Sunday, January 26, 2014

Interesting Alternate Returning Player Information

Interesting Alternate Returning Player Information

Have you ever wondered about information regarding to what returning players were chosen for a season? There’s a reason why others didn’t come back. There is a page on that lists all the “alternate returning players” for various seasons. This page talks about what players were considered for a season that didn’t end up making it. I will point out information that could interest readers of this blog (or bore them to death as usual). There are tons of great players that played once and for whatever reason, haven’t returned to play the game again. So here’s information on alternate returning players. Hopefully at least one google executive is reading this blog of mine and can fix the problem I have with posting it directly from word. If they can’t help, then maybe the NSA can help me instead. I just want to hit publish on this document, type in the information I need to type in, and get a published blog post instead of the information that word can’t publish it. Maybe I have to delete old blogs from my computer. I might try that or I’ll have to start using the old blog method and just publish it the way that google apparently wants me to. I’m sure that I’ll figure it out at some point or another. There might have been some strange things that were somehow in my folder for this blog that I just deleted. Otherwise, I’ll have to do a slightly longer version of posting this online all the time and you might see strange blog posts on a regular basis. Hopefully, this won’t be a boring blog post but I already fear that it will be. Note that when I say interesting alternates, I really mean all the known alternates.

From Borneo, the returning players are Gervase, Jenna, Richard, Rudy, and Susan. Interesting alternates are Colleen and Greg. Notable people they’ve never asked back are Gretchen and Kelly. Of course, just because we don’t know that they’ve asked them back doesn’t mean that they were asked back. Alicia, Michael, Amber, Colby, Jerri, and Tina are the returning players from Australia. Interesting alternates are Elisabeth, Jeff, and Rodger. There aren’t really any notable people that they’ve never asked back from this season. The returning players from Africa are Ethan, Lex, and Tom. Interestingly, those are the only three people from that season that they’ve ever asked back. Notable people they’ve never asked back are Clarence, Kelly, Kim Johnson, Lindsey, Silas, and Teresa. The returning players from Marquesas are Boston Rob and Kathy. Interesting alternates are Gina, Hunter, Sean, and Neleh. Notable people that they haven’t asked back are Sarah, Gabriel, and Paschal. Thailand’s only returning player is Shii-Ann. Interesting alternates are Brian, Clay, and Jan, although there could be more that I can’t remember. Jake and Penny are interesting players that they’ve never asked back. Jenna and Rob are the returning players from Amazon. Heidi is the only known alternate from that season that hasn’t returned. Christy is a notable player that they’ve never wanted back. Jon, Rupert, and Sandra are the returning players from Pearl Islands. Like Africa, they have never asked someone from that season back that hasn’t returned already. Notable people that they’ve never wanted back are Burton, Shawn, Andrew, Darrah, and Lillian.

I’ll skip All-Stars since that was all returning players in the first place, even though there are interesting people that they haven’t wanted back a third time (Rob Cestrino, Kathy, and Jenna Lewis are those people). Ami and Eliza are the returning players from Vanuatu. The only person from this season that they wanted back that hasn’t returned is Twila. Notable people that they’ve never wanted back are Chris, Rory, Travis, and Leann. The returning players from Palau are Stephenie, Tom, and Bobby Jon. Interesting people that they’ve wanted back are Coby, Janu, Jonathan, and Wanda. It’s possible that Ian, Jenn, and Katie were all asked back, but it is unknown if they really were or not. Caryn, Gregg, and James are notable people that they’ve never wanted back. Guatemala has only one returning player who wasn’t even originally from this season. Interesting alternates are Bobby Jon, Danni, Amy, and Jamie. Notable people that they haven’t wanted back are Cindy, Judd, Gary, and Rafe. Panama had Danielle, Cirie, and Aras as returning player from this season. Interesting alternates are Shane and Terry. Sally was possibly an alternate as well, but the source I read made it seem like a joke of some sort and she wasn’t really considered.  Notable people that they haven’t asked back are Misty and Bruce. The returning players from Cook Islands were Ozzy, Candice, Jonathan, and Parvati. The only known alternate for this season that hasn’t already returned is Yul. Notable people that they haven’t asked back are Billy, Nate, Sundra, Anh-Tuan, Becky, Jenny, and Adam. Yau-Man is the only returning player from Fiji. For a long time, he was the only known player that they actually wanted back from that season. But then, we learned that they wanted Edgardo back, and he’s the only known alternate from that season who hasn’t already returned. Notable people that they’ve never wanted back are Dreamz, Gary, Liliana, Lisette, Stacy, Earl, Michelle, Mookie, and Sylvia. The returning players from China are Amanda, Courtney, and James. Interesting alternates are Jean-Robert and Peih-Gee (although Jean-Robert isn’t actually listed on wikia page, but wikipedia in a rare occurrence has more information than they normally have on that subject. If you don’t believe me, consider why they only list RC as an alternate for Blood versus Water when wikia lists a bunch of more players, all with notable sources to back them up). Notable people that they haven’t asked back are Aaron, Jamie, and Sherea.

There are six favorites from Micronesia who have returned to play the game again, a record for any tribe, to my knowledge that is (those people are Amanda, Cirie, James, Jonathan, Ozzy, and Parvati). The only fan that they’ve had back is Erik. The only other fan that they wanted back is Natalie. With the possible exception of Jon, they have wanted every favorite back except for Ami. Notable fans that they haven’t wanted back are Alexis, Jason, and Mary. The returning players from Gabon are Randy, Corinne, and Sugar. The only known alternate that I can remember that hasn’t already returned is Ace. Notable people that they haven’t wanted back are Gillian, Ken, Matty, and Marcus. The returning players from Tocantins are JT, Coach, and Tyson. Interesting alternates are Taj and Sierra. Notable people that they have not asked back are Joe, Sandy, Stephen, and Brendan. The returning players from Samoa are Laura and both men named Russell (Swan & Hantz). The only known alternate that hasn’t returned yet is Shambo. Notable people that they haven’t asked back are Elizabeth, Jaison, Mike, Natalie, Brett, Erik, and Kelly. The next season was all returning players, but there are some surprises regarding players they haven’t asked back yet. They have yet to ask Amanda, Colby, James, or JT from the heroes. All the interesting villains have either already returned or at least been offered to come back.

From Nicaragua, there is currently only one returning player named Brenda. Interesting alternates are Holly, Jane, Marty, and Alina. It’s possible that they wanted Jill back as well, but I’m not so sure about that. Notable people that they haven’t asked back are Chase, Fabio, Kelly Bruno, and Shannon. The returning players from Redemption Island are Andrea, Francesca, and Phillip. Interesting alternates are Ashley and Matt. Notable people that they haven’t asked back are Grant, Mike, and Ralph. The returning players from South Pacific are Dawn, John, and Brandon. The only alternate player that I know of for this season that hasn’t returned already is Edna. Notable people that they haven’t wanted back, besides Ozzy and Coach, are Elyse, Jim, Whitney, Christine, and Mikayla. The returning players from One World are Colton, Kat, and Monica. Interesting alternates are Troyzan and Chelsea (I think it was Chelsea at least, it could have been Sabrina instead, or possibly both). Notable people that they haven’t wanted back are Bill, Jonas, Leif, Tarzan, Christina, and Kourtney (although I’m not sure that Kourtney is healthy enough yet). The only returning player currently from Philippines is Malcolm. Interesting alternates are Jonathan, Lisa, and RC. Notable people that they’ve never wanted back are Dana, Denise, Jeff, Russell, Zane, Abi-Maria, Michael, and Pete.

