn't even both making a fake hidden immunity idol. I miss fake hidden immunity idols. Whatever happened to them? Why did people stop making them? I miss them. Tyson continues to be full of himself and might not do well because of this. Then the immunity challenge happened. This appeared in previous seasons. I can't tell if it is more like the one that Dawn won in Caramoan or more like the one that Jane won in Nicaragua. Maybe it's a different version of both of them. I wonder if there will be any temptations of food or anything like that. Hayden is the first one out of the challenge. But you can't win HOH every week (they won't let you). Caleb also falls out of the challenge. There are no food choices. Gervase and Ciera fall out of the challenge and Katie follows soon after. Laura falls out leaving just Monica and Tyson left. Tyson falls out of the challenge and Monica wins. A lot of people don't like her this season so she could get voted out later. Monica decides to give her reward to everyone else except for her. Interesting move, but she's not the first contestant to do this. In fact, those who have never ended up winning (I think).

In the next segment of the show, a lot of drama happened again at camp and we don't even get to see the reward happen. I have finished supper, but only after tribal council started. Who will get voted out? Will it be Katie, Laura, or someone else entirely? Ciera doesn't like what Laura said based on her facial and otherwise nonverbal communication. This makes me think that Laura could still be the one voted out, although it could still be someone else entirely. Poor Laura if she has to return to Redemption Island. At least she made it longer than any other returnee from Redemption Island, and all this without winning the immunity necklace. This makes me glad that Laura has returned and hopefully we'll see her in a future season after this one. Nobody plays an idol because Tyson doesn't think that he's in danger, which he probably isn't. Will he ever be in danger? I don't know. Poor Laura gets voted out again and Katie lives to see another day. Will this come around and bit them in the ass or will Katie still be voted out in the future like Vytas was?

Next time on Survivor, Tyson could finally get voted out of the game (again) since his evil ways are catching up with him, even though the promo didn't make a lot of sense (they rarely do). So, once again, I'm not really sure what to expect for the next episode.

Confessional counts of players on Redemption Island: Aras- 15, Tina- 10, Vytas- 20. Confessional counts of players in the game: Hayden- 12, Gervase- 9, Tyson- 24, Caleb- 11, Laura- 12, Katie- 12, Monica- 15, Ciera- 16. New confessionals this episode: Katie- 4, Monica- 0, Ciera- 4, Hayden- 2, Gervase- 0, Tyson- 4, Caleb- 1, Laura- 3; Aras- 0, Tina- 0, Vytas- 0.

Not sure what to make of the confessionals this season. Some people (JML) are much better at seeing what happens than I am. But I am way behind on those podcasts and haven't had any time to catch up on them. Hopefully I will, but in my defense, I wanted to listen to a new one for a while before it was finally posted and I have yet to hear one that happened after Edna Ma was a guest. I will get caught up sometime, possibly only when the next season starts airing (probably sooner). So I don't know what else to report on, I just know that there's a bunch of random stuff that I need to talk about in this blog because I don't want to make promises and then not keep them. Oh, well. For now, this is Adam Decker signing off.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Episode 27.9

As promised, here is information regarding B.B. Andersen, the second Survivor contestant to die. He was the first player voted out of a tribe that did not go to the original tribal council of the season. He was the first male voted out of Survivor and the second player voted out of Survivor. He is the lowest ranking member of Pagong as he was the first person voted out of that tribe. Some consider him a quitter since he didn't mind going home and might have broken the sequester rules regarding staying in Borneo while the filming still happened. He still had a personality that made him unlikeable at the time. Hopefully, he has a better following now that he's passed. Since he's one of the earlier boots, he'd be a great focus of a special DVD of some sort. I still wonder if any of his family, in-laws, or friends will ever become contestants on Survivor. You can always hope, even if that doesn't seem likely to happen. I will get the first season in his memory at some point. Besides, people don't need to know that it's because there's a dead contestant from that season. I really want to see the first season because I haven't seen it before. There have been many selective episodes that I've missed here and there in various Survivor seasons. But the first one I've seen none of, except a sort of movie like special that was just pretending to be the season it claimed to be (the greatest and most outrageous moments). But I will still watch the special again before I end up seeing the complete season.

