Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Survivor Past Season Watch for Blood versus Water

Now that Blood versus Water is out on DVD, you might wonder what would be a good way of keeping track of all the former players from before this season that would be playing it again. There’s a cast of ten returning players and they have all played at least once. What’s the best way of getting caught up on the seasons before?

You would need to see Borneo to get caught up on Gervase’s game from it. He lasted until episode 10. That would mean that you’d only have to watch until that episode to get all of his game in. You would need Australia to get caught up on Tina’s first time playing. Since she won the season, you’d have to watch all 14 episodes that season. You would not have to watch Africa, Marquesas, Thailand, or Amazon in order to know about the Blood versus Water season, although it might help for other seasons. The next season to watch would be Pearl Islands which has Rupert in it. He lasted until episode 10.

Tina and Rupert would both play again in All-Stars. You would only need to watch the first episode to see Tina’s game on it. Meanwhile, Rupert went on to be in episode 15, which was the last episode of the season when he got voted out. You wouldn’t have to watch Vanuatu, Palau, or Guatemala in order to know a player’s game from this season. From Panama, you have Aras as a player and he won the season. That would mean watching every episode that season. From Cook Islands, you have Candice who made it to episode 11 of that season.

There was no one from Fiji, China, Micronesia, or Gabon in this season. Tocantins had Tyson who made it to episode 9 of that season. Samoa had Laura Morett who made it to episode 10 that season. Heroes versus Villains brought back Rupert, Candice, and Tyson. You would need to watch until episode 6 to get Tyson’s game, episode 12 for the end of Candice’s game, and episode 13 for the end of Rupert’s game. There were no players from Nicaragua, Redemption Island, or South Pacific.

From One World, one would have three players to keep track of. Monica lasted until episode 5, Colton lasted until episode 6, and Kat lasted until episode 12. Those are all the players and all the seasons that you would have to watch to know of their games from old seasons. That’s a lot of seasons and a lot of episodes from each season. You wouldn’t have to watch Philippines or Caramoan to get caught up. But it seems like a lot of potential watching to do.

Well, that’s it for this random post. I don’t have a newly acquired old season to watch on DVD yet. That means that these Wednesday posts will continue until the new season starts. You might even see some random posts on Sundays, possibly, although I will tell you if that happens or not so be on the lookout in case it does as it will probably happen before I could tell you about it (if that makes sense). For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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