I’ll take a moment away from the blog to point out that Michael has probably been asked back for potentially Blood versus Water, but we don’t know about it yet. He has made strange claims in a Survivor Oz interview regarding the different seasons that he was asked back for. Ryan Opray claims that Andrew replaced him in Pearl Islands. Michael claims that not only was he considered for Pearl Islands as a returning player, he was also considered for Panama, Fiji, and Tocantins as an alternate returning player. What makes that strange is that none of those seasons ended up with a single returning player in them as they were all new players season. I have no idea what the original plans for those seasons were. They are as mysterious as wondering how Stephanie LaGrossa was an alternate for Philippines as the original twist for Philippines never ended up happening either. Michael and certain other people (like Roger from Australia and Jenna from Amazon and All-Stars) claim that he was considered for All-Stars, Guatemala, Micronesia, Heroes versus Villains, Redemption Island, and South Pacific, which just happened to be every season with a returning player up to that point. That means he was considered for more seasons than any other contestant was. At least he has returned unlike poor Terry Dietz.

For the last two seasons, they all happened pretty recently so it’s probably not that big a surprise that not many people have been asked back from them. In fact, it will be a while before they have any information about Blood versus Water alternates. None of the fans from Caramoan have yet to be considered to return and the only favorite that they wanted back from Caramoan was Malcolm who would have been back to back to back if he wanted to (he declined, but we could still see his brother in future seasons and Malcolm himself). Blood versus Water has many potential new players that were not in the cast. Many of them could wind up in future seasons. To my knowledge, none of them are in the 28th season, but they have released the cast information about that seasons so expect me to blog about that before the season starts. I will be back with more blog posts pretty soon. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Ten Dumbest Moves in Survivor History

The Ten Dumbest Moves in Survivor History

Okay. This might be my last top ten for a while. Then again, I don’t know how I’m going to come up with enough blog posts during the hiatus between the last season and the upcoming season. Guess I shouldn’t be doing two a week. Hopefully, the official cast will be released soon so I can talk about that. I don’t know when they plan on filming the 29th or 30th season, but it is possible that they are filming it now. Possible, but unlikely. Maybe I should do a list of all the twists that they could use for the 30th season. I want to do a ten best tribes list (which would contradict my claim that this would be the last top ten for a while, but I don’t really care about that right now), but I’m not entirely sure what those ten tribes would be. And since I’ve done a worst twists list, I might as well do a best twists list, but I don’t have enough good twists on the list yet, although I’m sure that I could if I tried really hard at thinking about it. I forget what all the things I’ve promised to post but might not have posted yet is. I guess I should look back at this blog. Besides, if I don’t read it, then I’m not sure that anyone does. There is at least one person who says that they are a player in this season, but I don’t think that anyone should be saying that yet. In this case, it’s possible (but I’m not entirely sure) that this is a hoax. I don’t want to look up any information regarding this season (or the next two, for that matter) for fear that I could be spoiled as to who might when. I want to know where it is, what major twists they might use, and who is in it (but only if there are returning players). Other than that, I don’t really want to know and don’t know why I look stuff like that up sometimes. Also, hopefully these minor blog problems that I have don’t persist or I can stop saying things in this blog that annoy me to some degree that have been in my blog for quite some time and might annoy you too. The Survivor premiere could not get here soon enough. And I don’t know how to fix the time zone when my blog says that I post it at one time and that’s not when I really posted it. I’m not sure that I want to post it either, although you probably know that I live somewhere in either the Central or Eastern time zone and was not affected by either of the two possible delays in the finale of Blood versus Water. You know: the six minute delay or the twenty-five minute delay that I’m making a big deal about for absolutely no good reason. Regardless, I should stop the pointless commentary that normally accompanies these blog posts (one of the things that I do that annoy me and probably a lot of you) and get to the point of this whole blog post. Let me first think of all the dumb moves in the show. I have decided to only include dumb contestant decisions and dumb moves that were made in the form of challenges, twists, or some other form of production decision, are not going to be included.

Before we get to the main list, I will do a list of honorable mentions. While there are scores of dumb moves from various season to choose from (not even all of the very dumb moves are what I considered to be chosen on this list of mine), I will list what I think the dumbest moves are. I don’t think that Colby taking Tina to the end in Australia was among the top ten dumbest moves in the season of the show. As much as the women keeping Chris around in Vanuatu inadvertently letting him win the game was pretty dumb, but also unworthy of the top ten. Cindy keeping her car for herself in Guatemala was dumb, but it was pretty much a no win situation for her that she would have failed at anyways. Jason trying to use a fake idol in Micronesia only to have a real idol and not use it was another dumb move. But he is also unworthy because of the sheer number of bad moves that overshadow it. That is also why Ken getting himself voted out in Gabon while trying to blindside another player in the dumbest way possible (he more or less said, “give me your immunity necklace so I can vote you out”) is not on the list. And as dumb as Matt was when he reentered the game by winning Redemption Island only to get himself voted out again by trying to redeem himself by telling the person he had thought of blindsiding of his plan to vote him out, that is also not going to be on the list. So, with no further ado, I will post the top ten dumbest moves and hope that the order is good and the list is good considering how Survivor fans will always argue about what the dumbest move of all time is (or has yet to be).

#10 From Survivor: Thailand comes one of the few interesting parts of the season. It is still considered the reason why the affected player should return for another chance, despite the fact that she has already become a returning player. Shii-Ann betrayed her tribe at the merge. Well, that was the problem. It wasn’t actually the merge. The contestants didn’t think of the fact that nobody gave them new buffs that merged tribes typically get. They were none the wiser to the fact that the two tribes did not actually merge. I do wonder if this fake merge would have still happened if someone had accepted the mutiny offer in a previous episode. But I’ve never liked the way they did mutinies and was surprised the only time people accepted it. But, back to the topic. Shii-Ann’s tribe was mean to her for most of the normal premerge part of the game. In fact, she was the one who always got the votes at tribal council that weren’t given to the person who was voted out. Like Cochran many seasons later, she really wanted to flip. And everyone knew that she could have betrayed the tribe had they actually merged. But because they didn’t, she was immediately voted out once they lost the immunity challenge and didn’t end up making the merge. Regardless, her tribe was screwed either way. But, since the other tribe of the season doesn’t have a single returning player, this move isn’t as dumb in comparison to many others because she got a second chance because of it. That is why it only ranks as number ten, but it’s still more stupid than any other action not on the list.

