Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Survivor: Heroes versus Healers versus Hustlers with all Returning Players

As I’m starting to write this, I don’t yet know whether or not I will finish writing this and come up with this made up version of this season or not. You’d think that I’d be able to come up with enough ideas, but maybe I won’t. I guess we’ll see. If you are seeing this on my blog, then I did come up with people for this cast. Anyways, what would this season be like if all returning players did it? Well, I guess that we’ll have to see what my idea is. Also, I’m going to have to keep the heroes tribe different than how I did it with my new version of heroes versus villains. I’ll have to come up with extra heroes to share for both posts in the end. I also realize that the healers tribe may be tough to cast so I should hopefully think of good things if you’re seeing this at all.

Male heroes: Yau-Man (Fiji, Micronesia): While he was sinister in some ways, he is overall a nice person and good player worthy of the heroes tribe. Mike (Redemption Island): He heroically fought through many challenges after the merge and I like him especially since Matt, I mean, Wyatt, isn’t going to return again. Hayden (Blood versus Water): He played one of the best social games ever and is overall a good guy for the most part.

Female heroes: Darrah (Pearl Islands): She is a pretty good person who could have won her season if it weren’t for an immunity twist towards the end. Natalie (Samoa): She played a great and underrated game about beat other, villainous players. Christine (South Pacific): I want to pick another great person who did great at Redemption Island.

Alternate Male heroes: Dirk (Borneo), Tom (Africa, All-Stars), Ethan (Africa, All-Stars), Paschal (Marquesas), Ted (Thailand), Chris (Vanuatu), Ian (Palau), Gary (Guatemala), Earl (Fiji), Bob (Gabon), Erik (Samoa), Brett (Samoa), Grant (Redemption Island), Reynold (Caramoan), Mike (Worlds Apart), Neal (Kaoh Rong), Adam (Millennials versus Gen X)

Alternate Female heroes: Coleen (Borneo), Christy (Amazon), Peih-Gee (China, Cambodia), Sierra (Tocantins), Taj (Tocantins), Jane (Nicaragua), Ashley (Redemption Island), Lisa (Philippines), Katie (Blood versus Water)

Male healers: Sean (Borneo): He was a doctor when he played and even, unknowingly help the first alliance be a success. John (Marquesas): I’d love to see him play again since he was a great player. Eddie (Caramoan): I wanted a fan from Caramoan even though most people don’t like that season.

Female healers: Margaret (Guatemala): She fits into this category based on her job and you’d think that they’d pick someone from this season eventually. Edna (South Pacific): I forget how she is a healer, but she is one of the few players that I like from this season, so I figure that she should return at some point. Denise (Philippines): She’s a therapist and that would be what I’d want for this season.

Alternate Male healers: Tom (Palau, Heroes versus Villains), Jim (Guatemala), Marcus (Gabon), Mick (Samoa), Jeremy (San Juan del Sur, Cambodia), Wes (San Juan del Sur), Keith (San Juan del Sur, Cambodia), Peter (Kaoh Rong)

Female healers: Tina (Australia, All-Stars, Blood versus Water), Stephannie (Cook Islands), Candice (Cook Islands, Heroes versus Villains, Blood versus Water), Gillian (Gabon), Kelly Bruno (Nicaragua), Brenda (Nicaragua, Caramoan), Jill (Nicaragua), Ashley (Redemption Island)

Male hustlers: Shane (Panama): Here is a player who knew how to irritate people. Yet he also knew how to play others. Jonathan (Cook Islands, Micronesia, Philippines): He is one of the all time greatest players in my mind and should return sometime. Brad (Blood versus Water, Game Changers): He would want to see if he can do well in the future so he could be back.

Female hustlers: Lillian (Pearl Islands): Maybe she would fit in a different tribe, but I think that she would work best here. Natalie (Micronesia): She knew how to work with others although she’s not really on their side. Kass (Cagayan, Cambodia): I love her even though she is often evil.

Alternate Male hustlers: Richard (Borneo, All-Stars), Lex (Africa, All-Stars), Burton (Pearl Islands), Coby (Palau), Ken (Gabon), John (Samoa), Marty (Nicaragua), Phillip (Redemption Island, Caramoan), Tony (Cagayan, Game Changers)

Alternate Female hustlers: Alicia (Australia, All-Stars), Vecepia (Marquesas), Shii Ann (Thailand, All-Stars), Twila (Vanuatu), Corinne (Gabon), Ciera (Blood versus Water, Cambodia, Game Changers), Sarah (Cagayan, Game Changers), Hali (Worlds Apart, Game Changers)

Well, that’s all for this blog post of mine. I guess that’s all I really need to say for this. I’m sorry that the last post was as lame as it was and I need to work more to make sure other posts are published in the future. We’ll see what all ends up happening in the future, although it should be Wednesday posts every week until the show returns. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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