Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Gervase Peterson Borneo Recap

If you were ever interested in knowing everything about a contestant that became a returning player, than I’m the blogger for you. This blog post of mine will give a recap of Gervase’s time on Survivor: Borneo in case you were wondering about his first game when you watch him on Blood versus Water. This blog post will recap his time in the game from the beginning to the end. I plan on doing this with other contestants, provided that I have that season on DVD. I’m not sure when all these potential posts might happen (they might not), but I’m giving you this one for now. At the time I started this blog post, the people who we could vote for from season 31 had not yet been revealed. I know that doing a recap of Kelly Wiglesworth would have made more sense then, but I feel that before she was revealed to be in that cast, that Gervase would have been the best pick of all the players who had played the first season and then returned to play again. Hopefully, you’ll see a Kelly Wiglesworth recap some time soon.

First, we start with what the greatest and most outrageous moments reveals about him. Everyone gets an equal amount of airtime in the special so we don’t see much of him in it. Gervase is shown not liking B. B. He also can’t eat the grub at an immunity challenge. Only his very first vote this season was in the majority. We don’t see much of him until we get to his part of the special. He was eliminated, it seems, because of all the competition in the game. He wanted it out and that’s why he was voted out. But a better recap will soon follow. Let’s start with the first Survivor episode.

The Marooning- Here we get introduced to Gervase for the first time along with every other contestant this season. Before Survivor, he did stuff for the YMCA. Gervase celebrates when his tribe makes it to the beach after three hours of rowing.

I will report his confessional count again and hopefully it matches up with the confessional count I told you last time. He isn’t seen much in this episode and doesn’t get a single confessional. Once his tribe wins immunity, then we pretty much don’t see him until the next episode. He celebrates winning the challenge in his now famous way.

The Generation Gap- I’m pretty sure that Gervase gets his first confessional in this episode when he complains about B. B. He gets another confessional with Ramona and a third about B. B. He talks more about B. B. in another confessional of his. That’s four so far. His tribe won the reward challenge, but that wasn’t seen on screen.

Gervase is very squeamish at the challenge and doesn’t want to eat the grub that he has to. He is chosen for the tie-breaker round and causes his tribe to lose the challenge. He is not considered in danger at the vote and receives no votes at the tribal council. I don’t know if he was even considered to be voted out. He casts his vote for B. B. in this episode. This marks the only time this season that he votes in the majority. Another confessional before the end gives him five confessionals in this episode. He currently has five confessionals total.

Quest for Food- His failure to win the immunity challenge isn’t mentioned that much during the previously on Survivor segment. He has fun at his camp with the rest of his tribe visiting a mud volcano that is near their camp. He gets a quick confessional about it. He gets another confessional before the challenge reappears. His tribe randomly does a conga line on the way to the reward challenge. They ended up losing the challenge. Gervase gets a third confessional mentioning the fishing that Tagi is doing. How are they getting information about the other tribe? That doesn’t seem right. Anyways, he gets a fourth confessional about food in general.

He eats rats with the rest of his tribe. I know that a lot of animal rights people were mad about the rat eating. But I’m willing to bet that if anyone were in a survival situation, you’d eat animals too.  Gervase gets a fifth confessional about it. He isn’t seen much as his tribe prepares for the immunity challenge that his tribe ends up winning. They get a strange victory walk out of it. We don’t see him again until the next episode. So that’s five confessionals in this episode for a total of ten confessionals so far.

Too Little Too Late?- Gervase starts out this episode with a confessional. The contestants on his tribe complain about the elements. He complains about Ramona’s lack of work ethic in another confessional. It’s interesting that the previous time they went to tribal council, Pagong voted out the person who wanted to work the most while this episode, the person who has worked the least around camp is the person that gets voted out. Also, both times, they don’t consider the possibility of voting out Gervase who helped contribute to the tribe’s loss in both immunity challenges. His tribe loses the reward challenge, but he does get a third confessional this episode about it.

Ramona is brought up by the tribe, including Gervase, in a different confessional. Gervase thinks that she has improved her work. In his fifth confessional of the episode, he thinks for sure that his tribe will win the challenge. Another confessional of his says the same thing. The challenge is a bit confusing. Gervase did bad at it, but it seemed like his tribe might not have known that at the time. His tribe lost the challenge and I just lost the game. He gets two confessionals about the upcoming tribal council. That’s eight confessionals total this episode. At tribal council, he first admits to thinking that he’s not vulnerable, but then says that he is after that last question. He gets a voting confessional when he casts his vote unsuccessfully against Colleen. He has eighteen total confessionals this season so far.

Pulling Your Own Weight- Gervase isn’t seen much in this episode. He doesn’t participate in the reward challenge that his tribe wins. He names the chickens won on the reward: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Well, either him or Jenna named the chickens, I think. He gets his first confessional in the episode talking about the chickens and how they are glad that his tribe won them. He gets a second confessional taking about Greg and Colleen’s showmance.

Before the immunity challenge, people on both tribes talk about how Gervase can’t swim. He even gets a confessional about it. This has him as a rower for the challenge. He uses this power to bring his tribe victory. He will be important in the next episode according to promos. Moo. So he has three confessionals this episode leading to a total of twenty-one confessionals during this season.

Udder Revenge- Gervase is first seen in this episode getting a confessional after his tribe decided to eat some of their chickens. They are doing this so that Tagi members don’t get them. We then get to Gervase’s comment about women and cows. Once again, something negative he does doesn’t seem to have any negative effect on his game. He seems to avoid that a lot, something I didn’t notice the first time. He gets around three confessionals about it. People think that he is lazy. Jenna mistakenly thinks that he voted against her at some point, which he hasn’t. He gets about two more confessionals about stuff like that in general. His tribe wins the reward challenge due to Richard messing up. Gervase talks about picking the other tribe off one by one in a confessional. It is ironic that Pagong tribe comes up with this potential strategy for reasons you probably know already and if you don’t, well, you’ll figure it out as the season progresses.