#9 From Survivor: Guatemala comes what might be an overlooked dumb moment in the show, but still a pretty dumb move. Rafe had everything going for him that season. He could have easily won the game. But like other players before him, he messed it all up. And he messed it up at the final three of all places. He had a final two deal with both of the players that were left in the game. Thus, in theory, anyone could win the final immunity challenge and if it wasn’t him, he would still be sitting next to them. That’s when he impulsively threw it all away. His great game ended the moment the final immunity challenge did. Due to Stephenie getting upset, Rafe released Danni, the winner of the final immunity challenge, from their final two deal. He then tried to take it back and got upset at Danni when she voted out the bigger threat to win (him). He was the only jury member to vote for Stephenie to win, because she played a pretty poor game that season and definitely lost it at the final tribal council by poorly answering questions that the jury asked her. Poor Stephenie. Danni also seemed to come out of nowhere to win the game to when Rafe had everything going for him with great game play and a great strategy. But then he released Danni from their final two deal.

#8 From Survivor: Heroes versus Villains comes a dumb moment that I’ve already covered before. Tyson was given a simple task by his alliance. Vote out Russell. That way, if Russell plays a hidden immunity idol on himself, the other target named Parvati can get voted out. If Parvati plays a hidden immunity idol, Russell can get voted out. But it only works if you stick to your vote. Instead, Tyson decides to vote for Parvati at the urging of Russell of all people to ensure that a threat would get voted out. Tyson must have been that threat because he was the one voted out after he switched his vote and Parvati played the hidden immunity idol that Russell gave her. Tyson redeemed himself as a good player in the most recent season that he won. This move, on the other hand, was just stupid.

#7 From Survivor: China comes the first of many events known as the dumbest move ever made in Survivor. Such a thing had never happened before, although it has happened since, only with one less idol than it first happened. It’s always a dumb move but it was really dumb when it first happened. James knew that he was a strong competitor. He knew that he was a threat. Other people knew that he had not one, but two hidden immunity idols. And if he played them, then he would make it very far in the game. But he didn’t play either idol. He still has them both because he got voted out of the game with them in his possession. And he’ll probably never live that down. He has not had that many good experiences in the game, but this one was the only time that it was his fault.

#6 From Survivor: Palau comes more of a strange moment that came from a very unusual season. Ian, like many of these dumb players, had a lot going for him. While I’m not certain that he would have won in a final two against Tom, he definitely went about getting there the wrong way. At the final three immunity challenge, he spent a very long time facing Tom. In fact, this challenge lasted longer than any other challenge in the game. Jeff Probst listed it as his favorite challenge, although I’m not certain that they’ll use it again due to the length of time it can last. Ian and Tom went back and forth over who should drop out and vote out Katie. And then, out of the blue, Ian decides to give up immunity and his position in the game by saying that he’ll drop out of the challenge so that Tom would take Katie and not him to the final two. Now there were off camera game play that we didn’t get to see that much where Tom stated that he always planned on taking Katie to the final two and told Ian to do the same. I’m not sure if this is because Tom thought that Katie was easy to beat or if it’s because he valued an alliance with Katie. I think that it wasn’t because he wanted someone easy to beat, but I don’t know for sure. I guess that I’ll have to listen to that Survivor Oz interview again. Back on topic, Ian made a bad move that made many people mistake him for a quitter (although can you really quit that late in the game?), but I think that he might return at some point. I hope that he does, even if he has yet to be an alternate for a returning player season.

#5 From Survivor: Micronesia comes another event considered the stupidest move ever. As a matter of opinion, I have listed this here instead of later on the list. In fact, my opinion might not even be what many people think is the dumbest move of all time. Erik was playing, once again, a great game so far. Well, according to him, he made a lot of mistakes in the game. But he wasn’t going to do that when he gave up his necklace to Natalie. Say what! Why would you give up your own form of immunity? The women didn’t even want to try asking you to do that because of how dumb it was to do. And that’s why you made a terrible move. Nobody remembers what other dumb moves you might have made before that. When you returned to the game, you would also give up the tribal immunity idol and the hidden immunity idol, but somehow, that didn’t negatively affect your game. This bad move is what he’ll always be remembered for.

#4 From Survivor: Borneo comes what is considered by many (at least me) to be the first move to go down in history as incredibly dumb. It was very dumb. You’d think that it being the first season might have excused them in some way. But I just consider it to be a bad decision. Pagong should have voted together in a majority. With Sean voting on his own, the Pagong five could easily overpower the members of Tagi. Instead, they all cast individual votes. Having not seen the episode where this happened, I don’t understand it. And I think that the majority of the community will never understand it. Every member of Pagong voted for however they wanted to instead of as a group. They all got picked off one by one. And they would go down in reality show infamy.

#3 From Survivor: One World comes a shocking event that could be the dumbest move that a group of individuals did. While the lead-up will always be misleading since they can’t show us why this actually happened, it will still go down as a horrible and terrible decision. Manono just won an immunity challenge. They were safe. They didn’t have to vote anyone out. But because of irritation with a certain tribe member, they thought of giving up immunity to the other tribe. The decision was unanimous. It had to be. And if you are agreeing to go to tribal council to vote out a member of your tribe, you could potentially be giving your tribe permission to vote yourself out when they otherwise wouldn’t have. And that is what makes the decision so dumb. While Moto had given up immunity before, they had a perfectly good excuse (they’d lose their great beach if they kept it). Manono would just become the dumbest tribe in the show’s history.

#2 From Survivor: Heroes versus Villains comes an incredibly dumb player by someone who should be a great player. JT was the only player at the time to play a perfect game so he knew the great things that can be done to play a game well to win. This was not one of his bright and shiny moments. This was a very moronic moment. This is why many people hate him and consider him a bad player, although I don’t think that one of Survivor’s worst players would have won the game, especially not the way that JT won the game. Regardless, he was pretty dumb to give his hidden immunity idol to a member of the opposing tribe, that was even called the Villains or more evil tribe. JT’s tribe probably lost the game because of this moment. (I just lost the game. And so did anyone who understands what this comment means.) Poor JT thought that he was helping the last member of a tribe being targeted by an all women’s alliance. Instead, he helped a villain get even stronger.

#1 Okay, so I might end up cheating on this last item on the list. The dumbest move of all time is actually the dumbest player of all time. There is nothing smart that this player did any time he played the game. So I’m giving the award to Brandon for being a horrible player. In both South Pacific and Caramoan, he played the game in a worse way than any other player has. And I was thinking that his uncle was pretty bad at the game. But I was wrong. Brandon is the worst player. Under the pretense of not lying, he lies to everyone about everything. He does very dumb things such as telling people who the target is when they are getting voted out (and that person is the target), making up more lies about players and then getting mad when people figure them out. And the smartest thing he might have ever done was give up immunity to his ally. Wait, that’s not smart at all. When he gave up immunity, he got voted right out of the game. That move culminated and solidified his status as the all time dumbest Survivor player. And the moves he made wrong were the worst moves in the game.

