Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Survivor: Jury Threats

Jury threat (noun): a Survivor player targeted for being a threat to win the game.

Sometimes they are voted out and put on the jury. Sometimes people refuse to get rid of them and go on to win. Normally, but not always, they are the last person voted out of the game. They typically make the merge and sometimes the jury. What would be interesting is if all of these contestants could return for another shot at the game. So, once again, here's a list of returning players I think would work well for this type of season. I will start with the rules: 1- No finalists. Some jury threats were never voted out and went on to win the game. Some had their chance but were ultimately the runner-up instead. There are some runner-ups who were the more typical jury threats another time they played which is close, but doesn't work. 2- They must have made it far enough the first time. If they didn't, they can't be included. 3- They do not have to be well known or popular players, provided they had a close chance to winning at least one time they played the game. 4- There must be ten men and ten women. No exceptions. 5- You can list extra people if you want to, but there must be only twenty on the official list. 6- There is no limit on to how many times they played the game before provided they can play the game now.

Here's is the list of men I'd choose. The first four season don't really have anyone of interest, although Paschal comes close. The fifth season had Jake, but I think that I'll list him as a maybe. The sixth season had Rob who became a really big threat to win. I don't know if he's too busy with his podcast to do it, but I think that I'll include him regardless. The seventh season might have had one in Andrew, but I'm not certain that he made it far enough to be considered. I'd love to include Rupert, but there is no way that could work due to America's tribal council and the fact that he could be playing for the fifth time. The next two seasons have no one of consideration. Gregg made it far in the tenth season and might be a good pick to return. Ian would have especially done better if he hadn't messed up at the final three. Could either of them have won? Probably. The eleventh really had nobody except for maybe Rafe. The twelfth season definitely had a jury threat. I heard someone even mention that his inability to get in the final two might have been why they switched it to final threes starting in the very next season. Terry was a great player and was ultimately the last person voted out. The thirteenth didn't have anyone that I can think of. The fourteenth season had Yau-Man who was even considered a threat the second time he played. If he got time off of work, he'd probably return and play again. The fifteenth might have had someone that I can't remember. The sixteenth had Erik. Poor Erik thought that it was a good idea to give his immunity necklace to someone that wasn't even his ally and thus got voted out. The only problem is, as you readers will soon see, I might have too many players from Caramoan. The seventeenth had Matty, who I'm not sure fits with the list or not. The eighteenth had no men. The nineteenth had Brett. Wonderful Brett was winning so many immunity challenges that he forced the Foa Foa tribe to turn on themselves. Since there were so many Galu members on the jury, even if you exclude the turncoats, he probably would have won if he didn't wind up on it himself. The next two don't have any. Matt was pretty much a threat from the start, only he wasn't smart enough to make it there (sorry Matt. I still want you back, but maybe not on this list). Grant also fell victim that season to being a threat to Rob's game, although he might have lasted longer if he won the last duel or the right person was immune. Rick was a very big threat in the next season, but I think that I have too many already. The twenty-fourth didn't really have anyone. The twenty-fifth had Malcolm, who I'd give any excuse for him to return. The twenty-sixth might have had Reynold, had he lasted much longer. Eddie is more fit for the list as he was the ultimate jury threat that season. So who of all those men would I put on the list? Well, look at the underlined people and hopefully you'll get an idea.

Next I'll do the list of women I'd choose. The problem is, I can't think of that many, so hopefully these choices are still good. Gretchen from the first season may not have been on the jury but did fall victim to what I believe was the most confusing vote in Survivor history. Colleen (if I'm spelling that right) also did pretty well until she ultimately left the game as the last standing Pagong member. Jenna is a bit iffy to include as a choice since she was more of a threat the second time she played when she was third. Elisabeth was a total threat to win and since she isn't on The View anymore, it might be considered that she could return, although it's also as likely that she wouldn't. Jerri wasn't much of a jury threat until the third time she played, but I might include her anyways. Kathy from the fourth season might work, since I can't think of that many women. Christy was probably one in the sixth season. Darrah was definitely one in the seventh. She might have lasted longer were it not for a strange twist in the game that gave the jury immunity instead of any of the contestants. After a gap of seasons I can't think of contestants from, there is Cirie who twice made it to the final episode only to be eliminated in it instead of winning. (Has that happened to someone else? I can't think of anyone.) Natalie, the fan who lasted the longest in Micronesia, made it very far, but was eliminated in what they thought was the final vote out that season. I don't know if she could have won, but she'd be a great returning player regardless. Taj was obviously a big threat to win the eighteenth season, hence her elimination. I'm not sure if she'll ever reappear or not. I mean, to put her in the same season as Cirie would be a bit questionable. But she's probably too busy regardless to return. Who knows? She's still on my list. Just like Jane from the twenty-first season is also on my list to return. That should take care of my list of women.