Gervase gets another confessional right before the immunity challenge. He sits out of the challenge along with another member for some odd reason. I guess they only wanted four members in the challenge. Also, I may have just found the first case of production interference. Gervase has eight confessionals thus far. His tribe narrowly loses the immunity challenge. I don’t think that he has any confessionals leading up to the tribal council. He blames the cow comment on Joel. Since Joel is generally sexist, the women (and Greg) decide to vote him out. Gervase casts a minority vote for Jenna and gets a voting confessional when he does so. He doesn’t have a good reason for voting against her, it seems. This leads him to a total of twenty-nine confessionals so far this season.

The Merger- Gervase gets a confessional when Sean visits his tribe before preparing for the upcoming merge. The merge was handled much simpler then. He gets a second confessional regarding missing Jenna, the tribe mate they sent to be an ambassador for their tribe. When he learns that Pagong will be moving to the Tagi beach, he gets a third confessional about it. After he becomes a member of Rattana, he gets a confessional when talking about the new tribe dynamics. Richard thinks that Gervase is a better player than he lets on. Gervase stays underwater the longest in the first part of the immunity challenge. At the second part, Greg wins the challenge while Gervase doesn’t do that well. If there was talk about who to vote off after the challenge and before tribal council, we the audience don’t see it. Gervase has four confessionals this episode. He casts a minority vote against Susan in this episode while he receives a minority vote against him from Jenna. We do not see a voting confessional from Gervase this time. He actually wanted to vote against Greg, but he switched to Sue for reasons unknown. He now has thirty-three confessionals total.

Thy Name is Duplicity- At the beginning of the episode, Gervase gets two confessionals about the voting alliance in the game. He says that he would have to wait for other tribal councils to see for sure if there is one or not. That sounds like a risky move to me. It won’t pay him off in the long run. He gets another confessional about the food situation after the merge. He gets a fourth and brief confessional about things that Richard is talking about. When videos from loved ones are shown, his girlfriend and daughter are the ones in the video.

Gervase gets three more confessionals about his general standings in the game. It appears he brought a deck of cards as a personal item. The unusual immunity challenge is won by him. I wonder if he’ll accidently vote for himself? There seems to be talk about getting rid of Jenna since she is sad after the reward challenge. That is probably why he votes against Jenna at the tribal council. He talks about Pagong making mistakes in the game and this time, nobody votes against a Tagi member, which seems like a bigger mistake since they could at least try to get rid of members. It’s hard to make sense of most of this. He gets a voting confessional. He has seven regular confessionals in this episode leading to a grand game total of forty confessionals.

Old and New Bonds- The recap further explains why Gervase voted against Jenna in the previous episode. Why doesn’t he vote for her in this episode? That, I’m not too sure about. I might have missed a confessional of his at the beginning of the episode. But, I already know that these confessionals will not line up with what I reported when I blogged about the first season. He loses the reward challenge and isn’t brought along for the reward. He finally gets a confessional before the immunity challenge happens. He gets another confessional about Sean’s alphabetical strategy. He has a great quote about it from his grandfather, “If you want to be seen, stand up, if you want to be heard, speak up, and if you want to be appreciated, shut up.”

Gervase is wearing the immunity necklace at the immunity challenge. He loses immunity to Rudy. Gervase gets a third confessional when he talks about joining Colleen and Jenna in the Barbeque alliance (the first ever counter alliance). Those people are the last remaining Pagong members. He gets another confessional about how his alliance is voting against Richard today. That’s the vote that he ultimately casts. He gets a voting confessional about it. So he has four confessionals this episode leading to a grand total of forty-four confessionals.

Crack in the Alliance- Gervase gets a confessional about how the Pagong members were getting voted out yet he remains standing. He gets two more confessionals talking about how he doesn’t like Richard that much. Gervase gets treemail about his son being born. It’s the only time I know of in which a contestant still in the game got news about something outside of it. This leads to another confessional about it. Other contestants share their thoughts about it as well. He wins what could be the shortest challenge in Survivor history by a close margin to Richard. It seemed a bit unfair for Richard at the end. Anyways, Gervase wins a reward of a pizza slice that he shares with other contestants. A single pizza slice? It makes me glad that there are better rewards nowadays. According to a commentary, Gervase originally wanted to call the actress Selma Hayek after winning the reward. But he ended up calling the mother of his newborn baby. We get footage of her end of the phone call. We get a fifth confessional from Gervase about this. The talk of alliances leads to a quick confessional by Gervase.

After the immunity challenge, Gervase talks about Richard some more in a confessional. He gets another confessional about trying to turn on the Tagi alliance. This leads him to having eight confessionals going into the tribal council. He ends up voting in the minority against Sean. Why did he turn on the person he was trying to get help from? I’m not sure if that’s explained well or at all. There’s just too much lack of common sense on the Pagong tribe, even though Gervase is claiming that Sean lacked common sense when Gervase votes against Sean. Gervase gets votes against him from the entire Tagi tribe of Sean, Richard, Susan, Kelly, and Rudy. This gets him voted out of the game. Interestingly, Jeff calls the torch a staff when he snuffs Gervase’s torch. Gervase had fifty-two confessionals in the game. His last words state that he holds no grudges against anyone.

Future Episodes- Now that Gervase is voted out of the game, the rest of this post, until the finale, will just cover random things in Survivor: Borneo that hopefully related to him in some way. In the eleventh episode of the season, Gervase’s elimination is covered in the recap. I probably won’t have much, if anything, to say about him until his jury question happens. The twelfth episode of the season doesn’t have him except for when he witnesses the tribal council where Sean is voted out.

The Final Four- Gervase is mentioned at the final four immunity challenge fallen comrades. Almost everyone from this season is. We see him at the rites of passage as well. He gets a special confessional regarding Kelly as all of the jury members get a special confessional in this episode. He gets the first jury questions among the jurors and asks both of the finalists if there is anything that they would have changed on the island. He votes for Kelly to win the game giving what just might be the longest voting confessional, as a jury member or otherwise, in quite possibly the whole show’s history. As usual, his vote is in the minority as Richard would win.

The Reunion Show- Joel gets upset at the whole cow comments and Gervase points out that while he (Gervase) said it, it was he (Joel) that lived and breathed it. Later, Gervase talks about the grubs that he failed to eat at the challenge. There’s various talking that he does at the reunion show, but most of it is hard to summarize and not worth mentioning. He isn’t seen much on the reunion show at all.