Here's a quick summary of what you need to know about this season so far relating to trivia and facts like that. This is Monica's first time making the merge. Will she be on the jury? We don't know yet. Every player who made it this far will make day 39. We just don't know if they will be a member of the jury (I'm guessing of eight) or if they will be a finalist. If Tyson is a finalist, he'll be a juror, pre-merge boot, and finalist in three different seasons. That same rule applies if Tina joins the jury this season. Tina or Aras could become a two time finalist. That would mean Tina would never serve on a jury, unless she plays a fourth time. There could be two tribal councils and people voted out in this episode. I don't know yet, but it might happen considering how Colton quit earlier in the game and might have messed things up in terms of jury/merge configuration. Then again, maybe they always planned to have a merge at eleven again. I didn't catch the merged tribe name. But I do know that every previous season including Redemption Island had double tribal councils post merge. They actually did that twice. One was just two tribal councils spread out over different days. The other was a tribal council followed by an immunity challenge and another vote. So there might only be one double tribal council episode because of Colton quitting the game.

Remember when I joked about who would win the game? You'll notice that when a season is done airing, the names are in a certain order on a page on www.survivor.wikia.com or www.wikipedia.org on relating to the winner who would end up at the top of the voting records chart and the bottom of the challenge history chart. With that being known, the winner is Aras, Tina, Caleb, or Vytas (but Aras might be on the jury since he was voted out and is no longer where the winner ends up). I don't have any idea who the real winner is. But they could end up having a low confessional count. I'm starting to wonder if I should judge that or not. Look at the person who won Redemption Island. She had the least amount of confessionals of all the players there. But Laura Morett, henceforth to be referred to as Laura, made Survivor history by not being voted out immediately after returning from Redemption Island the first time she wasn't immune from getting voted out. Ozzy on South Pacific avoided being the first one voted out after returning from Redemption Island both the first and the second time he won it. But since he won the immunity necklace, he was still voted out the first time he wasn't immune. (Sorry if the formatting on this paragraph turns out bad because of the links.)

So I'm not sure who my favorite to win this season is anymore. I'd have to say that it is probably Hayden, Vytas, or Laura. I don't have a favorite to win Redemption Island yet, because there is only one person there right now and I'd have to root for him by default. I'm not sure that I like Aras that much and I don't see things ending well for Vytas either. I do wonder if pairs will end up in the end of the game together or if they won't. People without partners in the game could form an alliance with others that don't. Gervase, Monica, Hayden, Tyson, Caleb, and some might even count Vytas, as not having partners and could form an alliance. Tina, Katie, Laura, Ciera, and Vytas have partners in the game, but Vytas would be more likely to join to join those without since it would be a majority and avoid a tie vote. But I don't know if I'd want to have this happen or not. It has already fallen apart if it was going to happen at all.