So the list of players I'd include in a Survivor: Jury Threats season are as follows. The men that I'd choose to return are Rob (Amazon and All-Stars), Gregg (Palau), Ian (Palau), Terry (Panama), Yau-Man (Fiji and Micronesia), Erik (Micronesia and Caramoan), Brett (Samoa), Grant (Redemption Island), Malcolm (Philippines and Caramoan), and Eddie (Caramoan). The women that I'd choose to return are Gretchen (Borneo), Colleen (Borneo), Elisabeth (Australia), Jerri (Australia, All-Stars, and Heroes versus Villains), Kathy (Marquesas and All-Stars), Christy (Amazon), Darrah (Pearl Islands), Cirie (Panama, Micronesia, and Heroes versus Villains), Natalie (Micronesia), Taj (Tocantins), and Jane (Nicaragua). Those are my returning players. I'm sorry that there are too many ones from fans versus favorites seasons.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Caramoan versus previous season

First, I'd like to apologize for the name of this blog post. I can't think of a better name. I've decided that of all the contestants on Caramoan who had played a season before this season is worth mentioning in this post. I will name the contestant in question and how they did in their first season versus how they did in Caramoan. I will see if I can do a comparison of the ten favorites. I will go in the order they were eliminated from in Caramoan and I will mention as many facts as I can before deciding which one was the better game they played. I hope that you enjoy it.


summary of their time on their first season 

summary of their time on Caramoan 

which season they did better in


She started the game on the 22nd season. She found herself on the outs with a crazy would be alliance member who helped screw her out of the game. She wanted to get rid of the returning player and failed. She played too hard too soon. She was the first voted out and sent to Redemption Island. She was the first to lose a duel on Redemption Island and thus the first eliminated.

She became a favorite despite being a first boot in her original season. She had to endure being on the same tribe as the person who screwed her from the game the first time. She was certain that she wasn't going to be the first boot again. She played too hard too soon. She ultimately was the first one voted out again.

It's hard to say which one she did better in. I'd pretty much have to say that the second time around wasn't that good and her first time was good for a while. So I'd have to say that she did better on Redemption Island.


He started the game in the 23rd season. He is related to a previous villain and three time Survivor contestant. He did not want his family name to define his time in the game. He made a lot of dumb decisions and wasn't very smart. He made it to the merge part of the game. He went down as one of, if not the stupidest, Survivor contestants ever. He gave up his immunity necklace and was voted out as a result. He was blindsided. He lost the last Redemption Island duel.

He came off as cocky and arrogant. He made a lot of bad decisions and was always on the outs in his tribe. He sabotaged their camp, threw out their food, and pretty knew that he wasn't going to win. His tribe gave up immunity just so they could vote him out. He did not get a torch snuffed, although he was eliminated from the game. He did not make the merge or jury.

It's hard to say that he played a good game on either season. I'd pretty much have to believe that since he did somewhat good on South Pacific, that's the season I'd give him the better score in.


She started the game in the 17th season. She survived numerous tribe shuffles and made the eventual merge. She was disliked by most of the people who watched and is considered a villain to many people. She was on the jury and said many hateful things to Sugar.

She was a returning player, despite being from before the twentieth season. She did better than most returning players from her season, although still not as good as she'd hoped. She made the merge but not the jury. She was blindsided.

Although it's hard to think she did better in one season, I'd think she was best in Gabon.


He first appeared on the 22st season. He was a crazy person and one of the most entertaining Survivor players of all time. He was a goat that could be brought to the end to guarantee a win against him. He made it the farthest the first time than any other favorite. He seemed to be a blind follower. He was the runner-up with only one vote to win.

He helped create a core and dominant alliance throughout the game. Most of his rivals got voted out. He made a dumb move at an immunity challenge and got blindsided due to two hidden immunity idols.

I have no idea which season he did better in. I'd have to say it was probably a tie between them both.


