Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Ten Dumbest Players

You probably think that I might be too harsh on some people for the decisions that they made during the game. Indeed, my end of the seasons awards always mention not just the dumbest move of the season but the second and third dumbest as well. I could probably mention a lot of people here, but I’m only going to go with ten of them. I’ll try to avoid most of those who just made one dumb move and stick to just the overall dumb players. Who were the ten dumbest players? Well, let’s get to them.

#10 Travis (Vanuatu)- Maybe some of these will be a random person to some people. I’m not sure if he was that dumb altogether, but he certainly had a major dumb move against him when he openly tried telling his old tribe to think about the merge. His current tribe voted him out later that day. That was pretty dumb, wasn’t it? He thought too far ahead that he messed up on the present.

#9 Shii Ann (Thailand)- It isn’t entirely her fault that some people on her tribe didn’t like her. But if you want to flip on them, you better make sure that they can be flipped on. She didn’t do that and was voted out since they all knew she was going to turn on them. She did get to play a second time and I can’t think of any really dumb things she did then.

#8 Rafe (Guatemala)- When you have everything going for you, you shouldn’t give it all up just because someone is upset about losing the final immunity challenge. He didn’t win either and his great game play turned into just one horrible mistake. Why release someone from a deal that will get you voted out instead? It doesn’t make any sense.

#7 Denise (China)- Even without the reunion show controversy where she unintentionally mislead people into getting money she didn’t deserve, she would still be dumb for how she was constantly mistreating another player in the game and expecting nothing bad to happen. I still don’t know why people thought that they should vote her out instead of keeping her around to beat in the jury. But I can’t think of anything smart that she did when she played.

#6 Matt (Redemption Island)- I want to like this guy despite his dumb way of playing the game, but he really is an example of nice guys finish last. He was voted out of the game and got a rare chance at playing it again by winning everything challenge. He then blabbed about a plan to blindside someone to that someone even though he insisted that he wasn’t going to do it anymore. That got him voted out and he ultimately was on the jury by making a huge dumb choice.

#5 Ken (Gabon)- What he tried to do was so dumb that it can be hard to believe that someone almost fell for it. He wanted someone to give him his immunity necklace in order to vote that person out. He practically said it himself. Who can be that dumb?

#4 Erik (Micronesia)- Okay, maybe he wasn’t bad the second time around, although we’ll never know for sure since he had such an abrupt end to the game. The first time he played wasn’t that bad until he seriously messed up. He gave away immunity and was voted out as a result. People couldn’t believe that he would do something so dumb, but he did. And he will forever go down in infamy.

#3 JT (Heroes versus Villains)- I’m not even going to mention his first or third season in this post because it seems that they are completely irrelevant to the dumb move that he did by giving his idol to the other tribe. This caused him to get voted out. I don’t know why or how people defend that move. If it were a good move, it would have worked, plain and simple. I don’t know if I should be putting a winner on this list as he played a great game the first time around. But I still feel that he is worth his place on this dumb players list for no other reason than giving Russell his idol.

#2 Abi-Maria (Philippines and Cambodia)- Abi and the last person don’t have any single move that puts them on this list, but they do have tons of overall dumb game play that they used throughout the game to the mocking of various fans. Let’s just look at all the dumb things she did the first time she played: she openly insulted other contestants, openly feuded with a contestant in front of the whole tribe for little to no reason, and didn’t know that people hated her. The second time she played, she was just as bad as the first time making me wonder why on earth fans would cast her over great players like Teresa or Carolyn. She did more dumb things such as openly mocking the jury member who was just voted out, got upset over a trinket, and was rejected by being a goat people could beat for a second time just because people would have hated the fact that she would even get that chance. Yet she’s not nearly anywhere as bad as

#1 Brandon (South Pacific and Caramoan)- So many people give Cochran grief for flipping even though he couldn’t win the first time around. But this guy is the dumbest ever contestant and worst one too. I don’t know why people think that he could have won the first time around. But he just made one bad move after another, constantly lying all the time, and gave up immunity. People rightfully give Erik grief for giving up immunity, but they don’t give Brandon anywhere near the same hatred when he should have known better. I was spoiled to his elimination before I saw the episode and after he won immunity, I was not at all surprised that he would give it up. It was just another in a long line of bad things that he did in that season. He tried to blame the person that he gave immunity to for his elimination even though he didn’t have to do this. Like Ken from Gabon, he just couldn’t fathom his own stupidity. I’ll never know why production brought him back a second time, but he caused his own tribe to give up immunity and vote him out after a childish tantrum. In the unlikely event that he plays a third time, I’m skipping that season. Brandon is the dumbest Survivor player of all time.

Well, I hope that you enjoyed this. I didn’t include James who started playing in China as I felt that he wasn’t too dumb outside of not knowing that he should play one of his two idols. Maybe he is worthy as he was dumb in other aspects and seems even worse in other seasons as just a whiny person. But that’s not really the same as dumb. I hope that there weren’t any other dumb players that I missed. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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