I hope that this list doesn’t contradict any previous list that I did. That’s why I had to switch numbers three and four with each other. I don’t think that the most shocking moments are definitely the dumbest moments of all time. These are the ten that I chose. I’m not sure if I’ll do a reverse list and add numbers 11-20 or not. Hopefully, I can find something good to post about in the future until this coming season airs. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Development of Blood versus Water Castaways

Development of Blood versus Water Castaways

Okay, so I’ve been having a minor problem with this blog. The word document that is made for blog posts on the version of word that I have does not always like posting the blog post that I put on the computer I have. But the problem isn’t that big, since I can just log onto the blog the regular way and then copy and paste what I have written here. I used to always post on the blog instead of documents but then I had an outdated web browser for a while and when I got better internet on a regular basis and accidently downloaded a great web browser (google chrome), I still kept to the old method mostly because it was easier that way to have the document posted in advance instead of writing it all at once. I used to have a regular word document where I would edit stuff before I posted it and deleted it afterwards, but I found this method to be the best. Hopefully, this won’t be that bad a problem. Anyways, I should get to the actual blog post now.

I did something like this with the Caramoan players and that included a table. But since tables don’t work that well in the blog post, I might not do that. It’s possible, however, that one would show up. Regardless, I’m going to talk about how the ten returning players have changed compared to previous seasons that they played. I will mention how they are a different player in this season (if they are, at least) and ultimately include which season they did best in. I will list each contestant individually and say how they are different. Also, just because they got farther in one season than they did in others doesn’t mean that was their best season. You might like certain players better in seasons they did worse in. Regardless, I will mention how the players changed in this season from previous seasons, if they’re different at all.

Rupert is an interesting contestant and great player and cast more votes to win than any other player in Survivor history. He is currently one of the only two four time players and could very likely become a five time player. I’m not sure why people hate him, but if people hate someone like Michael Skupin, then they’ll hate anyone! Regardless, when he first played in Pearl Islands, Rupert became a very likable contestant, strong competitor, and most notably, shoe thief. He was on the dominate tribe throughout the season and made it to the merge. He was ultimately blindsided by the merge tribe, probably because he was a threat to win. He returned for All-Stars and became the first player to do back to back seasons. He made it further the second time, only to be blindsided again by his alliance. After many years, he returned to Heroes versus Villains as a hero. He made it far again, but for the only time, he was not on the better tribe for any part of the game. Regardless, he made it on the jury for the third time, more than any other player. This time, he wasn’t directly blindsided, but as usual, someone flipping from his alliance to the rival’s alliance is what eventually cost him the game. Interesting, he made it quite possibly the farthest in the game with an injury than any other player had done. On Blood versus Water, his legacy hit a low point when he sort of chose to be voted out. He was switching places with his wife who really was voted out in a dumb twist. But he got sent to Redemption Island and had a chance to stay in the game by continuing to win duels there. Well, a stack falling cost him the game, but he’ll probably be back at some point. This season saw him as more of a sacrificial lamb than anything else and he did better in previous seasons. Main transition: From a hero who fought hard to a hero that fell on his sword.

Colton is an infamous and controversial player known for being a horrible villain that convinced his own tribe to give up immunity after they had won a challenge. His time in One World was cut short when he was medically evacuated from the game (although some say that he quit). He inevitably returned this season and more or less kept the same personality that we all hated in him the first time. This personality led him to quitting the game for pretty much no good reason. If Candice weren’t a last minute replacement/addition to this season, you’d think that he would have gotten voted out at first impressions, but for whatever reason, Matt from One World is the only Survivor contestant to cast a vote against Colton. So this season led us to hate Colton even more, but be relieved that he probably isn’t coming back. But if quitters are allowed back (like Colton, if he was one in the first place), then you’ll never know who might come back even if they did quit one of the times they played. They have asked Janu and Jenna back, although Jenna quitting in All-Stars was pretty strange in the first place. Regardless, Colton was probably worse this season as well. Main transition: From a villain to a loser.

Candice is not considered a great Survivor player. In fact, she might have done worse than any other three time player, meaning she played the least days among all the players who have played for three and only three times so far. Somehow, Stephenie LaGrossa had the record before her and that seems strange since Stephenie actually made day 39 in one of her seasons. I could be wrong about that, but I’m not entirely sure. Candice is also an interesting player based on the pattern in the seasons she’s played. I don’t know if anyone else has this sort of pattern or not. Some probably used to, but I don’t know if anyone else besides her has this pattern. She has played the 13th, 20th, and 27th seasons so far, so she should return for the 34th season next, no sooner and no later. Anyways, the first time she played in Cook Islands, she started on one tribe, switched to another tribe, mutinied back to her first tribe, made the merge, and ultimately got voted out and sent to Exile Island a lot. She was controversially considered a hero in Heroes versus Villains when she returned to the game the first time and ultimately flipped on her alliance again and got voted out because of it again. She returned again to this season and I feel that she got more love this season despite not making it as far this season. Fans could really feel for her after she got voted out after the first impressions twist. She then ruled Redemption Island challenges for a while before losing a challenge even though she finished it correctly in the less remembered, badly called duel of the season (the more remembered one and only other badly called duel was the one that Vytas lost by one freaking second). So she never went to tribal council the third time around and became more likable to some people (me at least). Main transition: From a traitor to a victim of a bad twist or from a flipper to a needlessly hurt contestant.

Kat is considered kind of ditsy and not all that aware of what’s going on. She debut in One World and almost became the first person voted out of her tribe and the game (remembering how Kourtney was medically evacuated before someone else could do that first). But she made it to the merge and her personality clashed with many of the players and viewers. But she was doing well enough until she was blindsided instead of the last guy left on the tribe. I just know realized that history must have repeated itself this season. While she wasn’t seemingly as dumb and annoying as she might have been in the past, she made bad choices again and saw herself voted out of a tribe of all women plus one man. Unlike Leann of Survivor: Vanuatu, the man that her tribe kept around (both times) did not go on to win the game. Regardless, like the last player and the next one, she probably was better received this season even though she didn’t get as far in the game. I’m not sure what most people would say the main different between them is. Main transition: From a dumb blonde to an unfortunate premerge boot.

Aras is one of twenty-six players to actually win the game of Survivor when he played Panama. Jeff Probst called him the most boring winner ever and it seemed like there were more deserving players when he won. (Of course, if I did a list of every player who more deserved to win over someone who did, then we’d be opening a Pandora’s Box of flaming and hate that I’m not sure that I’d want to do. By the way, maybe Aras wasn’t that bad a player and did deserve to win. He’s certainly not the worst winner or anything. By the way, I’m not going to tell you who the worst winner is, although I might in a future blog post, depending on how old this post is.) Anyways, Aras won Panama due to some last minute luck and probably other stuff that I don’t remember due to the season happening a long time ago and being unable to watch it again yet. I plan to, but you probably know the rules I have to buying an old Survivor season and those rules do not apply in this current case. He almost got medically evacuated on day 39, which is what I’m sure his final two opponent, Danielle, would have loved because she’d win by default. In what might be a complete coincidence, they first went without final twos in the season made right after that one. So he won the game the first time and came back to play the second time. The second time might have seen him the same, although he might have been different too. He was very controlling of the tribe that he was on and seemed to only care about playing with his brother. Ultimately, their time together in the game was short lived as he would be the first one voted out of the merged tribe and become the first member of the jury after losing the first post merge Redemption Island duel. So I’m not really sure what type of transformation he had here. Obviously, he was a better player when he actually won the game. Things fell apart for him this season after the merge. Main transition: From an uninteresting winner to an interesting jury member.