He first appeared in the 25th season. He was put on a tribe that was pretty bad before being put on a tribe that was really good. He was a strong player and jury threat. He was the last voted out.

He returned to the game, despite the fact that his season hadn't aired yet. He was the first back to back player to do considerably worse the second time. He was a master of the hidden immunity idol and saved himself once with one while convincing someone else to play one for him earlier. He was on the jury again.

This one I'd have to say is a tie again.


She first appeared in the 22nd season. She was in a showmance with another contestant. She got voted out twice. She won Redemption Island duels.

She found a hidden immunity idol, didn't play it, and got voted out as a result.

I'd have to go with Redemption Island as the better season.


She first appeared in the 21st season. She was put on the younger tribe. She made it to the merge, only to have herself taken out for reasons that went unaired.

She was the only player from this season to return. She got an injury that went unexplained throughout most of the game and didn't affect it badly. She was blindsided.

Pretty sure she did better in Caramoan.


He first appeared in the 16th season. He was a superfan that did pretty well in the game. He had many immunity wins before he gave up the necklace and got voted out.

He returned to the game, despite not being a contestant before heroes versus villains. He gave up tribal immunity to the other tribe and the hidden immunity idol to another contestant. He was doing pretty well until he was medically evacuated from the game.

I'd say it's a tie.


She first appeared in the 23rd season. She got far in the game, before ultimately being voted out thanks to Pagonging of her tribe.

She got in the right alliances this time around. She had a great alliance with the person who thought she most deserved to be in the finals, which she was in. She did get upset a lot about various things.

Although one can't be too sure, I'd have to say Caramoan.

John Cochran

He first appeared on the 23rd season. He was a superfan of the show and insisted on being called by his last name. His tribe hated him and that caused him to flip. That didn't help him so he got voted out and put on the jury.

He never had a vote cast against him. He won the game unanimously. He changed a lot, for the better.

Obviously, Caramoan.


I hope that you enjoyed this post. I also hoped that you understood it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Team Palau

Okay. You may have heard of my constant wanting a team of players from a single season to play again on one tribe. I'm not sure if team x would be the right way of describing the tribe or not. So far, I've only created a list for one season. I will mention the contestants from Palau and come up with a list of six contestants, three men and three women, who would be good for returning in a unique twist that might never be done unless I get hired on Survivor as a creative consultant (I'd rather do that than be a contestant). I will mention all twenty players from the season and come up with the final list. I will start with a list of the women from this season and then go to the men. I will have people from both tribes. I actually want everyone from this season to appear in another season, but for this list, I will only choose six. Sorry if the name of this blog post is confusing.

Women: Wanda was screwed by one of the most unfair twists in the show's history. But I'm not sure that I'd include her in this twist because she might work better in another. Jolanda was the first person voted out, so I'm not sure she'd make that great a returnee. Ashlee and Kim were also not as memorable so I don't think that I'd include them. At the Palau reunion show, Jeff Probst said that they both had enough of the game so we might not see that again. There are even rumors that Ashlee wanted to be voted off, but since they didn't show that in the show, we have no idea if that's true or not. This then leads to Angie, who I think would be a good returning player. She became a force to be reckoned with when she had to prove herself to the tribe. She was the last person picked (which actually wasn't the worst thing since the two not picked wouldn't even play) and did help prove herself in the game. She was actually screwed by a twist when the intended target got a surprise immunity and she lost after a revote. I'd choose her as a representative from Ulong, with the two others from Koror. Janu is a quitter, so even though she had strategic reasons for quitting and might have even been offered to play again, I'm not going to include her on this list. Stephanie has played three times, so she's out. Caryn made it pretty far and could be considered a good returning player. Jenn is dead and she remains the only Survivor player who is guaranteed to never play again (although most quitters are assumed to be out as well). Katie is the runner-up and she wanted to play in Micronesia but was cut (I think). I would have her return as well. Those are my three women: Angie, Caryn, and Katie.

