Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Episode 35.10

I’m glad that I was able to do the last episode’s post on time. I had recorded the episode on tape and was able to watch it with a late supper of leftovers after I was done working that night. If I keep my job, which I wouldn’t want to lose, this could be a potential problem for this job in the future. Keep an eye out in future years for troubles, although I’ll try to post reminders then. This will more than likely be the last post on Wednesday for the rest of this season. I’ll be back on Wednesday before the year is over. I always have to move to Thursdays during Advent.

How come there are always random two hour episodes of Survivor every now and then? Isn’t that kind of annoying? Are they expecting us to all be fans of SEAL Team instead of anything else that airs? Are we just supposed to be okay with having to miss what we normally watch? Plus, it really annoys me that they don’t always promote these as two hour episodes and instead say that there are two tribal councils which we all know can happen in an hour long episode.

It seems dumb that once again, they are doing a two hour episode of Survivor without clearly promoting it as such. Tell us that it is two hours and not that two tribal councils happen. At least they aren’t doing this before Thanksgiving like they did last year. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we get back to the merged tribe after tribal council. Chrissy thinks that Mike wasted his idol, which he basically did. He still thinks that he made a good choice with that move, but getting voted out with an idol is only one of the many dumb things you can do with it. I don’t think that things will stay well for him. We then get to a reward challenge. It’s the footsie challenge that we have seen before. Lauren beats out Mike to win the challenge. She chooses Devon, Ben, and Ashley to join her for the reward and talks about how it is a good choice for her.

In the second segment of the show, we get back to the camp with the people not on the reward and Mike tries to use these people to his advantage. People start strategizing. Why did we get this before we got into reward winners? I guess that they don’t always show things in order (well known fact for those that follow Survivor a lot) so I don’t know why they’d show us the losers first. Lauren wants to make her foursome the core in the group of seven. They find letters to home in the reward food. Jeff then appears in a promo that they are casting for another season. We don’t have a renewal of this show yet, but them looking for future contestants is a good sign for the future of this show.

In the third segment of the show, we get more humanizing emotion from Ben. I still don’t know for sure if he is our winner, but he could be. Or, sadly, he may be voted out for being a threat to win. Ben then finds a clue for an idol. Cue all the accusers that think this show is rigged. He does find the idol. We then get to a classic challenge being brought back again. Well, it is a recent classic. I still don’t know if this is a fair challenge entirely due to how the ocean could be different for different people. Three people sit out of the challenge for chocolate and peanut butter. And they get to keep their clothes on. Ashley wins the challenge, being the second woman this episode to just beat out Mike. Ashley thinks that the vote will be easy since nobody won who wasn’t supposed to.

In the fourth segment of the show, people think that Mike did good in the challenge even though he fell short. Ryan is upset at some of his alliance for sitting out of the challenge. People think that they know who to vote for, but I don’t think that the promos would talk about a blindside without one happening in the end. But it could happen in the next part. Devon thinks that he can work out some sort of plan that could get rid of people. As usual, I can’t tell what’s going on. But there is a plan in the works and I think that Ryan could be voted out, maybe.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to what will probably be a wild and crazy tribal council. People think that Mike and Joe are a strong duo. People talk about if the alliance of seven is as strong as they think it is. Can one ever stop playing the game? I can gather little to no information about what is going on with the vote and it seems like a lot of them are cast for the duo not in the alliance.

JP is voted out for some odd reason that I didn’t see anywhere in this episode. And the poor guy doesn’t even get an exit confessional, much less a regular confessional this episode. I don’t understand how he was a threat in any way. But why take him out? Chrissy doesn’t like the snark that she gets afterwards, back at camp. Ben wants to play both sides of the game. Trend carefully, man. Ryan wants to know why Devon betrayed him. Devon is still upset over other people knowing of Ryan’s idol.

In the sixth segment of the show, Devon’s dark side is starting to shine forth. Or maybe he is just getting cocky in a way. Cocky or kooky; one of the two. We then get to a reward challenge. Lauren, Ryan, Mike, and Chrissy are team red. Devon, Joe, Ben, and Ashley are team blue. The blue team wins.