There’s a special feature with Gervase that I will talk about in this blog. He does a lot of other special features, but this one is the one that I will mention. On some episode of the Late Show with David Letterman, the cast of Survivor: Borneo appeared and did a top ten. Here is Gervase’s entry, which is number three on the list: “If you prepare rat meat by carefully cleaning, seasoning and cooking it, it’s pretty bad.”

I hope that you enjoyed this recap. I will be back in the future with other recaps. The next one will be about Stephenie LaGrossa from Survivor: Palau. I’ll probably do Kelly Wiglesworth in the first of future rewatches of Survivor: Borneo. I’ll only do a recap of someone if they have both become a returning player and I have their original season (or one of their seasons if they’ve made an appearance since) on DVD. I know that I will get more DVDs in the future, so hopefully, I won’t run out of recaps. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Top Ten Survivor Villains

Well, here we get to another top ten list of mine. You may have noticed a lot of notable and memorable villains throughout the history of Survivor. I apologize in advance if there winds up being a lack of women on this list. Men seem to get better edits on the show, well, depending on the man. Sometimes they don’t care about giving people good edits, but that’s probably a different blog post entirely. The point is this: I am going through my own personal list of Survivor contestants and picking who I think are the ten best villains. Now, there certain criteria that has to be met, as always.

Rules: 1- As always, this is based solely on my own opinion. 2- I’m only including people that I feel made great enough villains. 3- I will factor in all of their games, should they have played more than once. 4- One does not have to have won to be on the list, although, the top four of this list will be all winners. 5- Although I don’t really like the contestants who are numbers 9 and 10 (who still make the list due to how great of villains they are), most of the people on this list are people that I liked in some way, despite their villain status. Well, I might as well get to the honorable mentions.

Here’s who I think didn’t quite fit the top ten, but still deserve their villain status. Lex was a wonderful villain in Africa the way he got crazy after he got an extra vote. In All-Stars, his villain status remains as he blatantly costs a person the win. Why people love him in Africa and hate him in All-Stars is a huge mystery to me. Am I the only one who felt the other way? I didn’t like him as much in Africa, but I did like him in All-Stars. Boston Rob had villainous ways that brought him to the end twice and gave him the win once. But, I don’t feel that he’s as worthy as the ten that I’ve chosen.

Vecepia may be an unusual choice for this list, even as an honorable mention, but she was pretty villainous when she played the game. Ami made a great villain, although she did end up giving up her mission in the end. So she won’t make the top ten. Shane might have been on a different version of the list, but I feel that he was just close enough to not being a top ten villain since he didn’t seem to make big moves like other villains have. Dreamz was pretty evil when he played, but not close enough for me. Ken is more remembered for his dumb moves that got him voted out, even though he made a good villain in a way. Coach is the last of the honorable mentions of mine on this list. He was pretty terrible to Sierra when he first played. While I liked him in later seasons, I don’t feel the need to put him on the main list as I like the ten I’ve chosen in terms of villainy. So, now’s let’s get to that list.

#10 Johnny Fairplay- While his second game was certainly terrible, his first game is what gets him on this list of mine. His admittedly wrong name (Fairplay) and the way he got everyone to turn on each other and pretty much ignore the fact that he was getting further in the game is why and how he’s a great villain the first time around. He had a lie to gain sympathy planed from before he even started playing the game. It was shocking just how far he got before we have a dumb decision made by the winner of the final immunity challenge and future runner-up. But he’s still a great player the first time around, even if there are better villains than him in the long run.

#9 Russell Hantz- This guy is so fucking arrogant that you can’t believe at first that he made it to the end of the game, not once, but twice. His game play would never give him the win, but it does make him one of the most well-known villains in Survivor history. I don’t know how many fans he has in the end, but he makes a good villain in the end.

#8 Jerri Manthey- There are many things to say about Jerri. Why is she on this list? Well, she is concerned the first female villain on Survivor and she plays it off so well that she seems like a nice and reasonable person in the end. While it may just be her most recent season that has her as nice as she is now, she’s definitely a good villain, even if she never made it to the end of the game.

#7 Natalie Bolton- Here’s a choice that might seem strange to some, but there’s a reason that she outlasted all the other new players on her season. With the power of other women, she would help take control of the game and failed to make it further because of the numbers against her. It’s a shame that she didn’t make it further, but you know how returning players can dominate the game. However, I still think that she’s a great villain who helped coax her enemy into giving her his only form of immunity. Few others can compare to that level of a villain.

#6 Jonathan Penner- This person once had the record of most votes against due to his ways. He might not be the most obvious villain in Survivor, but he is a pretty good one. From flipping on both sides in his first game to controlling a nice alliance for a while the third time, he’s pretty nice and likable, despite his villain status.

#5 Ciera Eastin- I like this player a lot, despite her flaws. I don’t understand why some people don’t think of her as a villain. But she’s still an interesting contestant who played hard trying to fight for the best spot in the game, even though she didn’t make it to the end. I have her listed highest out of villains who didn’t win due to her cutthroat way of playing the game, even if it isn’t always the best strategy.

From this point forward, I’m only picking villains who won. There is one very notable villain winner that I can’t stand and thus, won’t be on this list. I hope that this isn’t a slight to anyone, but this is based solely on my opinion anyways. When I think about it, there’s actually multiple villain winners that I won’t pick because I didn’t like them (or, quite possibly, because I didn’t think they were either a villain or a good villain). I do wonder if you know the particular person that I’m not including.

#4 Parvati Shallow- This person may have some mixed reception to some people. There might have been some negative thoughts about her at one point, but she has ultimately proven herself to be a great player who can actually use sexiness to her advantage. (Notice how many other people think that they can play like Parvati and win. They normally don’t even make the merge.) But she has quite a unique strategy in the game and it has given her the win once and lead her back to day 39 a second time.

#3 Sandra Diaz-Twine- Only one person thus far has won Survivor twice. Now she’s not number one on my list, but she’s still a great villain. A good example of this was in her second appearance on the show where she did not join forces with the heroes tribe and still got all of their votes to win the game. That’s pretty good and interesting, right? It’s not known if she will remain the only two-time winner or if she’ll even become a three time winner if given the chance. But she is undoubtedly a great villain.