If there were a tie vote with a final three, one would wonder how they'd handle it. Only a jury of nine and final three could produce a three way tie. Someone could win the game with a plurality of the votes and not have the regular majority, even though both are the most votes given to the inevitable winner. A tie between two people would be more likely and could end up being resolved in the same way as a three way tie for the win. Here are the different solutions that I see happening: 1- the tie is resolved before the reunion show by a revote, potentially of only the juror members who caused the tie by voting for a third person instead of the two who got the most votes. 2- A live revote happens at the reunion show during a commercial break after the jury is given a chance to reconsider how voting might happen after having seen what happened during the season. 3- A live fire making tie-breaker occurs at the reunion show. 4- The contestants affected by the tie are both considered to have won the game. 5- No winner is declared at the reunion show. Instead, the affected players are the returning players in a one returnee per tribe season designed to have a final two with an odd number of jury members and whoever makes it farther the second time is considered the winner of the previous season. I don't know if they'd have to prevent the contestant from potentially winning twice in a tie-breaker like that or what they would do if one of the people were medically evacuated. One also would wonder in a situation such as this if the new players that season would have to not know about these players or if they could know that they are playing to resolve a tie for the win. 6- The winnings are split between the two or three people affected and they all share the title of sole Survivor for the season. 7- Previous votes against contestants are taken into account, regardless of if they plaid a hidden immunity idol. 8- The viewers vote to break the tie. This could mean that whoever gets more votes as the Sprint player of the season is considered the winner of the game provided they beat just the people or person they were tied with and regardless of if they won the vote with the other players. 9- The players from the season that didn't make the jury also vote for the winner of the finalists who were in the final three. 10- There will coincidentally never be a tie that we have to worry about being resolved. 11- Something else entirely will happen that may or may not be revealed to the audience.

You know, since Redemption Island is being featured after the merge, one could wonder why they are doing this if people don't actually like it that much. But I guess it wouldn't be fair to only get a chance to reenter before the merge and after the merge, you just join the jury. I do wonder if the reentry point will still be the final five, with the winner as part of the five. It would be interesting if the winner of the final duel on Redemption Island was automatically in the final three with the other two people that remained. It might not be fair for the other two people and might seriously ruin how they do the last three days of filming, which are among the most important of all the 39 days. But at least nobody has messed it up horribly. Not even quitting messes it up. Getting medically evacuated whether you are on Redemption Island after you were voted out or before you are voted out and being unable to go there would both be interesting to see, but we have no idea if this twist will keep getting used or not. I hate seeing people medically evacuated so it might be better if neither happen at all. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, the fallout of the first vote happened and I have decided that I am giving up recording Revolution. The only way to fix the timer programming is finding a remote that works for it, hoping that I can get another VCR, getting a different universal remote that would work for timer programming, going through a lot of tape on very few episodes, figuring out if the remote I have does work for timer programming, hoping that someone else I know has a working VCR and would record something like this, or something else entirely.

Kasama went to their first immunity challenge of the episode. Two interesting tribal councils happen this episode, but since that's always the case, it is hard to classify how this one might be different. Tyson, Monica, and Vytas win the first round of what Tyson likes to call gross gummy worms. No one is doing well this round, unlike the last round which went better. Hayden, Gervase, and Caleb don't quit the challenge and win by actually doing what they are supposed to do. This challenge is gross, which makes me glad that I'm not eating supper yet. True to promos they didn't realize they showed, Gervase is in the final round with Monica. It should be noted that Gervase's tribe won this challenge when it first appeared in Survivor history. Gervase goes crazy trying to eat the gross food and Monica also has problems, but she ends up winning.

In the next segment of the show, people think about splitting the vote. Tyson thinks that he shouldn't reveal having the idol. Monica is doing stupid things possibly, but it's unknown if she can be that paranoid since she has the immunity necklace. People are wondering if Katie is the real target or if Vytas is the real target. So tribal council ending up happening next. Drama unfolds as usual. I can't tell what might end up happening so I'm making no guesses here. And wouldn't you know it, they put a commercial before the votes are revealed.

In the next segment of the show, Vytas ends up joining his brother on Redemption Island. I should have seen that coming. They should Kasama coming back from tribal council instead of showing what happened to Vytas going to Redemption Island. They ended up showing that later. The brothers discussed whether they were or weren't in the game. Finally, they start showing Redemption Island again. A feud happened between the two brothers, I think. So it could be an interesting Redemption Island, but only if they can keep winning for a while. The final immunity challenge from Nicaragua reappears as the immunity challenge this season. Oh, and Monica should have voted for Katie, but ended up voting for Vytas instead. Nothing bad happened, unless they didn't really want Vytas gone. Monica and Ciera quickly fall out of the challenge in the beginning. I have been unable to eat supper. Tina is out of the challenge next. Gervase is out next and Laura is quickly behind him. Caleb is out of the challenge next. After that Hayden and Tyson both drop out and Katie wins the challenge. There was a lot of wobbly coins in the first place.