In the seventh segment of the show, the reward winners seem to get cocky and Ben wants to mess with Joe as often as possible. But some people like Ashley think that power is going towards his head. Ryan thinks that he can work with Mike. Only Mike wants to stick with the plan that he has now. Will it work? I can’t tell what the best method is, but I know not to trust Ryan based on what his edit is like. Chrissy doesn’t want to be voted off so that might mean something obvious happening soon.

In the eighth segment of the show, Chrissy is uncertain of what is going on for her in the future. She is sad as a result. We then get to the immunity challenge. It looks like a complicated challenge. Am I the only one who wonders how Jeff can do such a detailed play by play with all that goes on in a challenge? I’m guessing that there are people talking to him in an earpiece or something like that. I do think that I like the wheelbarrow like thing that helps complicate the challenge. If you need to make one word, you should switch letters and hope that you are smart enough to notice if words are the same with the letters out of order. Or I should say, hpoe taht you are smrat eungoh to nicote if wdros are the smae wtih the lteerts out of oderr. Chrissy wins the challenge after falling behind for a while.

In the ninth segment of the show, Ben thinks that the vote is still good. They want to finally get rid of Joe. Please? Pretty, pretty please? Devon is the architect of a crazy idea. People want Ben to be voted out of the game. Will he learn about this? Will he need it at all? Will the person who is voted out even be shown as a target? Ashley wants to act like a cheerleader and be aggressive, b e aggressive. It looks like Ben might be the target after all. But is that the right decision?

In the tenth segment of the show, Chrissy admits that she has been trying to play the game since 2001. I’m glad that she finally got it. I just hate to think of all the recruits who never applied that got on before her. To think that someone as great as her was beaten by nearly the whole cast of Fiji is terrible. As to the tribal council at hand, people criticize Joe who is at the bottom. Plans change, dreams take over, the world turns and we turn with it. That’s what I’m getting from this tribal council.

Jeff doesn’t think that there will be penetration. If Jessica were still here, then we’d know that to be true. Joe feels comfortable at this tribal council. Don’t ever feel that way on Survivor. But I still don’t know if it will be Joe, Ben, or someone else entirely. Ryan plays his idol on himself. People voted for him. Joe is voted out. Bye, Felicia!

On the next Survivor, we get to the loved ones challenge, only it is everyone for themselves as a fake idol shows back up in the game. I am glad to see it back because I really like those. I wish that we could see them more often than we do now.

Total confessional count: Chrissy- 22, Joe- 24, Ashley- 17, Devon- 20, Lauren- 24, Ryan- 31, Mike- 17, Ben- 32, JP- 5. New confessionals this episode: JP- 0, Chrissy- 5, Joe- 4, Ashley- 4, Devon- 8, Lauren- 8, Ryan- 5, Mike- 6, Ben- 7.

Poor JP had no new confessionals this episode. He also had only five confessionals this whole time in the game. In this double-lengthed episode, Chrissy had five confessionals as did Ryan. That’s the same number that Ryan had his whole career. Making matters worse for JP, higher this episode than Ryan and Chrissy are Mike, Ben, Devon, and Lauren with the last two tying for the highest with eight a piece. Joe had only four confessionals this episode, the second lowest, tied with Ashley. With total confessionals, Joe had twenty-four, the same number as Lauren. The only people higher are Ryan and Ben with Ben just barely edging out Ryan by one confessional. Ben has thirty-two right now. As for the new lowest now that JP is out of the game, Ashley and Mike tie for that with seventeen a piece.

