Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Episode 34.9

I just can’t tell what still has a chance of winning or not. There are a lot of things to factor into that. We could wind up with a surprise winner. I forget the last season that truly surprised me with its winner. I might have to go back a long ways for that, actually. It honestly might have been Cook Islands. But enough of this very brief paragraph.

In the first segment of the show, the tribe gets back after the blindside. He feels like he is in terrible shape. They somehow thought Debbie was in charge. Whether that’s true or not, they still should have gone after Brad who is more likely to win immunity. I guess I don’t know who is in control right now. I don’t think that they know either.

In the second segment of the show, we get to the reward challenge. It is basically a night away from camp, if I’m understanding this correctly. Orange struggles with the challenge. I miss a lot of this part due to different distractions. Both sides struggle at the puzzle at the end of the challenge. It seems that the orange team loses.

In the third segment of the show, Sarah talks about winning the reward. Zeke feels that playing Survivor gets harder as you go along. You think, DiNozzo? Andrea is still upset at Zeke for whatever reason I think I missed. Do you remember, readers? I’d love a second comment on this blog. If I don’t, I’ll always cherish the first comment. The loser of the reward feel bummed out as usual. Cirie might want to get rid of Sierra, which is just a bit confusing. People want to get rid of Zeke. Sarah tells Cirie about her vote stealing advantage. I’m surprised that nobody noticed her getting it or thought nothing of her little trip to the sit out bench in the challenge she played in.

In the fourth segment of the show, Zeke freaks out about the camp being so calm. Sarah and Zeke talk about what could happen. Zeke tries to get a majority. Will it work? Remember what happened last time, Zeke. I can’t tell what the alliances are like this time.

We get to the immunity challenge which is a domino rally challenge. If you have never used a domino for another purpose, then I highly recommend that you start playing it with your family. I just hope that you have a more honorable family than me that doesn’t cheat as much as they do. (It isn’t major cheating, but we know most of the time what is going on.) After some concern, Andrea wins the challenge. Zeke could have won, but wasn’t fast enough. Also, I’m trying to avoid using pronouns with Zeke since I’m not entirely sure the right one to use.

In the fifth segment of the show, I wonder what the animal symbolism of the bird waiting to attack the fish is. Andrea still wants to get rid of Zeke. What was this betrayal? Was it right at the merge? Was it the Ozzy vote? I don’t understand why Andrea is so hard against Zeke. I don’t really like Andrea. She seems kind of bitchy to me. Sierra wants to abandon her alliance. Sarah wants to keep Zeke. Aubry feels that she has to strike before the other person strikes them. Michaela wants to work with Zeke still. If it isn’t Zeke, who would it be? It seems that Sierra is likely the other target. The fact that people can flip is constantly being brought up. Let’s put on my sarcasm hat as I wonder if any of this could possibly be important in any way.

We get to tribal council next. People talk about how things keep changing. I’m reminded of Australia and how the majority alliance never lost control even after they voted their own out. I never understood that. Was the first real flip back in Marquesas? I guess some might have happened earlier that just weren’t as important to the game in terms of changing alliances’ numbers. I’m getting distracted here. I don’t fully understand what all the talk at tribal council is about. How did Tai become a target? No idols are played. The person voted out is Zeke.

On the next Survivor, the subject of trust is brought up. The loved ones challenge is going to happen next. I don’t fully understand what will happen there for sure. I guess that I’ll have to wait until the next episode to see more of this crazy season happening.

Total confessional count: Aubry- 12, Michaela- 13, Brad- 19, Cirie- 20, Sarah- 22, Troyzan- 8, Zeke- 20, Sierra- 14, Tai- 15, Andrea- 13. New confessionals this episode: Andrea- 3, Aubry- 2, Michaela- 1, Brad- 3, Cirie- 2, Sarah- 6, Troyzan- 0, Zeke- 3, Sierra- 3, Tai- 1.

Zeke had twenty confessionals, tied with Cirie. Higher than both of them is Sarah. Everyone else is lower than the three of them. Troyzan is still in the single digits club with eight, the lowest of those still in the game. Troyzan was the only person in this episode without a new confessional. Zeke had three new confessionals, tied with Brad, Sierra, and Andrea. The highest in the new count is Sarah with six. Outside of them, everyone else is lower in the new count than three. That’s pretty much all there is to catch up on for now. I’ll be back in the future with new episodes. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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