Laura Morett first played the game of Survivor in Samoa. She was put on the tribe that ended up being the strongest in the premerge part of the game that only lost two members on the way to an earlier merge. But things fell apart for her tribe after the merge. We saw a Pagonging of sorts and she was the victim of a tie vote. Plus, it hurt that she had a rivalry with Shambo of her tribe, otherwise there might not be a tie in the first place. But I think that we got to see more of her this season and her game wasn’t overshadowed by anyone else (with the possible exception of both Ciera and Tina, which would make this comment dumb since Russell Hantz and Shambo both overshadowed her the first time). She became a Redemption Island queen (quite possibly the first woman to do well at Redemption Island) and she made Survivor history by not being immediately voted out after returning to the game from Redemption Island. She made it farther back in the game as a result as three people were voted out before she eventually was voted out again. She lost the dumb final challenge on Redemption Island. It’s the final reentry point into the game and it never appeared besides a Redemption Island duel. I thought that the whole point of Redemption Island challenges were that they were already done in previous seasons and were thus tested challenges deemed fair to use in the game. But this standing on a vase challenge, called a leg up, was only used as a duel and thus was never really tested in previous seasons. This has arguably messed up the winner of Redemption Island in both seasons it was used. But, regardless, I think that she did do better this time both in duration of time lasted in the game as well as likability among fans. I’d give her the better ranking this season and hope that she returns for a future season. In fact, even including Rupert, she’s the returning player from this season that I’d most want to return for another season (sorry Rupert). Main transition: From a random player to a strong competitor and challenge threat.

Tina was originally from the second season of Survivor that was done in Australia. For whatever reason, a woman dropped out of doing the game and Tina, an alternate for the season, replaced her and played instead. (Tina is not the only winner to originally be an alternate for the season she won. Fabio from Nicaragua also holds this distinction. There might be others, but those are the only two that I know of and can think of for now.) She played a great game in Australia and due to extra days of filming that I’m not entirely sure was intentional, she became the only winner to play more than thirty-nine days. The only time she was in danger of being voted out was at the final three where Colby, who won the final immunity challenge, made what is considered to be a dumb mistake, took her to the end instead of an easy win. That move may have cost him the game, but that doesn’t matter since I was rooting for Tina (although my original favorite to win might have been Elisabeth, who had to be replaced at the last minute when she was voted out, although I can’t remember if I was rooting for someone other than Tina or not and have the feeling that I wasn’t). I never saw Survivor until early into the second season before being drawn into the great show, but I do have the first season on DVD and plan to watch it during the summer, if not sooner. When Tina appeared on All-Stars, she was immediately targeted for being a winner and voted out upon her tribe losing the first immunity challenge. She returned for this season and while still not the lovable winner we all remember, she proved to be a good part of the game. I’ll admit, she mostly had a lot of dumb luck with her Redemption Island challenges. Her beating Aras wasn’t that bad a win on her part. Her beating Vytas would have been changed if she had finished her puzzle just two seconds later. She almost thought of throwing the one with her daughter, but after her daughter dropped her key, it would be clear that Tina would escape death once again. And then the challenge that I already stated my disgust with brought her back into the game instead of poor Hayden who can’t seem to win a Survivor challenge or Laura who would have deserved it more after having to fight harder for it. Regardless, Tina played a great game and could have won again under different circumstances. But I’m not disappointed with who won by any means. I’d still have to rank her first season as her highest and best season and obviously the worst one was All-Stars. Main transition: From a wonderful contestant to a lucky but average player.

Gervase played the original Survivor in the very first season in Borneo. Since I have not seen the first season, I’m not sure how to describe how well he did that season. I know that he said a comment about women and someone else thought it was funny, thus getting blamed for the comment and voted out instead of Gervase. Gervase made it to the merge, but like the rest of his dumb tribe, did not realize until it was too late that people were voting him out. Thus, he became a member of the jury. He would then set a record that could eventually be broken of longest gap between seasons that he played Survivor. He played as far as he could this next season and became a finalist. But since he was mostly following Tyson’s commands throughout the game, he did not get any votes to win the game. Since I haven’t seen his first season, I don’t know which one I state as better, although you’d think that it would be this season. Main transition: From an obscure, early contestant to a boring finalist.

Monica, like the majority of Survivor players (I think), did not make the merge when she first played the game. Like others before her, she returned to play the game again. But first, in One World, she was doing well in the first portion of the game, before a tribe swap put her on the other tribe with no alliance of her own. She was voted out after the first tribal council after the swap. But she returned to Survivor in Blood versus Water, made it all the way to the end of the game, and beat Michael Skupin’s old record of most improved finished in the game. She did become a challenge threat and played a great game, but her ever shifting alliances and riding of coattails is what ultimately got her only one jury vote to win. Main transition: From a victim of a twist to a victim of not doing much in the game.

Tyson first appeared in Tocantins. He was one of two contestants to win individual immunity for no reason since a contestant was medically evacuated and no tribal council was held. I don’t really remember his time on Tocantins that well. Anyways, he returned as a villain in Heroes versus Villains and made a dumb move that got him voted out. He returned for this season, Blood versus Water, and played a much better game. Like Rupert, he lasted a long time in the game, although his injury wasn’t focused upon that much so I’m not even he had it that long. He might have recovered from it or he might have had it until day 39. Regardless, he played a great game and really deserved the win. So, he obvious did the best in this season. Main transition: From a dumb guy to a genius winner.

Not really sure what else to say here. So enjoy this complimentary table where I explain to the best of my ability what seasons are the best for each of the players in as few words as possible.

Contestant’s Name
Original Season
Heroes versus Villains
Blood versus Water
pretty good
did not play
did not play
did not play
more likable
did not play
did not play
did not play
did not play
Laura Morett
did not play
did not play
did not play
pretty good
did not play
did not play
did not play
did not play
did not play

I hope that you enjoyed this random blog post of mine. Hopefully, nobody is offended by my opinions of this season’s castaways. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Shocking Moments Part 2: The Top Ten

Okay, so I recently told you about the first ten most shocking moments in Survivor history. Now I will tell you the other ten moments which are even more shocking. There are twists on the list. There are unusual events. There are dumb contestant moments. Some of it made you want to shout wtf at the TV. Why would people do that? What lead this to happening? How did something like this happen in the first place? Don’t worry. There are plenty more tribal council moments and tribal councils that will be on the list. You might already know number one based on previous blog posts, but I’m sure that you will enjoy the list regardless, especially the other moments that you wouldn’t know are on the list yet. So, I should get to the list.