Well, this is the last Wednesday post of this season. Since Advent starts next week, I’ll be posting on Thursdays until the end of the season. After that, this will move back to Wednesdays until next season starts. I don’t know yet when it will be or if Lent will have started yet. What is interesting is that Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day are the same day next year. I don’t know yet just how soon it will be until this season ends. It could come up fast. I guess I won’t know for sure since I won’t know how many people will be in the final at the beginning. Just know that I’ll be on Thursdays with this blog until this season ends. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Episode 35.9

Survivor can be a lot about the little moments. There are some people that are clearly going deep in the game, some people that could be doing something good or in for a major blindside, and those that are just there are extra players until they get eliminated. Now since last episode’s vote didn’t make much sense, you do have to remember where it said that Ben is a threat but that he wasn’t taken out. Does this mean that Ryan, who made the comment, will lose to him? Ryan has had more of an influence on the game as a whole thus far. At least, that’s what the edit wants us to think in some way. But Ben has a good edit too so it could be either one of them winning. Or it could be someone else entirely.

My only two jobs thus far have been ones where I can work whenever I want to provided that I get things done at a certain time. This is why I want to be working as soon as possible on Wednesday. I don’t normally work Wednesdays, but they want me to work then instead of on Thanksgiving (which I would have tried to get off if I could). Of course, the Wednesday night shows that I like and watch are different than before.

I would care about Law and Order: SVU, but NBC isn’t coming in where I live and its website sucks ass. As for the CW, I would care about Dynasty, but am not that interested to stay into it. I might try to watch more of Riverdale online if I can. I don’t care about any FOX shows that are on Wednesdays right now. The ABC shows that I watch are Modern Family, American Housewife, and Designated Survivor. The other Wednesday show that I watch on CBS is SEAL Team. Since that airs back to back with Survivor, I might as well record them together.

I don’t know exactly what will happen with work and it is possible that I could go in really early and be done before Survivor starts as I was confused as to the hours when I could do the work. I just know that the VCR that I would use to record in hooked up to a TV on a converter box that turns off in four hours if left on without the channel being changed. So I might not want to worry about adding SEAL Team this time around and I think that I could watch this show later with supper.

Mike has an idol and that may be easy to forget. It probably won’t be mentioned again until a previously on Survivor segment. When it is, it will probably be played then or it will have some other importance to the episode. I thought that I would point that out, even if it is a bit of a spoiler. Well, not him having the idol, but the edit thing they do. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Mike was confused over the vote. He did was he was told and didn’t vote the right way. Don’t worry, Mike. I have no idea what happened either. Lauren talks about her secret advantage. Ben knows about this advantage since she told him. Ryan tells Devon for some reason that I don’t understand. Do you understand?

In the second segment of the show, the reward challenge happens. The red team wins. I can never keep track of who is on what team a lot of the time. I could have written it down if I wanted to, but I feel that I missed that chance.

In the third segment of the show, the reward winners don’t talk much to each other, but they reveal a lot in confessionals about what happened. They like the fact that they are getting food. The winners pass by the camp the losers are at where the losers promptly moon them. Ryan continues questionable game play by telling Ben about his idol.

The animal imagery of an octopus and a snake in the water above it (as they want it to seem) making me wonder what it is. Sometimes it is clearly than other. I’ll never forget the snake slowly eating an animal in Pearl Islands that made me know Rupert was getting voted out that night. Joe wants people to be annoyed at him so they’ll take him to the end. That’s not a winning strategy. He openly calls the person he is talking to a goat. His “great idea” may backfire.

In the fourth segment of the show, Ben thinks that Ryan’s idol is dangerous. Every idol is potentially dangerous if the wielder knows how and when to properly use it. Ben tells Devon about Ryan’s idol which Devon views as a betrayal of sorts even though what Ryan said was true at the time. Of course, Devon has no way of knowing this. We then get to the immunity challenge. Ashley makes a comment that distracts people into dropping out. Well played. She doesn’t end up winning, though. Lauren ends up winning the challenge. But who is the target? Cole hopes that Joe is the target.

In the fifth segment of the show, Ben thinks that they should get rid of Cole. Ben wants to split the votes between Cole and Mike. Ashley wants to get rid of Joe. Might there be a failed split vote on the horizon? What will you see, on the horizon? Why do the white gulls call? Across the sea, come hail the horizon. The ships have come to carry us home. Back to the episode, Mike wants to make a move so that he is finally the ones calling the shots. Mike wants to play his idol on someone, but that could result in his own elimination. Ben could be playing too hard. But many still want Joe to be the target. Heck, it could be someone else entirely. We get to tribal council and people are talking as the jury member enters into the area. Has such a thing ever happened before? Maybe they want to recapture the spirit of the 33rd season.