In the next segment of the show, Tina looks for an idol that isn't there. Tyson doesn't want to be a target. Nobody even considers making a fake hidden immunity idol. I miss those. Funny scenes happen. Are they getting rid of Tina or are they getting rid of Monica? Monica is getting paranoid, like she was in the earlier parts of the episode, which makes it seem like she will get voted out tonight. So Tina got voted out and this could create an interesting Redemption Island, but I won't say how. Will Katie find a place in the alliance? Will she at least team up with the last pair in the game?

On the next Survivor, Ciera might vote out her loved one. But this is probably a twist edit. It could have already happened tonight. Meanwhile, I need to eat the rest of my supper and worry about tape issues later. Hopefully, I can record it for me and my mother at least if I can't for anyone else. Besides, I already know that I probably wouldn't want to risk recording any other Survivor seasons for my sister anyways because she can probably wait until the long time passes and the seasons are finally released on DVD. Hopefully, she won't be confused by players in the thirtieth season she'll be watching when she comes back. Four seasons missed, but a landmark season like that could end up happening and be pretty good. At least she'll be able to watch it if they make it. Oh, and feel free to post Revolution spoilers in this blog so I know what's been happening.

Confessional counts of players on Redemption Island: Aras- 15. Confessional counts of players in the game: Tina- 10, Tyson- 20, Caleb- 10, Laura Morett- 9, Vytas- 20, Katie- 8, Monica- 15, Ciera- 12, Hayden- 10, Gervase- 9. New confessionals this episode: Laura Morett- 1, Vytas- 3, Katie- 3, Monica- 3, Ciera- 0, Hayden- 1, Gervase- 2, Tina- 2, Tyson- 4, Caleb- 1; Aras- 1.

I know that I missed two confessionals this episode and I always think that my numbers are off. Not sure if I'll ever do this again, or, at least, not in a season I'm watching the first time. I could end up doing it for a season I'm rewatching. If you know the real numbers and I don't have them, let me know. I liked Tina's fake out with the hidden immunity idol.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Episode 27.8

In the first season of Redemption Island, two contestants with a memorable rivalry fought in a rematch which Rob won easily and Russell lost horribly. I wondered from that season (or just the rumors of that season) if they would ever do a rematch of Survivor players again. Doing it with one returning players per tribe and the returning players are the ones with the rivalry worked in theory, but there is no way that they would keep doing seasons like that all the time. What would be more interesting is if they did a season with all returning players who had rivalries in previous seasons. I'd prefer them to keep the players with the rivalries on separate tribes for it to work. I don't know how they'd do the tribes. There are probably plenty of rivalries from seasons past. Heck, this season even have Tyson versus Aras in a way. The thirtieth season could be a good one to do Survivor: Rematch, if they don't have something better planned. I don't think that I'll list all the rivalries from every season yet, but I figure that it is still a good idea.

I'm still not sure what they have planned for Survivor 28. Feel free to post information about it, as long as it doesn't have contestant boot orders on it. Since they are still in the Philippines, they could use twists from that country's version of Survivor. They probably won't, but it could be interesting if they did. The only two twists I'd be interested in seeing are temptation rewards as well as the white and cursed pearl. Temptation rewards are best compared to Pandora's Box from Big Brother. The main different is that you find out what the good and bad things are before you decide if you want it or not and you are the only person who gets it; the rest of the tribe (or players) aren't affected by your decision. The white and cursed pearls affect voting. The white pearl removes a potential vote from you, but only if you still have it at tribal council. The cursed pearl gives you an extra vote at tribal council. If you lose it, then you get two extra votes. There is also a blood pearl that adds a vote to the rules of the cursed pearl. I'm not sure if either twist would work well in our country's version or not, but it would be worth trying. They could do it in any season, but it seems more interesting to do it in the place that established the twist. It's a shame that we'll never be able to watch another country's version of Survivor due to some sort of lawsuit, but they are probably too strange for us anyways.

