Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Survivor Suggestions that will Never Happen

Fans will never know how to do Survivor any better than the actual people who do it. Fans should not ever be in charge of producing the show they know and love. Although it does work out some rare times, typically, it doesn’t. So, this blog post will go through various suggestions that people have had that will probably never happen.

Gay versus straight: Different people have suggested this as the theme of a season, but most admit that it is too controversial an idea to consider. The division by race back in Cook Islands didn’t go over well even though tons of contestants like the twist. An idea like this would go over worse.

Survivor Redo: This season would just basically be the producers starting a new season with all of the old contestants from the same, previous season. This isn’t a practical idea. Plus, enough people would hate the idea of a certain group playing twice when many fans haven’t even played once.

Survivor in a cold place: Let’s just ignore the fact that they won’t be getting women in bikinis if they do this. Survivor is a plenty dangerous thing to do, even if newer seasons seem less dangerous at times. It is far more difficult to survive in a cold place and there is no way that this could work in the long term plan of the show. It could wind up with more medical evacuations than Kaoh Rong. I just don’t see it working, even as its own spin-off.

Well, starting out, I thought that I would have more to this post, but I don’t. I guess that I’ll have to work harder on other posts and you’ll see what I wind up saying then. I also don’t know yet if I’ll get Survivor: Gabon for myself on DVD or not. Maybe. Maybe not. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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