People think that the healers are in trouble. Mike makes the case as for why Joe should be voted out that night. Lauren thinks that Mike is putting himself in danger. More happens that I can’t really summarize easily. What will happen next? I don’t know. That’s a problem in Survivor nowadays. They don’t show us why some people get voted out over others.

The votes are cast. Lauren doesn’t use her advantage yet. Does she need to? Mike plays his idol on himself. Some people did vote for him. Cole is voted out. I guess Phoebe was brave enough to throw the potion at him. Did Mike waste his idol? That’s how it looks.

On the next Survivor, it seems that the alliance of seven starts to crumble. It’s about time. Maybe there will be more interesting things happening then as a result. This season has been good, but only by not being bad. It hasn’t been outstanding or better than average.

Total confessional count: Lauren- 16, Ryan- 26, Mike- 11, Ben- 25, JP- 5, Chrissy- 17, Cole- 17, Joe- 20, Ashley- 13, Devon- 12. New confessionals this episode: Devon- 1, Lauren- 1, Ryan- 2, Mike- 2, Ben- 4, JP- 0, Chrissy- 3, Cole- 2, Joe- 3, Ashley- 2.

I just spent a bit trying to sort out the names to fit me best for the next post. I still don’t know how much using a different computer earlier this season affected the name order. Anyways, Cole had seventeen total confessionals, the same number as Chrissy. The people higher are Ryan, Ben, and Joe, who are all in the twenties. Ryan is still the highest, now with twenty-six. Everyone else is lower with JP as the lowest with five. He’s the only person still in the single digits now.

In terms of confessionals this episode, Cole has two, the same number as Ashley, Mike, and Ryan. Only Joe and Ben were higher with Ben having four new ones, the most this episode. Everyone else is lower with JP as the lowest with no new confessionals. He has a slightly better edit now than Kelly Wiglesworth did back in Cambodia. It could still go up a bit.

Since Advent won’t be starting next week, you can expect my blog to remain unaffected for now. My post will happen at the regularly scheduled Wednesday where it normally belongs. It won’t be until the post after this one that I’ll be moving to Thursdays with these posts for the rest of the season. I’ll post a reminder about it then. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Episode 35.8

I might as well get to the last news update about Jessica before not having to talk about her in the future with these introductions. But I think that I do have something special planned instead starting with this season’s posts that I can keep doing in the future. The update said that this Cape native was voted out in the episode. The parents will have to find someone else to root for. They said that they would interview her, but they didn’t so it might show up in the future. Or not.

Things could be changing in these posts in the future. Not too much should change, but knowing that I have to work on Wednesday night before Thanksgiving. I’ll try to watch a recording of the show that night if I can. You might not see that day’s episode until the Sunday afterwards. Since Advent won’t be starting the week after Thanksgiving this year, you won’t see Thursday posts right away. That’s why I can’t just post this a week late like last year. My new job is a bit confusing right now. If all goes well, I’ll be back before the recording starts. We’ll see what happens in case next week’s post is late. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, the tribe gets back from tribal council and talk about Jessica’s blindside. Lauren gets an advantage in the game where she gets to save a vote for later. She has to be stealth about it or it could blow up her whole game.

In the second segment of the show, we get to the reward challenge where the winning team gets a trip to a private island and they get food. The sit-out wins automatically. That’s better than losing by sitting-out, but still kind of dumb. The blue team wins, but they get a reward where the winners don’t all get to enjoy a meal and talk to each other together. They get a meal where they eat alone for as long as they want to. I guess they got tired of seeing the same old same old.