#2 Richard Hatch- The very first winner made such a great villain that it can be hard to see at first that he actually did win. He helped create the very first alliance and it brought him all the way to the end to win. He didn’t care who he pissed off and he very well might not have won if just one person who voted for him had liked Kelly better. But he outplayed, outwitted, and outlasted the rest of the competition. Although, there’s one person I thought made a better villain.

Who do I have as the number one Survivor villain of all time? Well, I have probably mentioned this in previous blog posts. There is one person who could master the game in such a way that it can be unlikely in my mind that any current contestant has made a better villain thus far. Some saw the win coming and others didn’t expect it. But, there’s still one person that I think makes a better villain than any other villain on Survivor.

#1 Tony Vlachos- Why do I have Tony listed as the greatest villain? Well, if you remember his season, then you probably remember how he dominated the game for so long. He didn’t care who he double-crossed to win the game. He got eight freaking jury votes. He actually turned the type of arrogance that Russell Hantz has and turned it into a freaking win. That’s a great villain to me. And that’s why I have him listed at number one.

Those are my thoughts as to who the ten best Survivor villains are. I hope that you agree with most of my list I also hope that I didn’t slight anyone according to you. Like I said, there is one winner that I rank lowest of them all and thus, won’t put on this list, despite this person being considered by others to be a good villain. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Survivor: Cambodia Finale

I’ve been thinking that the first in the finale might be a final four. But, that might not actually be what is happening. Since Jeff mentioned it at a tribal council, it could be a null vote. Think about it. Both Jeremy and Kelley are going to be considered huge targets. If they both play their idols and they are the only ones to get votes against them, then none of the votes will have counted. Pretty interesting, huh? I guess we’ll see what the first is when it happens.

Joe Anglim Worlds Apart Vytas Baskauskas Blood vs. Water Spencer Bledsoe Cagayan Jeremy Collins San Juan del Sur Terry Deitz Panama Ciera Eastin Blood vs. Water Stephen Fishbach Tocantins Latasha "Tasha" Fox Cagayan Abi-Maria Gomes Philippines Yung "Woo" Hwang Cagayan Kimmi Kappenberg The Australian Outback Peih-Gee Law China Kassandra "Kass" McQuillen Cagayan Keith Nale San Juan del Sur Shirin Oskooi Worlds Apart Monica Padilla Samoa Andrew Savage Pearl Islands Jeff Varner The Australian Outback Kelley Wentworth San Juan del Sur Kelly Wiglesworth Borneo

I don’t know if I’ll ever keep track of contestants like this before. It is interesting that starting out with all the people that didn’t make the cast and then getting rid of just one of them as each episode went on I wound up with just the people who made the cast at the very last episode. I don’t know if you’ll see this paragraph again in the blog today. I might or might not. I haven’t decided yet.

What I haven’t talked much about yet is my predictions for how this season would go. I don’t think that I did well at all. Two of my finalist predictions left before the merge and the other one did not make the finale. This is the first time that none of my finalist predictions made it all the way to the last episode of the season. I plan to post about my predictions towards the end of this blog post.

Meanwhile, I still need to figure out different parts of my final blog post. I normally crown the three dumbest moves of the season. But, I have to think about what they would be. Of course, the finale might have one of the dumb moves. I will also rank both the tribe swap of this season and the season as a whole against the others. Also remember that I will be posting this blog at least once a week until the new season starts. I’ll let you know if there are any changes. But I have ideas for posts ready (I typically have 24 ideas on a single page in this document) and some posts already written. So remember to read this blog during the winter break between this season and the next one.

The way I see it, there are different ways of knowing which characters will do well going into the finale. Some of them have no chance based on their edits so far. You’d think that with Kimmi they would have shown how she did much better this time than her previous game. But the fact that they aren’t showing this makes me think that it won’t matter. Does this mean that she won’t face the jury? It would be an odd elimination this late in the game, but I’ve seen dumb vote outs in the finale before.

Keith has also been getting a largely invisible edit. Maybe he’s ignored by the jury if he makes it there. Otherwise, he is also a potential to get voted out in the finale. What’s interesting is that all three players from San Juan del Sur are still in the game. If they have been working together, they didn’t show it in any way. Chances are at least one of them will be voted out in the finale.

Kelley seems to have good chances thus far. Some have pointed to signs of her impending demise. But I’m not sure if that will happen or not. It is a good sign that they have pointed out how she has done better this time around than she did the first time. It will benefit her in some way. But will it bring her the win or will she end up a mere runner-up like many other premerge boots turned good places the second time before her.

Jeremy seems to be doing pretty well. He certainly has a lot to say/claim about why he should win. Will he actually make it there? It seems like his fiercest competition for the win is his ally Spencer. I’d love to see the two of them both being finalists as it has been a while since the winner didn’t win in a landside. It’s unknown who will actually do better just yet. Speaking of which…

Spencer is a player that I see getting unnecessary hatred. Why don’t people like him? He’s a great player. There are different signs pointing to why he could win. It could be between him and Jeremy actually. (Might there be a tie for the win?) There are also enough subtle reasons why it may not actually be him, so we’ll see if it is him or not.

Tasha is the last player that I will predict something about. She might have something in her to pull out a win. But I’m not sure that it will happen. She’s been ignored so much that a win would just seem a weird conclusion to her story. It could happen and wouldn’t be a bad thing. But there’s enough against her to make it seem like it won’t happen.

Now I don’t know what some people will think about the overall quality of this season, but I think that it has been quite superb. You will see my ranking of it later. Also, any talk of the next season will be done after the reunion show in this blog post, and, of course, when it returns I’ll be sure to blog about it. Just remember, as I keep saying, that I will be posting new things in this blog until the next season starts. I just hope that I can get things all written in time. Knowing me, I’ll get more than enough written. These posts will start this coming Wednesday and I’ll let you know if anything changes as to when it will be published. You might see some things on Sundays.

When I think about it, I might have good picks for the three dumbest moves of the season for this blog post. I also will rate the season and mention the most memorable moment of the season. Also, promos have revealed for sure that there will be a final three this season. I don’t know if I’m glad that they aren’t doing a final four. I’m not glad that my prediction about it was wrong, but it won’t be either the first or the last time that that happened. At least this means there is probably no finale reward challenges like there has been in the past three seasons.