#10 From Survivor: Pearl Island comes a controversial twist that I actually loved. It’s one of my favorite twists of all time and I wish that they did it more than once. I’m not sure why there is so much negativity around the twist, actually. Feel free to talk about it here in comments if you want to or you can ignore it like usual. I’m talking about the outcasts twist. I loved how voted out people could compete for a chance to get back in the game. This was the last season before returning players were introduced so the idea was pretty revolutionary at the time. The twist brought the six people who were voted out of the game so far back for a chance to compete to get back in the game. Here’s what some people don’t remember that well. If they came in third place at the challenge, it would have been like they never appeared at all. The second place tribe would go to tribal council, but no one would have been voted back in the game. But for people who were voted out of the game, they did quite well in the challenge. Some say that their unofficial buffs allowed them an unfair advantage in the challenge. They had to rescue one extra person than the other two tribes, but they still one the challenge and became the first, and possibly only tribe, to win every challenge they participated in. Never mind that they couldn’t compete in more than one challenge, no other tribe that I remember had a perfect score with challenges, even though all the members on the tribe lost at least one challenge on another tribe. Regardless, two people who were previously out of the game got back into the game. Both of them would make Survivor history when one of them got voted out a second time and the other one became a finalist. The twist remains a true shock to those who liked it or not and for better or for worse, went down in the history of Survivor.

#9 From Survivor: Caramoan comes what I think might be the best tribal council as a whole in the show’s history. I’m not sure what exactly to call it. But I do know that Malcolm revealed both of his idols and knew that the target would be off of his back. He planned for it to be a fake out like he did in the last season that none of the people here knew about. That great tribal council might have been unknown to them at the time, but this time it would be known as an awesome tribal council. He released that he would have to play his idols and told everyone that Phillip would get voted out. After both idols were smartly played, many Survivor fans saw great satisfaction in seeing Phillip get voted out. I’m certain that every Survivor fan saw a great tribal council the likes of which are very uncommon throughout the many tribal councils of many seasons.

#8 From Survivor: Marquesas comes an event that shook the Survivor world. Many people never saw such an event coming into the game. It happened so quickly, few people knew what had happened until it was over. I’m talking about the purple rock. Controversial to this day, the purple rock redefined the Survivor game for years to come. It would be twenty-three seasons after that one before the contestants would risk drawing a rock again. It would be six seasons after the purple rock was drawn before another tie vote happened (unless you count the outcasts’ tribal council). It was a shock as a twist itself, but it was especially shocking how someone who was not affected by the tie vote (and never even had a vote cast against him) was not only forced to draw a rock, but ended up drawing the rock that eliminated him from the game. After this, many players would do whatever they could to avoid drawing a rock and risk being eliminated from the game like that.

#7 From Survivor: Caramoan comes an event that made an entire tribe turn on one contestant. He totally had it coming and got what he deserved. I’m talking about Brandon’s meltdown. It was a fitting resolution for the dumbest Survivor player ever to pretty much cause his own elimination a second time. How is Colton considered the first two time quitter? While Brandon didn’t quit either time, it sure seemed he did both times. He gave up the necklace the first time, merely the pinnacle of his dumb moves that season, only two be invited back. He will probably never be coming back after the explosive way he left. The episode where he was voted out in a very unconventional way was promoted brilliantly. We had never seen Survivor like that before. I hope that we never do again. While he still wasn’t expelled from the game, it was a horrible way that he left. After a reward challenge that his tribe won, he got into arguments about it with Phillip. It’s unknown who exactly started it. We just know that Brandon hated his tribe so much that he threw out the tribe’s food and got into a fight with everyone that got him voted out before the planned challenge had even started. While he was not actually banned from the reunion show, he didn’t want to go and they were perfectly okay with that. Regardless, his meltdown and subsequently getting voted out was pretty shocking.

#6 From Survivor: Heroes versus Villains comes the first of two major shocks that season. While a lot of that season wasn’t actually shocking to some people due to all the accurate spoilers that went viral that season, if you didn’t know them or you still watched and didn’t believe them, you probably weren’t expecting something like this. Here’s the setup. Your alliance of six has a brilliant plan to vote out one of two threats in the game. You just have to remember to vote for a certain person. But, someone from the rival alliance tells you that they want to get rid of a threat that would force you to change their vote for you. Surely, you wouldn’t change your vote and risk your own elimination, would you? Apparently, you would do that. Tyson, who had to follow a very simple plan, changed his vote while the rest of his alliance tried to do the rest of the vote the right way. When Russell went to play an idol, Tyson thought that he would play it on himself and would certainly get rid of Parvati. Instead, Parvati was given the idol to play and with an extra vote against her, the votes against Russell wouldn’t line up and Tyson would be the one voted out of the game. You can’t really blame him because he did it to himself. Spoilers aside, the season probably is very great in your minds because a lot of great things happened that would be good to see whether you knew spoilers or not. I’ll get to a great moment that spoilers didn’t ruin later. Tyson voting himself out (in a way, at least, since casting a vote against yourself is against the rules of the game) was nominated among four other moves as the five dumbest moves in the game (thus far at least). While Colby not taking the easy win in Australia was pretty dumb, it was not that much of a shock so it won’t be included in this list of mine. But, the other three will all be here shortly. Speaking of which, that leads me to the next item on my list.

#5 From Survivor: China comes a moment that had never happened before. It has happened in seasons since, but not as huge a mistake as it was the first time. While it is always a dumb move no matter how often it appears, it was especially dumb the first time it happened. One reason for that is that it happened with twice the bad brains as it would otherwise. I’m talking about James getting voted out with not one, but two hidden immunity idols. He’s such a strong player in the game. You’d think that he’d know that he was a target since everyone knew that he had the idols. But he thought that he was safe (not the first or last player to do that) so he didn’t play either idol. He then laughed at being an idiot when he got voted out. “I had two hidden immunity idols!” he exclaimed in his exit confessional. He got played. But his dumb move wouldn’t last that long as the dumbest. But we’ll get to that later.

#4 From Survivor: Australia comes what I consider to be the first real shock in Survivor history. It is considered to be one of the most memorable moments in the history of the show and the game itself. It would unfortunately happen in other seasons, and I’ve already mentioned some of the other times it was considered a shock. But this time was very serious. It marked the only time in the twenty-seven seasons of Survivor that Jeff Probst was not a witness to a contestant’s elimination. It was very unexpected to everyone involved. I’m talking about Michael Skupin getting medically evacuated. I wasn’t rooting for Kucha in that season of Survivor. But I don’t think anyone wanted them to fail in the way they did. While tending the camp fire, Michael accidently breathed in some of the smoke and passed out onto the fire. His face was protected, but his hands were burnt very bad. This sudden injury forced a sudden change of plans for everyone that season. The medical team had to quickly come and pull Michael from the game. This managed to lead to Kucha’s downfall, although it would take until the final four before they were all out of the game. It remains the most serious medical evacuation (I’m pretty sure, at least) and the first shocking moment in the history of this show.