In the third segment of the show, Joe picks Devon to go first. JP goes second and it seems like there is a message on the tray. Cole goes third. He sees the clue and tries to hide it. Chrissy still finds it when she goes next. Ryan finds it and is smart enough to hide the plate. Joe goes last and knows nothing about the clue. Now for the crazy scene that they promised us: the contestants looking for the idol buried under the flag. They need to stop putting idols in places like that. Ryan finds the idol and Chrissy wants to cover it back up. I like Ryan. He’s like a likable Brian Heidk. People think that Cole has the idol now. Doesn’t someone have another idol, though?

In the fourth segment of the show, we get straight into the immunity challenge. The contestants have to balance a statue on a pole. Well, at least it isn’t balls again, but there are still tons of ways to think of dirty ways of saying how people can handle themselves well with poles. The men don’t seem to handle themselves on the polls well, but the women know how to work with poles. I love how all this dramatic music plays and it is only ten minutes that have passed. Cole ends up winning the challenge like he was wanting to. What’s the next plan then? Chrissy thinks that it will be another healer.

In the fifth segment of the show, Cole wants to rally the healers together. I thought that they were. The problem is that the other two tribes outnumber them. What they should do is try to work on divisions between them. Would the hustlers abandon the heroes? The talk of voting off Ben is brought forth and Ben overhears this. Ryan thinks that it’s the wrong time to do that. Joe and Ben have a bit of a fight of some sort, although it might not have been that bad. Lauren tells Ben about her advantage. Why can’t she just wait? That sounds like a good idea. Ben approaches Mike with an idea to vote with him. Will this work? I guess we’ll see what happens.

We get to tribal council next. Joe talks about how nervous he is and that he thinks that Ben is controlling the game. We get into the fight that they had earlier over whether or not he swore on the marines. The dynamics of the merged tribe is brought up as people discuss who should be targeted. Ben even decides to apologize over the fight, even though it was probably Joe’s fault. Lauren takes the extra vote now, which seems a bit dumb. The vote seems a bit scattered. This leads to a tie and a revote. But will people notice that a vote is missing? And can Lauren vote at the revote? I’m confused there. Desi is voted out and I just now realized that Jessica isn’t on the jury.

On the next Survivor, Lauren had the advantage now and Ryan has to blab about his idol for some dumb reason. Why would he do that? Why would anyone do that? I just don’t get it. Keep an idol to yourself. Heck, I can still get annoyed that we know in addition to the player who found it.

Total confessional count: Desi- 8, Mike- 9, Ben- 21, JP- 5, Chrissy- 14, Cole- 15, Joe- 17, Ashley- 11, Devon- 11, Lauren- 15, Ryan- 24.

New confessionals this episode: Mike- 1, Ben- 6, JP- 1, Chrissy- 2, Cole- 4, Joe- 4, Ashley- 0, Devon- 1, Lauren- 2, Ryan- 3, Desi- 1.

Desi had only one new confessional this episode. She ties with Mike, JP, and Devon. The only person lower is Ashley with none. Everyone else is higher with Ben as the highest with six. In terms of total confessionals, Desi had eight. The only person lower is JP with five. Everyone else is higher with Ryan as the highest with twenty-four. Ben is second highest with twenty-one. Joe is third highest with seventeen confessionals. Not sure what to make of all these numbers. I won’t know what all is happening next week, as stated earlier. I hope that I can post the episode on time as I want to, otherwise you’ll have to wait until Sunday for me to have it ready. Have a happy Thanksgiving next week to everyone. Hope I can be back as normal. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Episode 35.7

I don’t know who all I know that read this blog and who among them would be getting me a present this Christmas. I would like to watch Survivor: Gabon again and I’d only want to do that if I had it on DVD. I would also want Survivor: Blood versus Water on DVD, but I don’t know if it is out yet. They promoted that it would be out, but it isn’t. Not last I checked, at least. But what if I get them both at once? That wouldn’t be a problem for me, but which season would I blog about first?