I know that last year, they had a promo looking for new players to apply on the show. Since all the new players this season are recruits, that probably means that new players are on the next season. But is it an entire season that will be all new players? Will there only be two tribes? Will there not be any other season long twists that prevent it from being a normal season? It's been too long since a normal season has happened; longer than any previous gap from seasons past. I've heard rumors that, once again, there could be returning players. I don't think that it would be all returning players. If you read that at www.survivorsucks.com then they were probably wrong. They get final three spoilers right and sometimes winners are right, but most of what they get is wrong. They got the cast for this season wrong and they got the boot list for last season wrong (although the final three and winner were correct). I wouldn't look there for season 28 info since they would probably reveal more than I want to know. And I'm not going to wonder if they'll be a 29th or 30th season yet. We still don't know what would happen if Jeff Probst decided to no longer host Survivor anymore. I wonder if the last season he hosts will be an all-star season where the winner of the season also gets to host the show in future seasons. That would get a lot of players who said they would never play again on a plane to that island to battle it out. I doubt that they would choose a new host like that, but it would be interesting for us. Just be sure to tell the returning players that they are playing for that reason.

I wonder if any of the players on Redemption Island could avoid being immediately voted out again without winning immunity in this episode. There is still probably no special immunity for the player returning to the game than there was in previous seasons with Redemption Island. I don't know why the Outcasts got that honor but these players don't. It doesn't matter anyways. It could be Aras getting voted out no matter who gets back in the game. Aras wins immunity and they're screwed, although Vytas could still get voted out. If Laura Morett pulls a come from behind win, she will have a loved one to come back to in the game with where as other Laura and John have already had loved ones eliminated from the game. I'm still waiting until the last episode of the season before I list all the alternates for this season and what new players relating in some way to previous players would be potential new players for a future Survivor season. I don't know how I'll list the players who get back in from Redemption Island, although they will probably still be in the same order that they are now, in a way. They seem to show a lot of players while they are still in the game and they still have the chance to show those players. I don't know if the players with the most confessionals this season have already been eliminated or if someone else will end up getting the most. Vytas could end up winning the game and that would prove interesting and make the women of Galang look stupid. Of course, after all of mankind's long history, it would be a nice change for men to finally be the smart ones. Vytas didn't even have to do anything to save himself. He just had to let the women self-destruct and take themselves out.

The hidden immunity idol doesn't seem to be in use this season. I think that maybe I should go through a history of the hidden immunity idol in order to better understand it. But I don't know if I'll do that this post or in a future blog post. I just hope that it ends up getting used or found at some point. Maybe the reason they aren't showing John is that he secretly has it and they aren't showing us that. If he wins Redemption Island, he would probably play it when he gets back in the game and hopefully he'll be a target at the time so it isn't wasted when it is finally used. I don't know why Jeff keeps asking for hidden immunity idols when he knows that they aren't in play this season for whatever reason. I guess that he has to ask it as part of his job so no player can come forward and say that they never had a chance to play it when they could have otherwise. It wouldn't be the merge of a season with Redemption Island unless one player wasted their hidden immunity idol on another player. I don't think that would happen, but it could this time. We'll have to wait and see.

Based on future promos that I've seen, it's possible that there will be no Redemption Island after the merge and reward challenges will return. I still wonder why there can't be reward challenges separate from immunity challenges and Redemption Island duels in one episode. I guess there wouldn't be enough game play at camp for that to work anyways. I've also checked my blog and realize that stuff I mentioned relating to formatting doesn't show up the way I see it on the blog that you read. So I'm sorry if the reference isn't needed or makes sense to you. But I hope that things become interesting and that the hidden immunity idol actually becomes part of the game again. We'll see if Redemption Island remains in the game or not. And whoever wins should hopefully do better than first out of merged tribe. We still don't know if a secret double Redemption Island exists. That would be cool if it did, but it probably wouldn't because there's enough backlash against one Redemption Island and it was a joke when it was first mentioned anyways. The post boot interviews would have been a huge lie for the one person who survived it. I will not mention anything about Redemption Island confessionals and just stick to new and total confessionals if they are, in fact, not using it after the merge.