#3 From Survivor: Micronesia comes an event that made all the people who did dumb events in Survivor that far look like members of Mensa. (If you didn’t already know, you have to be a genius in order to be in that group.) You’d have to think that someone like him would have known better before he made this very dumb decision. But he didn’t and went down in Survivor history for this infamous mistake. I’m talking about Erik giving up the immunity necklace. Maybe he didn’t realize that there was an all women’s alliance and he was the only man left in the game. Maybe he thought he could do what Jenna Moresca did in Amazon. Maybe he had delusions of still being immune if he gave up the necklace like Burton was when he returned after the outcasts twist. Whatever he thought when he made the decision, he definitely doesn’t think now. He made a terrible decision by giving up the necklace to redeem himself. He talked about making a lot of mistakes in the game when he gave it up. Nobody remembers any of those mistakes, if they were even real. The decision was so dumb that when the Black Widow Alliance suggested it, Natalie wanted nothing to do with their crazy idea. She thought that there was no way someone could be that dumb. But she was wrong. He was that dumb. Some people might have thought that the suggestion would be a lot of build up to nothing when the decision came as to whether or not he would keep the necklace. But he shocked everyone by giving it up and immediately getting voted out because of it. He made a dumb decision that few people have topped with a worse one. Speaking of which, this leads us to the next shocking moment.

#2 From Survivor: Heroes versus Villains comes an event promoted as dumber than anything you had ever seen before. While many people disagree to the degree of the dumbness of the move, I would have to say that it is dumber than anything mentioned so far, although it is no longer the dumbest move of all time. It was a total shock, even if you did know the spoilers of that season. I’m talking about JT giving up his hidden immunity idol to Russell Hantz of all people. Sure, Russell’s first season had still not aired a single second of footage in America and it was not available in any way to the contestants playing with Russell. Regardless, the people on the other tribe are your rivals and you wouldn’t want any of them to have power like that, even if they are on the outs on their tribe, which he’s not by the way. While JT is not the only contestant to possess an idol and give it to another player, he is the only one who made a dumb decision that caused his direct elimination because of it. His idol was handed to Russell and eventually made its way to Parvati. That caused shocking moment 2b (or not 2b, that is the question) when Parvati played that idol and another one she already had on two different villains. She covered Sandra and Jerri, both of which were openly considered to be the least likely players to have the idol. (Sandra would prove them wrong later that season.) Unfortunately for the heroes, Jerri was the person that they all voted for so the villains vote against, you guessed it, JT was the vote that mattered and he was eliminated. And he would have had a fighting chance if he were smart and kept his idol for himself.

#1 What did I list as the most shocking moment in Survivor history? Well, it has gone done in infamy as one of the dumbest moves in Survivor history. I think that it was a great moment to watch, although it was not a great moment for the players who chose it. It left you wondering what the players were thinking. It left me dumbfounded, speechless, and in total and complete shock from the moment it was first suggested to the moment the episode ended. Many people hate it and hate the season because of it and other reasons. I love the season and consider it to be one of Survivor’s best seasons. Things like this made you wonder how Survivor can keep topping itself each season, and it does because of moves like this. I have a blog about Survivor because of this and if you look back at old blog posts, you’ll notice that the very first blog post I ever made here was about this episode. In my mind, it was the most shocking Survivor moment in twenty-seven seasons of the show. From Survivor: One World comes the most shocking moment in Survivor history: Manono giving up immunity to the other tribe. This moment made you want to yell at your TV. What were they thinking? Why would you give up immunity to the other tribe? This wasn’t like keeping your luxurious beach and winning streak like it was in Survivor: Fiji when Moto chose to give up immunity in a twist. But there was no twist, no benefit, and no reason why the tribe of men would give up immunity. From the moment Colton first suggested that, you probably think that he’s crazy. You can’t do that. And your tribe isn’t going to agree with that. If it’s a unanimous decision too, then the target isn’t going to agree to give up immunity. But they all agree to give up immunity too. So they arrive at tribal council and you must be thinking that there is no way that Jeff Probst would allow them to vote someone out right? They didn’t lose the immunity challenge. He should tell them to go back to camp and bring back the losers. Instead, he lets them stay at tribal council and they get to vote out a member of their tribe. Why would someone believe that this would ever happen? This is a total shock to everyone involved. Manono voted out Bill that night. He must have seemed dumb for agreeing to do that and not realizing that he was the target that night. But it was his fault he was eliminated due to the fact that he threw Colton’s hidden immunity idol into the sea for reasons unknown. On camera, he wasn’t to blame. But he and the rest of his tribe would crumble after their bad decision. And it remains in my mind the most shocking moment in Survivor history.

I hope that you enjoyed this blog post. I will keep doing two a week, if possible, until the next new season premieres. You’ll also find posts about Survivor: Borneo at some point, but probably not until the summer, although it could happen sooner. The die hasn’t unlocked the 6th option which happens to be where both S options are for both days of the week. Well, the Sunday movies are a little tricky with two different sets of lists for the same six movie options on the same day. Only the 1st option for the number 1 is the same thing both ways. But I’m sure that I’ll be able to watch the series at some point in the near and hopeful future. And hopefully, my mother wouldn’t be too much of a problem since she likes to watch it as well and wants to see it with me at some point. So we’ll possibly watch this together, although I’m not sure if we will yet or not. You’ll be able to tell based on the randomness of when I update it if she is watching it with me or the regular times that I post updates if I’m watching alone. I will probably only watch alone if I start watching before the season ends. And I’ll try not to make it so that there’s only a one in six chance of watching Survivor between watching five other things. Trust me, I will watch it and not limit myself to possible options where I don’t. Besides, I just wouldn’t want to watch any other shows that start with s during that time if I did add it to the die roll list. There are probably a lot, but I don’t own that much at the time and I don’t think that it would change any time soon. Sorry for my randomness. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Most Shocking Survivor Moments Part 1

There are many events in Survivor history worthy of being called shocking. There are so many that I will not mention a top ten like I originally planned on doing, but I will do a top twenty instead and start with numbers twenty to eleven in this blog post and get to the top ten in the next one. Consider this the ten alternative shocking moments or the ten honorable mentions. From twenty-seven different seasons so far, you can tell that tons of shocking things would have happened, but I will list the ones that I consider to be the most shocking. You might already know which is number one, but hopefully you'll enjoy the list regardless and enjoy the other shocking moments in Survivor history. I may not have every season present because I'm not sure that every season is worthy of the list. There will also be more than one moment from a single season provided that they are both still shocking moments. I have the feeling that even with twenty on the list, there will still be some great shocking moments not mentioned in the end. But I will list through every moment I can think of right now and hopefully you will enjoy the list. So here are numbers 11-20 in reverse order.

