Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Episode 33.3

I wonder if they’ll get caught up on the days that Survivor is supposed to be at. The hurricane from the premiere delayed the game for one day and we have to wonder how they’ll get caught up or if they’ll just do one extra day this time. There could be a double tribal council twist to make up the time. Or they could replace a postmerge reward challenge with an extra immunity challenge.  I do miss the double tribal council twist as it hasn’t been done since Nicaragua. When you think about it, this would be the perfect season for it to return. Will it ever? We don’t yet know. And, no, I don’t think that Blood versus Water counts with its first impressions twist.

I really love the Survivor shade website that I mentioned in a different blog post. They have started doing a golden shade award which is given to one side of the battle between generations. Since they have two different sides represented in each post, they want us to vote for which of the two is better. Now the one that I liked better for their first post wasn’t the one who won. But we’ll see which of them works better. The main flaw I see with it is that gen x isn’t going to be on twitter to vote on the poll and the other generation isn’t just going to vote for the other side even if they do like it better some times. I’ll try to be subjective with the votes in the poll. Another Survivor blog I’m getting into is Kaiser Island by Ryan Kaiser, which is available at Survivor Talk with D & D. I’m also trying to find a blog at Rob Has a Podcast, so if you have any suggestions, let me know. Just know that I’m not currently into Andy Baker. I don’t buy into his conspiracy theories.

If you’ve read any of the spoiler parts of my blog, then you’ll notice how I pointed out that Jeff has said that both tribes would attend tribal council at some point. Well, that happened and it appears that they are doing a swap like in Cambodia where they introduce a third tribe. I hope that they do that sometime like the Africa tribe swap, only with the three people from each tribe going to a new tribe instead of to the other tribe. That’s how I would do it, at least. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, the younger tribe gets back from tribal council. Hannah explains more of why she voted against Mari. Zeke wanted to go to tribal council which is weird and makes it seem like he was blindsided when Mari was. Hannah tries to explain to numbers part of the game that many of the people forget about. I wonder how much of this tribe was recruited. Adam (not me) and Zeke appear to still be in an alliance and wonder how to take control of the game again.

In the second segment of the show, the gen x tribe wakes up and wonders how the day will be. It doesn’t seem like much interesting is happening just yet. Ken complains that he’s on the bottom when it seems like other people more logically should be. The younger tribe gets treemail and randomly draws for rocks. We don’t see this side with the gen x tribe. Chris, David, CeCe, and Paul represent their tribe while Will, Figgy, Taylor, and Jay? represent the other tribe. CeCe is very sure of herself that people are bad. Meanwhile, David seeks to work with the other side.

In the third segment of the show, there is more revealed from the summit thingy when the people return to their original tribes. Ken tells people that he wants to vote out Paul as he feels that Paul does nothing to help the tribe. Adam (still not me) tries to get rid of Figgy and hopes that he can get Michaela aboard with the plan. I do wonder why we never heard what Hannah was told as to why she should vote out Mari. I also wonder why half of the episode has gone with almost nothing important happening. And just why were there a random summit between random people on the tribe? Du fuh?

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. The reward is luxury items. I do admire how the balance beam is complicated. Also, congrats Lucy for finally getting something you said aired. How come only one person can do the throwing part of the challenge? Gen x loses the challenge. The younger tribe tries to make a trade after the challenge, but the older tribe turns it down. It appears that Chris wants CeCe voted out for being slow during the challenge.

In the fifth segment of the show, David tries to flip the obvious script of CeCe getting voted out by trying to get Paul voted out instead. An offhanded comment by Paul makes some of the women turn against him. Jessica is worried either way. Not much can be gathered at tribal council. No idols are played as it seems that David either didn’t want to play it or wasn’t sure if it would be needed. Paul is voted out as an unnecessary hashtag was shown on screen.

On the next Survivor, things fall apart on the gen x tribe. There is a continued fight between them and the younger tribe. WE KNOW THAT.  I’m just wondering when the new tribe will be introduced. You’d think that now would be the time to do it, but they didn’t do it now. I wonder if it will be when there are fifteen players left. I just hope that it isn’t too much of a spoiler for me to talk about outside of official spoiler tags.

Total confessional count: Chris- 5, Lucy- 0, Adam- 5, Bret- 2, Jessica- 5, Ken- 5, Michelle- 2, Hannah- 5, Zeke- 7, Jay- 4, Taylor- 6, CeCe- 4, Paul- 6, Will- 3, David- 11, Michaela- 8, Sunday- 3, Figgy- 6.

New confessionals this episode: Figgy- 1, Chris- 2, Lucy- 0, Adam- 2, Bret- 0, Jessica- 2, Ken- 2, Michelle- 0, Hannah- 2, Zeke- 1, Jay- 1, Taylor- 2, CeCe- 2, Paul- 3, Will- 1, David- 4, Michaela- 2, Sunday- 1.

Paul had three confessionals this episode, which was higher than everyone else except David who had four. Michelle, Bret, and Lucy had no confessionals this episode. Lucy still has the lowest confessional count with zero total confessionals. David is the first to go into double digits as he now has eleven total confessionals. Paul had six total, which is the same number as Figgy and Taylor. Besides David, the only people with higher numbers of total confessionals are Zeke with seven and Michaela with eight. We’ll see what changes as the game progresses. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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