Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ideas for Survivor Twists

When you watch Survivor, you’ll notice that there are different twists that they do each season. Then, there are people who want to come up with the ideas for new twists themselves. I might as well think about what would make good Survivor twists in this blog post of mine.

One of the things that might be a crazy idea to do would be one of the simplest twists that could be done at this point in Survivor: a back to the basics season. Can you imagine a season without hidden immunity idols, tribe swaps, or any other craziness that you see in Survivor nowadays? It would be an awesome season to watch and one that I hope that they consider doing at some point.

Another strange idea of mine would be to have six returning contestants who all played the same season together play on one tribe with two other tribes of six players each with all new players on both tribes. Now, you’d think that there would have to be some sort of theme to the new players’ tribes. They could do some sort of theme so that they aren’t strangers like tribes normally are. Or, they could at least have some sort of twist with them. This actually isn’t that good of an idea and I’m the one who came up with it.

Survivor films two seasons pretty much back to back. This could go into a theme that might otherwise never happen. After filming one of those seasons, they should take that exact same cast and start a new season. Can you imagine doing a different Survivor season with the exact same cast as the first one? I doubt that this would ever happen, but it would still be a cool idea.

There’s a strange idea that I (and many other people) have thought of doing relating to tribes, or lack thereof. Imagine starting the whole Survivor season with just one tribe from the very beginning. Now contestants would still be put into random groups for challenges during the first half of the game. But it would always be a different group and thus always be different people you’d have to worry about being sent with to tribal council. The only potential problem would be with when there are odd numbers of players in the game. But there’s something they could come up with.

Well, I’ve already run out of things to talk about in this post. Maybe there is more that could work and more that wouldn’t. I don’t know what twists are in the future of Survivor. I just hope that they are good twists and not ones that make you hate the show. These are my thoughts on what could make good twists in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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