I would have to wonder if what I do with these two seasons would affect other past seasons that I could blog about in the future. Gabon happened before Blood versus Water so it would make sense to put it first. Plus, I have already blogged about Blood versus Water. But, maybe Blood versus Water should be first since I have wanted it on DVD for longer than I wanted Gabon. I’d still keep your eyes out for posts on Sundays and Fridays in the future, but only if you know that I have a season to watch for the first time on DVD. If I watch it again on DVD (which I probably will), you won't see those updates on a time other than Wednesday unless the time this airs changes.

Jessica’s update on the news mentions her immunity wins and what happened with Cole. They mention the upcoming merge and what all can change. They don’t seem to do too much on these updates and they only say what brief recaps are needed each time on these players. I could probably do better updates in the future should I want to.

I had an interesting dream about Survivor that involved characters from The Flash. It was said to be the season filmed after Kaoh Rong (making it Cambodia) only it featured Cisco and Barry Allen. A challenge producer was there with Barry and thought that there could be some sort of cheating going on that was so severe, it would result in the season in progress being cancelled and scrapped.

In the dream, I wondered in my mind if a speedster like Barry Allen could run at a normal human speed or if it was only possible for him to run at superhuman speeds. (Does anyone know the answer to the question? I have not seen Barry Allen or any speedster on the show run at a normal speed when they had access to powers.) Barry, who arrived at a challenge before Cisco, showed secret puzzles being shown in a booth and the producer proved that cheating had gone on and that Koah Rong would be aired in the fall and they’d make a new season to air in the spring to replace this one.

There were problems with the internet where I lived which can cause problems with my job. I need to access the internet and get an email to see what I have to do each day. What’s interesting is that this is a company based in Iowa and I don’t live there or near there. I haven’t been to Iowa all year. I do have another job besides that. As for the internet problems, they seemed to have gone away for now. I don’t know what caused them. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we are at Soko after the tribal council. Chrissy likes her chances at the game thus far. Back at the red tribe, did Jessica take off her top for a bit? I mean, they discuss strategy and how they feel like they are in the lead. Ashley complains on her tribe as they eat sugar for breakfast and feel that they need food. Is there going to be a medical evacuation? That’s where the edit seems to be going, but that isn’t always trustworthy. We then get to the merge. Only there is something set up where they are.

In the second segment of the show, we learn that there is a merge feast courtesy of Outback Steakhouse instead of the usual merge feast. I haven’t ever been there. If they have steak, it is probably a good place. But why not go to Applebee’s instead? Jessica gets a majority of people to join her tribe. There are a lot of people who reconnect and meet each other with different things going on.

In the third segment of the show, what will happen with the three tribe divide? Will the heroes and hustlers team up against the healers? I guess that we will figure out what will happen later as time goes by. I can’t tell much what is going on with this so we might find out more later. Jessica, as always, is concerned about Cole. Why did Mike think that no one else is playing the game but him? He has to make sure that they know what is happening.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. It has balls in it as expected. They have to keep the balls spinning. You spin me right round baby right round. Whoever has yellow might be the winner of this. Ryan is the first out of the challenge. Different people fall out including the yellow person. Guess I was wrong. Desi and Ashley are the two people who know how to keep balls moving. For some reason, Jeff points out how Ryan failed at the challenge. Desi wins the challenge when it comes down to the last stage. I wonder if this would be easy if they didn’t have to move the ball around. Ryan thinks that they should take out a threat and hopefully they don’t realize that he’s one.

In the fifth segment of the show, there is odd animal imagery of some sort for some reason. Cole thinks that he is the target going into the vote. Cole wants to apologize to Ben for the food situation. Why does Ben have the huge uptick in airtime? Cole blabs to Joe about the alliance he thinks is going on, but Joe thinks that Ben shouldn’t be trusted. People want to vote out Chrissy. Who is Ben with? One side wants to target either Joe or Cole while not knowing who could have an idol. Even Jessica could be a target. What is going on? I guess we’ll find out pretty soon.