I was able to record episodes from syndication of The Big Bang Theory. Since I do not have a second VCR and this isn’t on the same channel as Survivor, I’ll have to record the other episodes some other time. This close to Christmas, at least, I’ll gladly wait until longer to get these episodes recorded. At least I don’t have to worry about having to watch them for a while. Can you believe that Christmas is just next week? I’ll probably have schedule posts for the future for my blogs. We’ll see if I do that or not. I actually dreamed that I hadn’t done any Christmas shopping and only realized that when I woke up on Christmas morning. So hopefully, I’m prepared this time around. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we start with Jeff Probst showing the audience while introducing us to the season finale. There’s then the long recap. Everyone in the final six gets a courtesy confessional as part of the finale introduction. People then talk about the vote out at tribal council. Kimmi thinks that she can take control of the game.

In the second segment of the show, we go straight into an immunity challenge. The challenge is mostly puzzles. Spencer leads in the challenge, but it is pretty close between other players. In the end, it is Spencer that wins the challenge.

In the third segment of the show, Tasha is glad that Spencer won the immunity challenge. Kimmi talks about her plan to get rid of Jeremy. Kelley is glad about this plan and the idea that she can keep her idol. Spencer sees through this plan when Kimmi tells them about it. She doesn’t want to be on the bottom of a foursome. I don’t think that anyone does. But, wouldn’t you at least be glad to be part of a foursome? I realize that I might be the only one who understands this innuendo that I’m typing. Well, me and the folks at Anyways, we get to the tribal council where a bunch a drama unfolds. People don’t know what the plan is. Kelley decides to play her idol on herself. Jeremy then decides to play his idol on himself. They are the only two people that get votes thus nullifying all the votes. Also, Survivor: One World and Survivor: Philippines are now on DVD.

In the fourth segment of the show, there is some discussion before everyone gets to vote again. They will not be able to vote for Spencer or either of the idol players. On the next round of voting, Kimmi and Tasha are the tied players. Keith would go home by default since he’s the only one that would not be immune. In the end, the discussion is that Kimmi will get voted off. She could have made a huge move, but it didn’t work out for her. Australia is eliminated from the game and is probably the last season out of the game, although things could change. We then get back to Orkun after tribal council. Everyone thinks that the tribal council was pretty crazy. When you think about it, the threesome was doomed simply because Spencer won immunity. We then go to the reunion show where Jeff Probst does a chalkboard demonstration of what happened.

In the fifth segment of the show, we immediately jump into another immunity challenge. This is the obstacle course challenge. Jeremy takes an early lead in the challenge. Spencer falls behind in the challenge. Kelley is the first to the puzzle part of the challenge. In the end, it is Kelley who wins the immunity challenge. Keith is certain that he will get voted out now that his ally is immune.

In the sixth segment of the show, Spencer talks about how nobody wanted Kelley to win. She decides to make a fake idol and she gives it to Keith. Jeremy notices them up to stuff. There is nonverbal communication going on between Keith and Jeremy. Jeremy tells Keith to vote for Spencer. Nobody knows what to expect at tribal council. Ultimately Keith is voted out becoming the first player from San Juan del Sur to be eliminated from the game.

In the seventh segment of the show, we jump right into the final immunity challenge.  They have brought back the final immunity challenge from Tocantins. I wish that they had done more true classics this season with their challenges. Kelley is the first person out of the challenge. Tasha is the second person out of the challenge. Jeremy ends up winning the challenge. He gets emotional about it. Kelley is also emotional about losing the challenge.

In the eighth segment of the show, Jeremy considers the move that he has to make. Spencer wonders whether or not he make it to the final immunity challenge or not. Kelley tries to sway the votes in her favor and Jeremy considers jumping ship. We then get to the tribal council at hand. The vote is probably between Spencer and Kelley. Spencer does whatever he can to get her voted out. In the end, it is Kelley that gets voted out of the game.

In the ninth segment of the show, the contestants go out to where a mirror waits for them. There is then talk among people about who will do what at the upcoming final tribal council. They each have different plans going into it. Andrew is the first juror to talk. He thinks that Spencer was being arrogant. He thinks the same thing about Jeremy as well. Stephen then talks. He brings up stuff for Tasha and then Spencer. Ciera wonders how flipping has helped people and asks the final three to defend it. Keith then goes up next. He asks Jeremy to pitch Spencer as a winner and vice versa. Abi then talks next. She wants to know what subtle moves got the final three to the end. Kimmi then talks about what happened towards the end of the game. Joe is up next. He wants Tasha to explain what she did. Kelly Wigleswoth asks the final three to pick a number between one and ten since that’s how her win was decided. With Kass, she asks Spencer how she isn’t like herself. Kelley Wentworth does the last jury speech. She wonders what everyone’s second chance story is. Jeremy uses his wife even though he said earlier that he wasn’t going to do that.

Total confessional count: Kelley- 39, Kimmi- 14, Spencer- 49, Jeremy- 36, Keith- 16, Tasha- 25. New confessionals this episode: Jeremy- 9, Keith- 6, Tasha- 4, Kelley- 7, Kimmi- 4, Spencer- 6.

In the tenth segment of the show, we get to the jury vote. They show none of who the votes were cast for. Now, I knew some spoilers about this episode going into watching this since it aired the day before I was able to watch it. Jeremy gets all the jury votes as evident by the fact that they don’t show votes that anyone else received. Now there were votes against him in the game so I don’t think that it’s a perfect game. I forget if the final six was the only time people voted against him. Even though they didn’t count against him, I don’t think that null votes against someone would make a perfect game.

In the eleventh segment of the show, Jeremy talks about his game this time versus his last time he played. Almost everyone thinks that the game was different this time around since the fans voted them into the game. Tasha and Ciera talk about this. They also talk about how the idols were different this season. Kelley Wentworth talks about her time in the game. Jeff Probst talk about how splitting the votes sometimes helps and sometimes doesn’t. Stephen talks about how he couldn’t get rid of the golden boy. Keith talks about why he didn’t play his fake idol. Keith has savvyness with balls. Kimmi talks about the now famous final six tribal council. Is that always going to be when crazy moves happen?