Men: Jonathan was screwed by a very stupid twist, but he should probably on a one returnee per tribe season and not a season like this. Jeff asked to be voted out, so that makes him an unofficial quitter that I can't include. The next man is James, who was a pretty memorable person. I'd think that he'd make a good returning player since he was great on the entertainment level. Everything he said may have turned out to be wrong, but he sure was a great player, to some. Ibrehem might be good to some people. The Muslims might like him since he was one. He might still be one. I don't know. But I do know that he wasn't that good a player. He was pretty weak and helped his tribe lose a lot of their challenges. I hope that he's not offended if he or anyone he knows is reading this blog. I still want him to play again, just like I want everyone from this season to play again. I just don't think that he'd work well with this twist. Bobby Jon was a great contestant. He played again in Guatemala and became the first player to be eliminated because of a hidden immunity idol (not Stacy from Fiji as most people think). He is the favorite contestant of the only person I know who has read this blog, but doesn't always. But since he's a two time player, I'm not sure that I'd include him anyways in this twist. The next man out of the game was Coby. Coby was pretty entertaining and might have even been a jury threat. But he seemed like too much of a complainer and I'd rather not include him. The next man voted out was Gregg. Gregg would be a pretty good returning player in my mind. He made it pretty fair and had a pretty memorable showmance. His only problem was showing his cards to the other players. A more memorable screw-up was Ian who some say quit, but I say he didn't. I mean, can you really quit at the final three? I don't think that you can. In the Australian version of Survivor, the entire final four wanted to quit, but didn't because the producers said that if they did, the fifth place contestant would be the winner. Boy, the Australian version of Survivor created more controversy in one season than the American had in 26. But I'd rather not get into all the other problems that show had and stick to the blog post at hand. Ian stepped out of a record long challenge to give immunity to Tom with the idea to vote him out instead of Katie. He might have been asked for Micronesia and I forget why he didn't play again for that at least. Hopefully, we'll see him again sometime. Tom is not included on this list. He's the only winner to be on his original tribe for the whole game and the only two time player who made the jury phase of the game to only be on two tribes. But since he's won and played twice, I'm not putting him on this list. Those are my three men: James, Gregg, and Ian.

So if they ever did this twist of mine where two tribes of new players face an old school tribe all from the same season in the same location from said season, those would be my six players who would return to the game. I will quickly do a list of how else the returning players from this season could return for another season. All-Stars: Stephanie (again), Katie, Coby, Gregg, and Ian. Second chances: Wanda, Angie, Jonathan, Gregg, and Ian. Favorites: James, Gregg, Ian, Katie, Janu *, and Coby. One returnee per tribe: Ibrehem and James (due to their rivalry), Angie and Willard (due to their similarities), Jonathan and Wanda (due to their misfortune from a twist), Katie and Caryn (due to their rivalry), Ian and Tom (due to their friendship that eventually turned on each other). I hope that you liked this post.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Perfect Game Comparison

In Survivor, one can play a so called perfect game if they meet these requirements: 1- they have made it to the final tribal council as a finalist, 2- not a single vote has been cast against them over the entire game, and 3- they win the game unanimously. To date, only two people, JT and Cochran, have accomplished this feat. I will compare their perfect games to see which one, if any, played a better game. I will keep this simply to facts and leave opinions out of it. It could end up as a tie. We'll see. Hopefully I can put a table into this.

What JT did

What John Cochran did

Who wins the point

faced a jury of seven

faced a jury of eight


did perfect game first, before anyone else

was the second person to play a perfect game


did a perfect game the first time he played the game

did a perfect game the second time he played the game


was in a final two

was in a final three


was on a season with 16 contestants

was on a season with 20 contestants


won the Sprint player of the season award

did not win the Sprint player of the season award


did not have an advantage at the final immunity challenge

had an advantage at the final immunity challenge


was on the minority tribe for the first part of the game

was on the majority tribe for the first part of the game


his tribe was best post merge

his tribe was mostly bad post merge (the second incarnation, at least)


voted for everyone on the jury minus two

voted for everyone on the jury minus one


had four members of his tribe make the merge

had eight members of his original tribe and five members of his swapped tribe make the merge


did not have to outlast a returning player

had to outlast an entire tribe of returning players, excluding himself of course


didn't do as well the other time he played

did pretty good the other time he played, playing more days


barely had any votes the other time he played

had a lot of votes the other time he played



I can't think of what else to include. Maybe I was making responses out of nothing. But I guess that it's a tie. JT and Cochran played the same quality of perfect game, even though they had different ways of doing it. Who knows? Maybe JT and Cochran can be a one returnee per tribe season and battle it out over the perfect game. But who knows what will happen. I hope that you like this, even though it seems pretty strange.