At tribal council, we get to the last people in the game lighting their torches. People talk about the new tribe dynamics. Everyone on the tribe is concerned that they will be voted out next. Joe, continuing his crazy ways, shows his idol to everyone. Tribal council is like sex: you want protection when you go into it or unexpected things could happen. Also like sex, you have to know when to use the protection that you have and when you don’t need it. The votes are cast. Joe plays his idol on himself. Jessica is voted out of the game. I guess that I won’t see her on the news again after tonight.

On the next Survivor, the future looks grim for the healers and an idol hunt gets very crazy.  I hope that there aren’t any explosions that they refuse to do again. I might have to do a post about it. Also, Jessica, the biggest blindside of your life might not happen as long as you are still a virgin. You better hope your partner uses a condom. I don’t know if I want her to wind up with Cole or not. She’d be better off with a smarter person. But I honestly see no reason why she shouldn’t be with him. I kind of lost focus there for a bit, didn’t I? Well, that's bound to happen with me.

Total confessional count: Jessica- 15, Cole- 11, Joe- 13, Ashley- 11, Devon- 10, Lauren- 13, Ryan- 21, Desi- 7, Mike- 8, Ben- 15, JP- 4, Chrissy- 12.

New confessionals this episode: Cole- 5, Joe- 2, Ashley- 1, Devon- 3, Lauren- 2, Ryan- 3, Desi- 0, Mike- 3, Ben- 6, JP- 0, Chrissy- 3, Jessica- 3.

In terms of total confessionals, Jessica had fifteen, the same number as Ben. The only person higher than them is Ryan with twenty-one. JP is the lowest with four. In terms of confessionals for this episode, Jessica had three which is the same number as Chrissy, Devon, Ryan, and Mike. The only people higher than them are Cole and Ben with Ben as the highest with six. It looks like he might be more important to this season than we were lead to believe earlier. The lowest this episode are JP and Desi with no new confessionals. That’s a bad sign for Desi since she won immunity. It’s still a bad sign for JP who has no real impact on the game thus far. I don’t know who to look out for, but it is probably Ryan that they want us to care about most. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Episode 35.6

With my new job, I have had to stop watching the late night shows that I would normally watch. Now this only affects Tuesdays and Thursdays at the moment, so I can watch what I normally watch then. I don’t always late night shows anyways. Nor do I watch the same late night shows. In addition to my local news (which is one of my CBS affiliates most of the time), I typically watch Jimmy Kimmel Live and The Late Late Show with James Corden. Sometimes I watch The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon or The Late Show with Stephen Colbert instead of Jimmy Kimmel. Sometimes I watch Nightline instead of James Corden. I also watch reruns of Modern Family whenever I want to. There might be other shows that I’ll get into when I’m done with my late night work.

I saw Jessica on the news again. They mention how her tribes keep winning immunity. She’ll have to go to tribal council eventually. They also give a preview of the medical problems that Cole might have. Was Cole a healer? I already forget. I think that he was so this would fit with my prediction of what ironic thing could happen this season.

SPOILER! I was looking up information regarding Survivor 36 just to make sure that it would be airing in the spring. I didn’t look up too much about it, but did learn that the name for the season is apparently Ghost Island. There might also be some season in Belize that will happen with some returning players like Jeremy from Cagayan. If I get a facebook notification from facebook that says it is the first time that a friend of mine on facebook who is a Survivor contestant has posted in a while, then I can guess that they were probably gone filming a new Survivor season. I’ll post who it is, but only in a spoiler section like this so you can ignore it if you don’t like spoilers or want to know any. END SPOILER.

Planned new programming tonight on at least two network (CBS is one of them) are not airing planned new episodes that they were going to air. This is because of game seven of the World Series being at the same time. This new episode will air, but the things after it won’t. I won’t know if they are rerunning episodes I haven’t seen. I missed some due to not being able to record shows on my laptop and not caring enough about others to record them on tape. I’ve also missed a lot of NBC this season due to the network not coming in. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, they bring up that Cole couldn’t hide his hunger in the recap. Ali is upset at Ryan over the vote. This may have been Ryan’s first mistake, but one that was unavoidable since Chrissy would be mad at him in an alternate reality. The fight is a bit confusing. He wants to cut her loose although now that this fight happened. Mike catches fish on his tribe. Cole is criticized for eating too much. But does he need to for some reason?