In the twelfth segment of the show, Jeff Probst talks to Spencer about how his game worked the second time around. He mentions his regrets this season. It’s weird that nobody voted for him. He should have gotten some votes. He was as good a player as Jeremy. I don’t know why certain fans hated him. He would have made a great winner. Joe then gets some airtime. People talk about how they got Joe out of the game which gives Abi some airtime.

In the thirteenth segment of the show, we hear more about the intense medical situations in the game. Keith was also in a bad situation at the point as well. Terry talks about his son’s heart. They were able to get a heart after much, ahem, heartache (sorry about that, really. I didn’t know a better way to phrase it). They make a case for organ donation.

In the fourteenth segment of the show, we get to the talk of next season. They mention who some of the players are, but not the whole cast. There will be a lot of medical problems. If there are more than two, it would be a record. The name of the season is Kaoh Rong and it will reuse the brains versus brawn versus beauty twist.

In the fifteenth segment of the show we basically get one last wrap up. The reunion show was pretty good for the most part, but I will get to a complaint about it later. While Survivor is gone, they will bring back the hour of comedy on Wednesdays that they used to have while Survivor was still on Thursdays and it basically switched with it. I’m not sure what all my Wednesday 7 Central watching habits will be until Survivor starts again on February 17th, but my blog will be here until then. I’ll keep you updated on if things won’t be on the Wednesday update schedule if things change. You might see stuff on Sundays, but I don’t know for sure if that will happen or not.

Points at Reunion Show- Vytas: -5, Shirin: 0, Peih-Gee: 0, Jeff Varner: 1, Monica: 0, Terry: 1, Woo: 0, Kass: 1, Andrew: 2, Kelly Wiglesworth: 0, Ciera: 1, Stephen: 1, Joe: 3, Abi-Maria: 1, Kimmi: 1, Keith: 2, Kelley Wentworth: 4, Tasha: 2, Spencer: 1, Jeremy: 4.

Note on predictions: I might as well talk about the predictions that I made before the season started. I don’t know if I’ll do an assessment of the next season or not. If I keep getting worse at it, I don’t know if I can continue or not. Plus, I’m not sure if I’ll have enough information about it beforehand to do a cast assessment. You’ll see if there’s one in the end or not. First you’ll see what my predictions were that were in an old post and then you’ll see what actually happened.

Premerge boots: Woo, Shirin, Kass, Abi-Maria, Keith, Ciera, Kimmi, and Vytas. Jury members: Stephen, Jeremy, Andrew, Monica, Peih-Gee, Kelley Wentworth, Tasha, Spencer, and Joe. Finalists: Kelly Wiglesworth, Jeff Varner, and Terry

Actual results- Premerge boots: Woo (right), Shirin (right), Vytas (right), Monica (wrong), Peih-Gee (wrong), Jeff Varner (wrong), and Terry (wrong). Jury members: Kass (wrong), Abi-Maria (wrong), Ciera (wrong), Stephen (right), Andrew (right), Joe (right), Kelly Wiglesworth (wrong), Kimmi (wrong), Keith (wrong), and Kelley Wentworth (right). Finalists: Jeremy, Tasha, and Spencer (all wrong as my finalist predictions were all out of the game before the finale). I got seven out of twenty right.

Was there someone that you didn’t notice at the reunion show? You might not have even noticed that he wasn’t there and I probably only noticed since I knew about his planned disappearance ahead of time. Vytas, for reasons I don’t fully understand, wasn’t allowed at the reunion show. It seems dumb and stupid. From what I understand, it was over a facebook post that he might have made and that he possibly left sequester early. Now Terry was posting on social media while filming was still happening. Plus, without looking things up, I don’t feel that I know the whole story about it. With any luck, we’ll find out on one of the Survivor podcasts that I listen to when he does an interview.

Now I want to talk about next season. I don’t know why they only mentioned six members of the cast in the credits when they typically don’t show any of them until the cast is released. Has the cast already been released? Meanwhile, one wonders why there are so many medical problems and if there will be a lot of medical evacuations. The location is harsh. They had to cancel a planned season of the French version of Survivor that was being filmed there when a contestant died early into the stages of filming. Also, there’s information I might now about it. SPOILER. Someone on a facebook group posted a picture of the skinny Caleb Reynolds who is now officially confirmed to be on that season of Survivor. Now him being skinny could relate to a potential evacuation or at least a medical problem. Either that, or he’ll make it far into the game. END SPOILER.

At first when I talked about thinking about what the three dumbest moves of the season were, I wasn’t sure if I’d have enough information about it. But, I think that I can come up with three dumb moves. I don’t know if I’ll post what the nominees are. There are also some things that others would consider dumb that I might not. Also, one has to look at the right moment. It is possible that Kelly Wiglesworth getting herself disqualified from the immunity challenge the episode she was voted out was a pretty bad move, but it seemed so subtle that it might not have been that important. And while Kimmi’s idea to get rid of Jeremy in the finale was dumb, it was actually a good idea when you think about it. I’m not sure if it will end up on my list.

Now to the choices: My choice for third dumbest of the season, may be something that not everyone can agree on. I feel that Joe made himself a target by winning immunity after the merge. So I’m picking that as the third dumbest move. Meanwhile, the second dumbest move will go to Abi for her overall terrible game play. When it comes to the dumbest move of the season, I will have to give it Jeff Varner and his mistakes that got him voted out of the game.

What’s the most memorable moment of the season? There’s actually a lot of choose from. There’s the vote stealer. There’s the fact that we the fans got to vote in the cast. There were notable blindsides in the game. But what can top the final six tribal council? I can’t think of anything.

When it comes to ranking this season, it will rank very high for me. But before we get to that, I might as well rank the tribe swap of the season. The combined tribe swaps this season will rank 13 out of 20 tribe swaps. As for how high this season ranks, I will rank this season as 6 out of 31. It ranks pretty high as it was a pretty good season.