Okay, so I mention that I'll talk about a lot of stuff in this blog. I don't know if I'll ever get around to it or not. So, hopefully, I won't forget what I'm planning to talk about and if I do, be sure to remind me of what I haven't talked about yet. The news came that on October 29, 2013, Survivor: Borneo contestant B. B. Andersen died. He had brain cancer and a stroke. I will talk more about him in the next blog post. The most of Survivor: Borneo I've ever seen was the greatest and most outrageous moments VHS which is a movie like thing pretending to be something it isn't. I have it ranked as 18 out of 26 seasons, but it should be higher if I actually ever saw it. Many people consider it the best season of all time and all the other seasons were just there to go along with it. I will have to add it to my wish list now that the only requirement for me getting it is met. I don't know who might get it for me and when; I just know that I probably wouldn't get it for myself, yet. By the way, I listed Palau as 2 out of 26 in terms of greatness, meaning that only one season did better than Palau. I will blog about it, so hopefully there will be a good time to watch it and I won't be confused by the current season that is airing. I know that it might be a long time until Caramoan comes out on DVD. If there's a place where you can watch the whole season (Caramoan) online, let me know. At least my sister will see the thirtieth season, provided that it gets renewed, still. I just hope that she isn't confused by returning players from seasons she hasn't seen yet.

Ever since they started doing final threes at the final tribal council instead of final twos, some people have wondered what would happen if there is a tie. I will go over various scenarios that could happen in such an event, but I don't know yet if that will happen or not. I will mention that in a different blog posts. During the hiatus between this season and season 28, I might do random blog posts like I've done in the summer. I could mention the ten stupidest tribes or the ten most shocking moments in Survivor history. I could continue to do random crap in the blog post before the actual post like I normally do, but that doesn't matter yet. Also, since only one Laura can win Redemption Island, that will mean that only the first name of said Laura will be mentioned in this blog of mine in future blog posts. But I still think that John will win. I just don't know why they haven't focused on anyone that is on Redemption Island. I guess that there is no reason to but at least one of them is coming back into the game. I guess they don't do well when they return. Maybe Laura Boneham will reenter the game since she's the person who is focused on the most recently. I'll post merge facts and jury facts provided that it starts soon like we think that it is.

You know, you can learn a lot about Survivor by listening to podcasts about Survivor. Listen to the one I posted a link to in the blog post, quick link. That's where the person knew that Kat would be the first person voted out after the tribe swap. He used it to his advantage in a game he played on this podcast. I don't know if the person he played with is aware that he did this. You'd think that he'd know considering how he had said that he knew when she got voted out of the game. But it ultimately doesn't matter since he is still losing this game that is relatively unimportant. The people on the podcast interviewed Edna Ma from South Pacific who revealed that she was considered as a player for this season along with her sister. They weren't chosen for unknown reasons. I would have liked to see that, if only to see more siblings playing the game. But they could always do this twist again. I think that it works better with returning players instead of new players against their families. What new players from this season could return with a new player in the next blood versus water? What alternates from this time could they use the next time? Who should have been cut from this season that should have been replaced with Edna and her sister? The only pair that could have been cut were either Tina and Katie or Laura Morett and Ciera. I have to believe that it is good that Edna didn't play again, unless she wanted another child. Also, I don't trust the grammar check on my computer. It doesn't have well grammar sometimes. Hopefully it can stop underlining things in green. Also, what the heck does blue underline mean? I know what green and red is, but what does it mean when Word underlines a word in blue? I just don't get it. It thinks that well grammar is grammatically correct! I highly doubt that computers are smarter than mankind. But it could happen if they knew things better sometimes.