In the second segment of the show, we get to the reward challenge. They have to transfer a buoy and then hit targets. I already know that the red tribe either doesn’t come in first or probably doesn’t win the challenge period. Or the food probably that Cole has is a red herring to his actual problem. The yellow tribe comes in first followed shortly after by the red tribe. JP gets a random confessional for some odd reason.

In the third segment of the show, Ryan talks about how great JP is. Why is he suddenly getting airtime? Maybe he’ll have more of an impact on the game than his early edit would have us believe. Why does Ryan think that the merge will happen soon? I guess that it could, now that I count people again. There might be another look for a hidden immunity idol, this time at the blue tribe. There are two tribes now talking about who to vote out. But will either of them get their wish?

Joe finds a clue to the idol and wants to get rid of the clue. But how could he do that? He waits until the cover of nightfall to look for the idol. It seems like a good idea, but how would you see? He finds another idol. Here’s hoping that he gets blindsided.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to Yawa. The weird thing with Cole happens. Mike and Jessica decide to take care of him. This makes her realize that she doesn’t want to play without him. Only one tribe member missed the amount. This makes people want to get rid of Cole. This is Ben who is in the cowboy hat all the time.

We then get to the immunity challenge. It seems like they repurposed an individual challenge to be a tribal one. But will it be as hard as how we see it the other way? The yellow tribe is first one and the blue tribe falls out too. The red tribe was close to a win before they had to reset as well. These word stacks are wibbly wobbly. The red tribe comes in first due to a great strategy. The blue tribe comes in second after the yellow tribe drops again. Ali is concerned that she might be the target, even though it might be JP.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to the Soko tribe after their loss. JP thinks that Ali should be voted out. But Ryan wants to get rid of JP. But this could be a mistake to get rid of him in case there isn’t a merge like Ryan thinks. Ali wants to find her crack. I can already imagine how perverts have taken that line already. Chrissy doesn’t think that she can trust Ali.

If Ryan plays his cards right, he can keep Ali on his side, stay aligned with Chrissy, and be right about the merge coming making a JP vote off worth it. We get to tribal council and I’m pretty sure I already know that JP will be voted out due to the spike in his airtime, but this show can be surprising at times, even at the cost of making us know what happened. JP is smart by trying to deflect himself by downplaying how strong he is. But is it worth it? After the votes are cast, Ali is voted out, so thanks for misleading me. I guess Ryan thought that he was better off without her. In fact, his mind might have been made up after the last vote.

On the next episode of Survivor, there is a merge after all. We don’t know who the target is but a whole lot of things could be messed up. We never went from three to three to one before. How many ways are there to do a swap or two during a season? I need to figure out where to rank the swap for the future. I haven’t worked on that yet.

Total confessional count: Lauren- 11, Ryan- 18, Desi- 7, Mike- 5, Ben- 9, Ali- 15, JP- 4, Chrissy- 9, Jessica- 12, Cole- 6, Joe- 11, Ashley- 10, Devon- 7.

New confessionals this episode: Devon- 1, Lauren- 1, Ryan- 4, Desi- 1, Mike-2, Ben- 1, Ali- 3, JP- 2, Chrissy- 2, Jessica- 1, Cole- 1, Joe- 1, Ashley- 1.

Ali had three confessionals this episode. The only person higher than her is Ryan with four. Mike, JP, and Chrissy all have two. Everyone else had just one confessional this episode. At least there were none without a confessional. Ali was at fifteen total confessionals. The only person higher than her is Ryan with eighteen. Everyone else is lower with JP as the lowest with four. But he does have a slight uptick in his game so he might not be as irrelevant as the confessional count might have us believe.

I think that I realize that Ryan was certain to leave tribal council with two allies and he had the least to lose by picking off Ali. But keeping JP could come back to bit him. This looks like Ryan’s game to lose right now so we’ll see what ends up happening there. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.