So remember that I will keep posting my blog over the summer. In fact, I will update my other blogs while I’m at it. You will see a new post every Wednesday unless otherwise noted. But don’t be surprised if Sunday posts pop up. The next season, Kaoh Rong, will start on 2-17-2016. I’ll probably post about it the next day, but you’ll find out about that later. Meanwhile, it is interesting that CBS is airing an hour of comedies in place of this show until it returns. I’ll be sure to hopefully make good use of the time slot until it returns. I’ll certainly be posting in this blog in the meantime as well. I wish a merry Christmas to those of you that celebrate it. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Episode 31.12

We are nearing the end of this season. This means that you can expect the usual stuff that you’ll see in the last blog post. I will post the three dumbest moves of the season (although I hope that I can figure out what the three are). I will post the ranking of this season among the rest of the 31 seasons. I will also rank the tribe swaps from this season among the other tribe swaps of other seasons. Don’t forget that I will do random blog posts until the next season starts.

Joe Anglim Worlds Apart Vytas Baskauskas Blood vs. Water Spencer Bledsoe Cagayan Jeremy Collins San Juan del Sur Teresa "T-Bird" Cooper Africa Terry Deitz Panama Ciera Eastin Blood vs. Water Stephen Fishbach Tocantins Latasha "Tasha" Fox Cagayan Abi-Maria Gomes Philippines Yung "Woo" Hwang Cagayan Kimmi Kappenberg The Australian Outback Peih-Gee Law China Kassandra "Kass" McQuillen Cagayan Keith Nale San Juan del Sur Shirin Oskooi Worlds Apart Monica Padilla Samoa Andrew Savage Pearl Islands Jeff Varner The Australian Outback Kelley Wentworth San Juan del Sur Kelly Wiglesworth Borneo

There are things that I either know or think that I know about the upcoming season. Meanwhile, I will forever find it weird that it wasn’t the one that aired during the fall of 2015. It was filmed before this season was. Why the random flip? There are good enough reasons for it when you think about it though. Meanwhile, I still don’t know if there’s a guaranteed future for Survivor or not. There’s a probable and very likely future of more Survivor seasons. I don’t see it ending anytime soon, although it’s possible. The main TV ratings website that I check ( doesn’t track reality shows. Meanwhile, since I’m pretty sure that it does better in the ratings than 60 Minutes, it should be around for a while.

I’m still wondering if I’m the only one who thinks that there will be four finalists on day 39. There are different reasons to think this. Among them, unless more than one person is eliminated in some way in this episode, there will be six people in the finale, which has never happened before. SPOILER. Andrew talked about a Survivor first in an exit interview. While he could have been talking about the vote stealer, a final four seems more and more likely. END SPOILER. Let’s face it, they would probably know from the very beginning of a second chance season that they would want to help these contestants in different ways such as planning a merge at 13 players. If a final four doesn’t happen, then we’ll at least have no worries about another stupid finale reward challenge since they would just do three eliminations in the finale.

Now I have an interesting problem that relates in no way to Survivor. It relates to the TV show The Big Bang Theory. I have the first five seasons on DVD. Now when I was watching through the fifth season last year, I noticed that there was a problem with one of the discs. I was able to watch it, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to watch it well in the future. Now that show is in syndication and I can record it on VHS tape. I found a good tape after a while, one I would want to use for recording since it has me at the very beginning from an earlier college project. Now I won’t be able to record all of the episodes from this disc in this time, but if all goes well, I’ll get the first three episodes off of this disc starting Friday. It is the third disc if you care to know. I should dedicate part of a document to keeping track of this.

There are a lot of things that I do while I’m online. As such, it seems like I never get as much done online as I’d like to. We’ll see if I can visit all the places that I want to go. I can run out of time doing things around this time of year. I’m just glad that there aren’t as many new shows as there normally are during this time of year. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, people talk about who they can win challenges now that Joe is out of the game. Tasha is upset about Keith’s vote against her. I still don’t know how she would know who the person who voted against her was. Spencer is looking for a group of four to stick together.

In the second segment of the show, we get to the reward challenge. It is an interesting challenge. In the end, it is Keith who wins the challenge. He picks Kelley and Spencer to go on the trip, even though he does a bad job explaining why he does this.

In the third segment of the show, the people back at camp talk about how they went to get rid of Keith. Jeremy thinks that Abi would have been a better vote off. We then see the reward. Geez, they are painting a Spencer win a bit too obviously in this scene. Well, he might win at least. We don’t know for sure yet. Keith continues to be strange. The three people there get to enjoy a nice meal. Spencer talks about his ideal final three scenario. The value of Abi is discussed.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. The main theme of it is the puzzle at the end that nobody picked from the opening challenge of Worlds Apart. They sure to whatever crazy thing works with the second chance theme. Tasha has medical problems at the challenge. She’s okay. Spencer is the one who wins despite being behind at times.

In the fifth segment of the show, people discuss the vote off. Spencer talks about the possibility of which vote off he would choose. He makes it seem like targeting either a big gun or a weak person. We then get to tribal council. Which voting bloc will have their way? When it comes to whether or not an idol will be played, nobody decides to use one. Then the votes are read. The person voted out is Abi. This makes Philippines the next season eliminated from the game.

On the next Survivor, we get to the season finale. Jeff talks about a Survivor first. But what is the first? Is it a final four like I think that it is? We’ll see. I just know that I will have to record it to watch later because the finale is on a Wednesday.

Total confessional count: Abi- 23, Kelley- 32, Kimmi- 10, Spencer- 43, Jeremy- 27, Keith- 10, Tasha- 21. New confessionals this episode: Spencer- 4, Jeremy- 3, Keith- 2, Tasha- 5, Abi- 3, Kelley- 4, Kimmi- 0.

As usual this season, Kimmi and Keith are scrapping the bottom of the confessional count. They each have just then a piece. Spencer is the highest right now. Kelley is the second highest. Jeremy is the third highest. Abi’s elimination puts Tasha at the fourth highest. We’ll see if high confessional count means good things this season. Meanwhile, I’ll be back with the last blog post of the season sometime on Thursday next week. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Episode 31.11

One of the most annoying things about certain times of the year is that despite it being special to some people, television is still airing new episodes. Other times, they get into Christmas sooner than they should. Of course, now I am finally willing to embrace the Christmas season now that Advent has begun. Sorry that my posts will now be a day later. But it will be a problem for me too. I hate not seeing this show live. I also hate missing various episodes of shows that air on Thursday. But they aired a new episode of Elementary on Thanksgiving. How am I supposed to watch it? Last year they aired a new episode of The Big Bang Theory on Thanksgiving and I still haven’t been able to see it. Meanwhile, other Thursday shows that I watch right now are Bones, Sleepy Hollow, Grey’s Anatomy, and The Blacklist. I can’t watch The Player anymore since that show ended. I’m not sure which of these shows might have been effected by having new episodes air on Thanksgiving. I don’t even care enough to record them. But the main problem with them will come later. I'll be sure to complain about that then.