#20 From Survivor: Cook Islands comes an event that I'm not entirely sure is worthy of the list. I will not mention the five things I considered for either list that aren't on either one. But this is considered a shock because people actually accepted the offer. I'm talking about the mutiny offer in the game. The other three times they offered it, no one accepted it. (They didn't even show the offer in Pearl Islands because nobody did it.) But for currently the only time, the mutiny worked. People actually accepted it and switched to the other tribe. This may not have worked for the other tribe that now had half as many members, but they then went on a winning streak and became the final four. While I still think that there are better ways that they should do the mutiny in the potential future, the sheer shock of it is what helped define this season as good in the minds of many.

#19 From Survivor: Pearl Islands comes an event that at the time seemed very unusual. Never before did such a thing happen. I'm not even sure that many people considered it to be an option in the game, although it eventually became used by other contestants in other seasons. There was a lot of build up to it and the person responsible now says that there are off camera reasons they didn't show you that helped contribute to his decision. This changed the game in many ways. I'm talking about Osten quitting the game. It was unusual how the quit went down. Nowadays, they probably would have let his tribe vote him out like he asked to be. Instead, he quit the game. (I just realized that I lost the game.) Regardless, he set the standard that people could quit, although the two quitters in the next season didn't know about that when their season was filmed. People could quit Survivor now. It was an option. But this is one of the very few times when it was a shock.

#18 From Survivor: Africa comes an event that has since become a commonplace part of the game and has been included in more seasons than it hasn't been in. It is considered one of if not the very first twist in the American version of Survivor. I'm not entirely sure it belongs on a list of shocking moments since it is such a main part of the game now. But I'm still going to include it because of how much it changed the game in this season and seasons since. I'm talking about the very first tribe swap. Three people from each tribe went on a journey to meet Jeff Probst and winded up members of the other tribe. I'm disappointed that they never did that version of the tribe swap again. But I love the way it would end up affecting the game of Survivor for many seasons to come.

#17 From Survivor: Nicaragua comes a most unfortunate and infamous event which caused many people to hate this season. They especially hated the two players who did it. I'm talking about the two quitters of this season. NaOnka and Kelly S caused a lot of controversy by waiting that long to quit, quitting at the same time, and both being allowed on the jury. That is one of the shocking events that you'd never want to see in Survivor and are completely dumbfounded by when it happened. Why would you wait this long to quit? This caused a rule change in future seasons and they won't let quitters on the jury again (although Steve is rumored to have thrown a Redemption Island duel at the jury phase of the game and that might be considered quitting). I don't understand a move like this and hope that something this dumb will never happen again.

#16 From Survivor: One World comes an event that many were glad happened, even though it was a bad event for the player involved. Some people are even unsure if what we saw on camera actually happened since Jeff Probst himself said that something else might have happened instead. Whether it was really a quit or not remains in grey area, but it seemed a lot like karma was happening. I'm talking about Colton getting medically evacuated from the game. While all medical evacuations are shocking in their own way, few of them are among the most shocking moments in Survivor history. We have yet to see how it might affect Redemption Island (is it bad that I want one to happen on a Redemption Island season? Does that make me a bad person?), but we definitely saw a villain fall in a way never before seen in the game. Colton remain a controversial figure in the Survivor world and he probably isn't ever going to return to play the game again. His evacuation proved a low point and very interesting merge. Even though one of the more interesting people was gone from the game, it helped make One World the great season that I think it is, even though most people hate the season. But this was a very shocking moment to see a fall from the game like this.

#15 From Survivor: All-Stars comes a very controversial event from the very beginning. People think that the person who did this might have been overreacting since the person she was upset with was already out of the game. I'm talking about Sue quitting the game. She had a very good reason to quit the game, unlike a lot of other quitters. (I'm thinking of ranking them from best quitter or most excusable quit to worst quitter or you've got no reason to quit.) After an incident at an immunity challenge where a male naked contestant rubbed against her, she became more and more distraught over what had happened. That's all that she could think about and she was not at all focused on the actual game. This led to her yelling at Jeff Probst and quitting the game. There was enough build up to it so it wasn't a huge shock, but it was still a shock nonetheless. She's the last quitter I'm including on this list.

#14 From Survivor: Philippines comes an event that I'm not entirely sure what to call. It doesn't have a set name like other shocking moments before it. One wonders how someone was able to get away with it without getting voted out. It was a great tribal council, the best one of the season (but not the best one in the series because that comes later). I'm talking about the tribal council where Malcolm revealed that he had the hidden immunity idol. This was an inspiration to what would become the greatest tribal council in the next season (unless you count the moments and just the moments from other tribal councils that had more shocking moments in them). Regardless, Malcolm revealing his idol led to Abby not understanding sarcasm and revealing hers as well. It was a great tribal council, even though none of the idols were played.

#13 From Survivor: Pearl Island comes a shocking moment that made you take a player you already hated and absolutely despise him even more. For the first time in the game you might have felt sympathy for him very briefly until you found out that it was complete bogus. I'm talking about the infamous dead grandma lie. You probably hated Johnny Fairplay for making this up before the game even started. I don't know why Survivor Oz listed it as the number one Survivor moment on their youtube video of moments from the show. But many people were shocked and appalled at this decision that he made to lie for the rest of the game. And he used it to his advantage for the rest of the game.

#12 From Survivor: Samoa comes a moment that had dramatic appearances in the past. The way it appeared this season was pretty unusual. Nobody had seen this way of the event before. Many firsts happened because of it. I'm talking about when Russell Swan was medically evacuated. It happened suddenly at the challenge. He just passed out. The challenge was halted as he was evaluated. This has never happened in this way before. They never had to stop a challenge that was already underway. They never had to cancel one with no winner before. There had been challenges that probably would have been held but were cancelled before anyone ever started it. The challenge didn't directly cause his evacuation like others have (I'm looking at you, Free Falling). It was very intense to watch and led to one of the cruelest commercial breaks in Survivor history that I'm not sure most people would remember especially if they haven't seen it. This was a major turning point in the game and led to Galu failing after the merge. And it was a total shock when it happened.

#11 From Survivor: Redemption Island comes what is quite possibly the best first tribal council of any Survivor season. How can you hate this season with great moments like this? I don't understand why people hate Redemption Island. The point is, when Ometepe went to tribal council for the first time, a lot of drama held already unfolded. Kristina had found the hidden immunity idol and was going to use it to her advantage. She had an alliance of Francesca and Phillip. She was going to try and blindside Rob (which many people tried to do that season, if you don't remember clearly). But she thought that getting rid of Rob might be the wrong idea. Phillip ended up joining Rob's side and revealed his former alliance's plan to get rid of Rob with a hidden immunity idol. A lot of the drama unfolded at tribal council leading to a great start to a great season.

So I know leave you with part one of the list. Stay tuned soon for part two where I reveal the ten most shocking moments in Survivor history, which hopefully has all your favorite moments that aren't already listed on this list. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.