I'm not sure if now is a good time to mention what could happen with the three players who could return from Redemption Island. It could be a surprise. It's possible that Laura Morett, the least likely in terms of confessionals, is actually the person who reenters the game. They might have spoiled that in promos, although I could have mistaken her for someone else. Laura Boneham could wind up the first person voted out after the merge because things don't look well for her. John is who I suspect will and want most to reenter the game. We still don't know if there's a hidden immunity idol in his possession or if it still has yet to be found. There will only be one after the merge, right? Would there be two with only one camp? Whoever wins should hopefully find whatever they want to in terms of alliances and not wind up the very next person voted out. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Laura Boneham arrived at Redemption Island and didn't realize that she dug her own grave and that Vytas wouldn't get voted out. Every player on Redemption Island wants to get back in the game. They finally get confessionals again. Who will win?

In the next segment of the show, the duel happened. Laura Morett won the duel and got back into the game. So, hopefully, she won't get voted out again. She accomplished the purpose of why she was sent there in the first place. Despite the odds, in terms of confessionals, Laura Morett reentered the game while John and Laura Boneham were permanently eliminated. Also, Survivor China and Micronesia were finally released to DVD. The new merged tribe, then goes to their beach. Laura Morett and Ciera, Katie and Tina, as well as Aras and Vytas are the only players still in the game with the partners they started with. Tyson found the hidden immunity idol. Let's hope that he doesn't do anything stupid with it or something stupid happens to him because of it. The Baskauskas brothers were trying to figure out how to get into the game. I hope that Laura Morett doesn't get voted out. That would be bad and ruins the purpose of something like Redemption Island.

In the next segment of the show, Tyson is talking with Monica over what should happen next. The immunity challenge happened earlier than normal. There must be a lot of shit happening at the camp and at tribal council. Vytas won the close immunity challenge after his brother came in second. Vytas is glad that he didn't need immunity even though he won it. Interesting things happen at camp and tribal council. Either Laura or Aras is getting voted out of the game, but I don't know who is the swing vote, if there is one. Ultimately, Aras got voted out, even though Ciera and Laura both got votes against them. Did they vote against each other? That would be a Survivor first. Redemption Island is still in play and this is Aras's first time getting voted out of the game. What will happen next time? A horrible immunity challenge (or two) and things could fall apart for Tyson.

Confessional counts of players on Redemption Island: Laura Boneham- 12, John- 12, Laura Morett- 8. Confessional counts of players in the game: Katie- 5, Monica- 12, Ciera- 12, Hayden- 9, Gervase- 7, Tina- 8, Tyson- 16, Caleb- 9, Aras- 14, Vytas- 17. New confessionals this episode: Vytas- 2, Katie- 0, Monica- 1, Ciera- 3, Hayden- 0, Gervase- 1, Tina- 0, Tyson- 3, Caleb- 0, Aras- 2; Laura Boneham- 1, John- 1, Laura Morett- 2.

So it looks like Redemption Island is still in play. Tina and Aras will either be on the jury or make day 39 again. If Tina is not on the jury, that would make her and Russell Hantz the only three time players to never be on the jury. This is Monica's first time making the merge. I might have to give up Revolution for a very long time due to tape difficulties that could seriously affect how I watch this season of Survivor during Advent. I know that I already can't watch both. So I might have to buy the Revolution DVDs. Another problem is that I typically can't watch anything on Wednesdays until 9:00 because the lateness I get back home from church. Hopefully the VCR problems can be fixed, I can get a different VCR, or I can figure out timer programming on the good VCR without a remote. I think that I'm screwed. At least this laptop can still record shows. I just can't share it with anyone else. So hopefully the wait for this season on DVD isn't too long, or my sister will be disappointed. I also know that I don't want to skip church. While I figure this out, I have to get off the computer soon so I can record something while I watch something. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.