Joe Anglim Worlds Apart Vytas Baskauskas Blood vs. Water Spencer Bledsoe Cagayan Jeremy Collins San Juan del Sur Teresa "T-Bird" Cooper Africa Terry Deitz Panama Ciera Eastin Blood vs. Water Stephen Fishbach Tocantins Latasha "Tasha" Fox Cagayan Abi-Maria Gomes Philippines Yung "Woo" Hwang Cagayan Kimmi Kappenberg The Australian Outback Peih-Gee Law China Kassandra "Kass" McQuillen Cagayan Keith Nale San Juan del Sur Shirin Oskooi Worlds Apart Monica Padilla Samoa Andrew Savage Pearl Islands Jeff Varner The Australian Outback Kelley Wentworth San Juan del Sur Kelly Wiglesworth Borneo Mikayla Wingle South Pacific

I don’t know if I’ve told you about this before or not, but I’m planning on starting a new blog about the TV show CSI: Cyber. I’ll be sure to post the link to the blog here if I ever create it. I almost certainly will be creating it in the future. I’m just unsure of when I’ll start for sure.

This potential medical evacuation has me wondering about the contestants and their stories thus far. Different edits both in the promos and that people have may point to what the answer is. While we won’t know until the episode airs, I’m still going to speculate, even though we’ll find out during the episode what will happen anyways. SPOILER. From what I can tell, it won’t be a woman that gets medically evacuated. The promo made it sound like a man would. What we saw of the person was white skin as they are treated for their injury. Keith has had a pretty invisible edit thus far. But it looked like a younger person. Spencer has been shown enough that it might not be him. I predict that it’s Joe who gets medically evacuated, although we’ll see for sure what happens later. There might not even be a medical evacuation at all. END SPOILER.

I still don’t know if I should talk about the edits of various players still in the game. I mean, it is clear that some are being shown more than others. Some are either too negative or too invisible for them to do well in the long term. You’d think that they would air the fact that Kimmi has done much better this time than the last time. But maybe it doesn’t matter for her.

When it comes to confessional counts, I may add a table about it in the future. I just hope that I can figure out how to rearrange names since we are reaching the point when it becomes a problem for me to do so. I also hope that blogging about the rest of this season’s episodes on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays isn’t a problem for anyone. That’s what will work best for me. I am pretty much forced to record the episode on VHS and I watch it the next day when I post the blog after watching it. This is due to Advent. I’m at church when Survivor would typically air so recording it is the best option. Meanwhile, people probably wish that I would update my other blogs about TV shows the day of or after the episode airs instead of whenever I feel like. As of this blog post, I haven’t added any of the posts of this season’s Good Wife episodes.

There was breaking news before Survivor aired. I don’t think that it affected the airing of Survivor. I do wonder what morons keep doing these shootings. Do they want guns banned? That’s what’s going to happen if they don’t stop doing that. Meanwhile, any laws about gun control will only affect those that legally have guns. What are they going to do to stop the people that get their guns illegally? Something has to be done about them. Meanwhile, I should probably not talk about political stuff here in this blog of mine. It’s about Survivor. And I’m doing rambling for now.

In the first segment of the show, Spencer talks about how he helped vote out Stephen. Also, what’s with the voting blocs this season? I don’t remember something like this in a previous season. Kimmi talks about an all girls alliance which probably won’t actually happen as they never tend to work.

In the second segment of the show, we get to the loved ones challenge. It’s interesting that a former Survivor contestant can appear as a loved one at a challenge. I’m not sure that I’m against that, but it does seem unusual. Spencer is finally able to tell his girlfriend that he loves her. When did Survivor become a generic plot for a sitcom episode? I shouldn’t make fun of this, though. Interesting how Keith’s loved one isn’t Wes. But Kelley’s loved one is Dale. We get to the challenge next. Kelley is the winner, meaning we’ll see more of Dale. The people whose loved ones she picks are Keith, Abi, Kimmi, and Joe. I wonder why those were her picks.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the barbeque and loved ones visit. Not much is gathered from the visits and we don’t get to see everybody’s reaction to it. They randomly make it one man and one woman winning the immunity challenge. Kelley wins the woman’s part and Keith wins the man’s part due to Joe having medical problems.

In the next segment of the show, Joe is okay after his problem. It’s kind of a fluke the way he lost the challenge. But that typically doesn’t happen. There’s not a sort of precedence for that. He is upset that he lost the challenge. There is talk that either Joe or Abi will get voted out. Tasha spills the beans about the planned all girls alliance. Didn’t I say that it probably wouldn’t happen? Tasha didn’t want anyone else to find out about the alliance. But she does want Joe voted out of the game. We get to tribal council next. People talk about how Joe is a threat and that voting blocs aren’t as good as alliances. We then get to the vote. Who will be voted out? No idols are played. Joe is voted off. This means that Worlds Apart is eliminated from this game.

On the next Survivor, Jeremy and Spencer are worried. There might be yet another problem regarding a medical situation. Boy there seems to be a lot of medical problems this season. I wonder if it will be like Heroes versus Villains was in terms of there being a lot of injuries in a single season.

Total confessional count: Joe- 23, Spencer- 39, Jeremy- 24, Keith- 8, Tasha- 16, Abi- 20, Kelley- 28, Kimmi- 10. New confessionals this episode: Kimmi- 2, Joe- 3, Spencer- 5, Jeremy- 4, Keith- 1, Tasha- 3, Abi- 1, Kelley- 3.

Keith scraps the bottom of the confessional count with only 8 confessionals. He is now the only person to be under 10 confessionals. Meanwhile, Spencer has the highest confessional count of those still in the game with 39. Joe had 3 confessionals this episode and 23 total. Hopefully, I can figure out how to rearrange names in the future. I don’t think that I have a problem with it yet, though. Anyways, we approach the end of the game soon. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.